Kelly's Talkshow

Hanging up the phone如何礼貌的接听和挂断电话



1. Avoid answering the phone on the first ring.不要在铃声响时第一声就接电话2. Avoid saying “I don’t know”. If you don’t know the answer to something, it’s best to say “let me check that for you”.不要说“我不知道”。如果你不知道某件事的答案,最好说“让我帮你查一下”。3. Reconfirm the information.再次确认信息。4. Ask them if they have questions, or if you can help them with anything else. 问问对方是否还有其他问题,或者是否能在其他方面提供帮助。5. Thank them for calling. When making a phone call, it’s always polite to thank them before ending a call. 谢谢对方打来电话。打电话时,在结束电话之前表达感谢很有礼貌。 BackGround Music:Où est la fantaisie ?  Artists:Daphné