Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Zodiac series: Aquarius 星座系列之水瓶座 下集

    05/10/2018 Duración: 02min

    Although they like to be in a group, they also like to be loners from time to time in order to clear their heads.尽管他们喜欢在群体中,但他们也需要独处来清理思绪。Aquarians have a visionary quality. They know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years down the road.水瓶座还具备远见。他们清楚的知道自己五年或十年后要做什么。Aquarians can be blunt and insensitive, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy.水瓶座可能很直接,不那么敏感,但这是他们对于快速亲密关系的一种防御机制。Once they decide someone is worthy of their trust, they become fiercely loyal friends and partners.一旦他们认为某人值得信任,他们就会成为极度忠实的朋友和伙伴。 BackGround Music:Rebecca's Dreams  Artists:Alizbar  

  • Zodiac series Aquarius 星座系列之水瓶座

    29/09/2018 Duración: 03min

    The Aquarius has two sides: shy and quiet on one hand; eccentric and energetic on the other.水瓶座有两面:一面害羞安静;另一面却古灵精怪、充满活力。They are highly intellectual, intelligent, precise and logical.他们喜爱思考、聪明、清晰明确、有逻辑性。They like to use their mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they easily become bored and quickly lose motivation.他们抓住每一个动脑筋的机会。如果没有精神上的刺激,水瓶座很容易感到无聊,并很快失去动力。As their sign suggests, Aquarians have a strong sense of equality and justice and love to help others.正如这个星座的象征一样,水瓶座有强烈的公平正义感,也乐于帮助别人。 BackGround Music: Whispering of Stars  Artists:Alizbar  

  • Today’s book《OPTION B》Part2

    21/09/2018 Duración: 03min

    1. Kick the elephant out of the room. Don’t let yourself become isolated. Speaking about traumatic events improves mental and physical health.交流为王。永远不要让自己孤军奋战。把悲伤说出来有利于身心健康。2. Self-Confidence and self-compassion. Don’t let grief stunt your recovery, but use little victories to forge ahead.自信自爱。不要沉浸在悲伤里无法自拔,用一点小小的成功激励自己继续向前。3. Contribute. “Gratitude is passive, but contributions are active.贡献。感恩是被动接受,但奉献却是主动出击。4. Pay attention to joy. Rather than waiting until we’re happy, we should go and do the things that make us happy. 关注快乐。不要总等着自己快乐,主动创造事情让自己快乐。 BackGround Music:感谢カンゲキ雨岚  Artists:オルゴール  

  • Today’s book《OPTION B》

    14/09/2018 Duración: 03min

    Her new book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy – co-authored with psychologist and friend Adam Grant. 她的新书,《B选项:如何面对困境、建立坚韧、找到幸福》是她与心理学家好友Adam Grant合著的。The book posits that it’s helpful to think of resilience like a muscle that can weaken between periods of adversity.这本书认为坚韧就像肌肉,它会在逆境中力量减弱。We need to cut ourselves some slack when times get tough, as none of us are immune to heartbreak and misfortune.没有人能免于心痛和不幸,所以当遇到困境时,我们需要放自己一马、对自己宽容一些。We should also be better prepared when we go through hardships or have to process a painful event.当我们经历艰难困苦或必须处理痛苦的情绪时,我们也应该做好充分的准备。 BackGround Music:Beautiful days  Artists:オルゴール  

  • Small talk与新朋友见面没有话题怎么办?

    11/09/2018 Duración: 03min

    1. Weather 天气Weather is the easiest topic to start with because everyone has an opinion on it. 天气是最容易上手的话题,因为每个人都有自己的观点。2. Kids 孩子If your co-workers are parents, then kids are a good way to get them talking. 如果你的同事是父母,那么孩子是让他们开口的好方法。3. News 新闻World events or local problems are another great way to start a conversation. 世界大事是另一个开始谈话的好方式。4. Personal interests 个人兴趣Talking about interests like sports, music or movies is probably the best way to get to know your peers. 谈论运动、音乐或电影可能是了解同龄人的最好方法。5. Work 工作Whether you are talking to a co-worker or a stranger, work is often a good place to start. 无论你是和同事还是陌生人,工作通常都是一个很好的谈话起点。 BackGround Music:氷だらけのアイスコーヒー  Artists:Foxtail-Grass Studio  

  • Buying Veggies一起去买蔬菜吧

    31/08/2018 Duración: 03min

    OK, looks like we’ve got enough meat. What veggies will we need?好,肉我们应该已经够了。买点什么蔬菜呢?Let’s get some corn, eggplant and mushrooms to grill. And we’ll need  spinach and broccoli.我们买点玉米、茄子、还有蘑菇来烤吧。另外,还需要菠菜和西兰花。Alright. In that case, let’s get some bell peppers, celery and carrots for  dipping.可以。这样的话,我们也买点灯笼椒、芹菜和胡萝卜,可以蘸酱吃。Sure. That will make a great healthy snack.行。这会是个很棒的健康小食。 BackGround Music:Summer's Here  Artists:Thomas Greenberg  

  • Instant noodles 夜宵巨星方便面

    24/08/2018 Duración: 02min

    Honey, I'm a bit hungry. Do we have anything to nibble on?亲爱的,我有点饿了。我们有什么能解馋的吗?Why don't we make instant noodles?不如吃泡面吧?They are not the healthiest.可是泡面不太健康。Come on, only once in a while.哎呀,偶尔吃一次没关系的。How about beef instant noodles? We still have one bag left.红烧牛肉面怎么样?我们正好还有一包。We’re in luck! Oh, I love midnight snacks!我们真走运!啊,我太喜欢吃宵夜了! BackGround Music:六月の诗  Artists:小松原俊  

  • Today’s book《Eat, Pray, Love》

    17/08/2018 Duración: 03min

    Eat, Pray, Love is a 2006 memoir by American author Elizabeth Gilbert, and chronicles her search for fulfillment and happiness.《Eat, Pray, Love》是美国作家Elizabeth Gilbert 2006年出版的回忆录,记录了她追寻自我满足和幸福的过程。It begins with her living the dream life – a husband, a house and a successful career. Yet through a series of life-changing events, she found herself completely lost and at crossroads.书刚开始时,她过着梦想般的生活:丈夫、大房子和成功的事业。但是,很快发生的一系列变化完全改变了她的生活。Gilbert发现自己一片迷茫,站在人生的十字路口。She decides to step out of her comfort zone to make drastic changes to her lifestyle. She embarks on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery.她决定走出自己的舒适区,彻底改变自己的生活方式。她开始环游世界。旅途从此成为了她自我发现的一种探索。She divides her travels into three periods – eat, pray and love – where she discovers the true pleasure of eating in Italy, the power of prayer in India, and finally, the inner peace and balance of true love in Indonesia.她把旅行分为三个阶段——吃、祈祷和爱—她在意大利找到吃东西的真正快乐,在印度获得祈祷的力量,最后是在印度尼西亚发现真正的爱的内心和平与平衡。 BackGround Music:Mad World  Artists:Gary Jules  

  • Some famous Shanghai cuisine 上海美食

    16/08/2018 Duración: 03min

    Mina, I ordered some famous local Shanghai dishes for you to try today. This one is smoked fish and this one is seitan and that one is the most famous Shanghai dish: soy braised pork. Dig in! Mina,我点了一些有名的上海菜,今天给你尝尝。这道是熏鱼,这道是烤麸,那道是最有名的上海菜:红烧肉。快开动吧!Wow,they're all delicious! I love the sweet flavor.它们都很好吃!我特别喜欢甜的口味。Well, try some squirrel fish. It's the name of the dish. It's fish, not squirrel.再尝尝松鼠桂鱼吧。它只是菜的名字。是鱼肉,不是松鼠肉。Mike, hands down, this is my favorite dish!Mike,毫无疑问,这道是我今天最喜欢的菜。 BackGround Music:Le Salon  Artists:CAPSULE  

  • Brand stories Starbucks 品牌故事之星巴克

    03/08/2018 Duración: 03min

    The first Starbucks opened in Seattle in 1971 in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market.第一家星巴克1971在西雅图著名的派克市场开业。The name, inspired by Moby Dick.星巴克这个名字是受到《白鲸记》的启发.In 1981, Howard Schultz, Starbucks chairman, president and CEO first walked into a Starbucks store.1981年,星巴克董事长兼CEO Howard Schultz,第一次走进一家星巴克店。In 1987, Howard Schultz purchased Starbucks from its original owners.1987年,Howard Schultz从星巴克原始店主那里买下了星巴克。He set out to build Starbucks into a different kind of coffee shop:one that’s not only serving coffee,but also for creating a third place between work and home,a place for conversation and a sense of connection.他决意将星巴克打造成别样的咖啡店:在星巴克里,不仅卖咖啡,并且还创造了工作与家庭之外的第三空间,供人们交流互动。 BackGround Music:Sugar Sugar  Artists:The Archies  

  • Hanging up the phone如何礼貌的接听和挂断电话

    27/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    1. Avoid answering the phone on the first ring.不要在铃声响时第一声就接电话2. Avoid saying “I don’t know”. If you don’t know the answer to something, it’s best to say “let me check that for you”.不要说“我不知道”。如果你不知道某件事的答案,最好说“让我帮你查一下”。3. Reconfirm the information.再次确认信息。4. Ask them if they have questions, or if you can help them with anything else. 问问对方是否还有其他问题,或者是否能在其他方面提供帮助。5. Thank them for calling. When making a phone call, it’s always polite to thank them before ending a call. 谢谢对方打来电话。打电话时,在结束电话之前表达感谢很有礼貌。 BackGround Music:Où est la fantaisie ?  Artists:Daphné  

  • Short video craze 今天你抖音了没?

    26/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    Mina, are you taking another selfie?Mina,你又在拍自拍啊?Selfies are so out. I’m shooting a short video.自拍早就过时了,我在拍短视频。Like a Vine? Is that still in these days?像以前美国的Vine一样吗?那个现在还流行吗?You really have been living under a rock. Douyin is the big app now.你真的是住在山洞里。现在最火的短视频app叫抖音。I don’t get what this craze is all about. 我真不明白短视频怎么这么火。I think short video apps give users a platform to express themselves in creative ways.我觉得短视频应用给用户提供了一个很好的平台,让大家可以用创意来表达自己。 BackGround Music:The Last Days of Disco  Artists:Glam Sam And His Combo  

  • Overseas summer camps海外夏令营

    13/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    Sports summer camps体育类夏令营Education summer camps教育类夏令营Arts summer camps美术类夏令营Wilderness summer camps户外夏令营Family summer camps亲子家庭夏令营Specialized summer camps特殊需求人群夏令营Religious summer camps宗教夏令营 BackGround Music:やったー!  Artists:水谷広実  

  • Road Trip 来场自驾游吧

    06/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    So, are we all ready to go?我们都准备好了吗?Yes, I think so. The car's packed; we have the munchies and music and the map's in the car.应该都好了。东西都装到车上了。零食、音乐、地图也都带了。Did you get the camera?相机你拿了吗?Got it! Did you fill up the tank?拿了。油加满了吗?Yes, it's all set.嗯,都好了。Well, let's get going then! I love road trips!好,那我们出发吧!我最喜欢自驾游了! BackGround Music:La Bamba  Artists:Los Lobos  

  • Cold noodles美味的凉面

    05/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    Alex, thanks for bringing me here to try cold noodles. Alex,谢谢你带我来吃冷面。You bet!  Basically, the noodles are all the same. But you can choose from a variety of toppings to go with them.那当然了!其实面都是一样的,但你可以选择加不同的浇头。Toppings? You mean these stir fry dishes go on top of the noodles?浇头?你是说这些炒菜是加在面条上面的?That's right. They've got fried egg and tomato, pork chop, or mixed veggie, just to name a few.对的。有番茄炒蛋、大排骨、炒什蔬等等。Sounds delicious! I think I’ll have egg and tomato cold noodles. 听着就很好吃!我想我点番茄炒蛋冷面。 BackGround Music:Noodle Soup  Artists:Four80East  

  • Balancing work and life更好的平衡工作与生活

    26/06/2018 Duración: 04min

    1-Build in the downtime 规划休息时间When you’re planning out your week, try to set aside one day to relax and kick back with family or friends. Building downtime into your week can help to decrease your stress and ready you for the work to come.当你做一周计划的时候,试着留出一天来放松一下,和家人或朋友一起聚聚。把休息时间安排进你的一周计划里可以帮助你减轻压力,为接下来的工作做好准备。2-Plan out your errands or consider outsourcing them 把琐事也计划进去,或者考虑外包If you haven’t got time to do your chores and errands, you may want to consider hiring a third party to take care of them for you.如果你没有时间去做家务和琐事,可以考虑雇一个第三方来处理。3-Don’t get sucked into social media 别沉迷于社交媒体Many people have the habit of checking their social media accounts repeatedly throughout the day. As a result, the amount of time spent on social media can add up make your workday longer at the end of the day.很多人都有一天不停地刷社交媒体的习惯。因此,花在社交媒体上的时间加起来会浪费太多时间,让你不得不加班。4-Avoid taking work home 别把工作带回家Taking work home can cause unnecessary strain on yourself as well as your relationships. 把工作带回家会给自己的人际关系造成不必要的压力。 BackGround Music:Montmartre  Artist

  • Dragon Boat Festival端午节

    15/06/2018 Duración: 04min

    Hi Alex,I heard dragon boat racing is quite popular in the States. Is that right?Hi Alex,我听说赛龙舟在美国很流行。是真的吗?Definitely. It’s just such a great sport. 绝对的。这真是个非常棒的运动。I bet! Hey, have you tried zongzi? Do you know why they’re wrapped in leaves?我能体会。对了,你吃过粽子吗?你知道它们为什么用叶子包起来吗?Yes, I have. Isn’t it something to do with a poet?是的我吃过。好像是和一位诗人有关?Exactly. His name was Qu Yuan. He was a patriot who drowned himself for his country. To honor him, people threw rice wrapped in leaves into the water, so the fish would eat the rice instead of him.没错。他叫屈原。他非常爱国,为了国家而跳江。人们为了纪念他,就把米包在叶子里,扔进水里。这样鱼就会吃米,不吃屈原了。 BackGround Music:Miss Shanghai  Artists:Shanghai Restoration Project 

  • The Art of Giving Tips给小费的艺术

    08/06/2018 Duración: 03min

    Shall we get the bill? 我们去结账吧?Sure, but I don’t know how much to tip. 当然,但我不知道该给多少小费。Well, acceptable gratuity at sit-down restaurants has increased a lot, so now it’s basically fifteen to twenty percent.好吧,餐馆里可接受小费标准上涨了很多,所以现在基本上是15%到20%。Got it. Where else do I need to tip?明白了。还有哪里需要小费呢?If someone performs a service, like taxi drivers or hair stylists do, it’s best to tip. 如果有人提供了某种服务,就像出租车司机或发型师,最好是给小费。 BackGround Music:Early  Artists:Gary Burton 

  • Getting in shape this Summer夏日塑身进行时

    01/06/2018 Duración: 03min

    Alex, how's the gym you’re going to?Alex,你去的那家健身房怎么样?It’s great. Very new equipment. Are you thinking of signing up?很不错。设备很新。你想加入吗?Yes. I really want to get in shape during this summer, tone up a bit. Do you work out with a personal trainer?是的。我真的很想在这个夏天好好锻炼,练得再结实点儿。你和私人教练运动吗?No, I just work out on my own. I do a mix of cardio and non-cardio. And I also watch what I eat.不是,我自己运动。有氧、无氧相结合。当然,还得注意饮食。That’s great. I should start doing that too.真不错。我也该开始了。 BackGround Music:Superstar  Artists:Beatrich 

  • Common greetings in Beijing在北京地道的打招呼

    24/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    When you are greeting your friends or colleagues you can say:当你遇见了普通朋友和同事的时候你可以说。“呦,东元,上班去啊。”It means: Are you going to work?它的意思是:你去上班呀。When you are greeting a very close friend you could say:当你遇到了关系很好的朋友你可以说:“嘛去啊?”It means: What are you doing today?它的意思是:你干嘛去呀?When you are greeting your older ones you could say:当你遇到了长辈你可以说:“呦,刘大妈,转悠转悠您。”“呦,王叔儿,溜达溜达。”It means: Are you going to take a walk today?它的意思是:您出去散步呀。 BackGround Music:京韵悠悠Long Rhyme of Beijing Opera  Artists:集韵堂 

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