Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Going to a bookstore一起去书店吧

    18/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    I can't remember the last time I was at a book store.我都想不起来上次来书店是多久以前了。Really? I love coming to book stores: Such a great way to relax and unwind.是吗?我特别喜欢来书店,放松、休息的好去处。What kind of books do you usually read?你一般都看什么书?Well, I like fiction. I read a lot of suspense novels.我喜欢看虚构类的。我平时看很多悬疑小说。Yes, I like those too. They’re real page-turners.是的,我也喜欢。读了完全停不下来啊。BackGround Music:You've Got My Heart Artists:Audrianna Cole 

  • Happy Mother's Day母亲节快乐

    10/05/2018 Duración: 04min

    说到我的母亲大人,就算用尽这世间最华丽的辞藻,也不足以形容她的伟大以及我对她的爱意。我记得从我小时候起,妈妈就一直那么的明艳动人像一个大明星。是这个世上我认为最优雅,善良和坚强的女人之一。她是我的女超人我认为她什么都会,并且有时她似乎有一种能化腐朽为神奇的魔力!她在生活中经历过各种各样的大风大浪,好的和坏的,她都一一应对了。她总是保持着乐观,从容和坚强的意志以应对生活中的挑战,但她仍热爱生活中的每时每刻。她给我的不仅是物质上的富足,她更是教会我如何独立自主的生活,积极乐观的思考和做一个勇敢的人!我爱你妈妈!我是多么的幸运能有一位像您这样伟大的母亲!BackGround Music:Stella del mattino  Artists:Ludovico Einaudi 

  • 孩子学习语言的三个小贴士

    04/05/2018 Duración: 05min

    1、Establish a routine 养成习惯Children are creatures of habit. They feel more comfortable and confident when they know what to expect. Try to schedule your activities at the same time every day. Play an English game after school or read an English story before bedtime. Fifteen minutes is enough for very young children.孩子是习惯性的动物。当他们知道应该开始做什么事情的时候,他们会感到更舒服和自信。试着把活动安排在每天在同一时间。放学后玩一个英语游戏,或者在睡觉前读一个英语故事。15分钟对幼儿来说已经足够了。2、 Make it interactive 互动为王There’s a reason why nursery rhymes and children’s books are easily memorable: they are interactive! While nursery rhymes mix fun gestures and words to animate songs, attractive illustrations and bright colours give life to children’s books. Remember: children learn naturally when they are having fun!童谣和儿童读物总是很容易记住,这是有原因的:它们更具有互动性!童谣把有趣的手势和文字结合起来,给歌曲增添了生气,吸引人的插图和鲜艳的色彩给儿童读物增添了趣味。记住:孩子们在玩耍的时候很容易自然而然地学习!3、Use everyday situations 利用日常生活场景The best reason why you should teach English at home is that you can use everyday situations and real objects from around the house to practice the

  • 那些好喝的“各种茶”

    27/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    Can I make you some coffee or tea, Alex?Alex, 我给你泡点茶还是咖啡?Tea sounds good. What flavors do you have?喝茶吧。你有什么口味的?I have Jasmine green tea, mint tea, English Breakfast and Earl Grey.我有茉莉花茶、薄荷茶、英国早餐茶和伯爵茶。Do you have any herbal tea? 有花草茶吗?Yes, I have chamomile and rooibos.我有花草茶,有洋甘菊茶和博士茶。Oh, I love rooibos. I’ll have that.噢,我喜欢博士茶,我喝这个吧。BackGround Music:Wooden Ship  Artists:UTTARA-KURU 

  • How to build confidence如何建立自信

    20/04/2018 Duración: 04min

    1. Stand tall 站直A tall upright posture can increase confidence-boosting hormones in your body and make you feel more powerful.站直的姿势可以增加你的身体里自信的荷尔蒙,让你感觉更强大。2. Listen to upbeat music 听欢快的音乐3. Groom yourself and dress for success 将自己打扮成成功的样子Make an effort to put yourself together: take a shower, get a clean shave, put some makeup on.费点心思收拾一下自己:洗个澡,刮刮胡子,化点小妆。4. Learn a new language 学一门新语言Learning a new language sharpens cognitive skills, which can make you feel more confident.学习一门新语言可以加强认知技能,让自己感觉更自信。BackGround Music:Bulletproof Picasso  Artists:Train 

  • Some famous Beijing cuisine 北京美食

    13/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    I'm starving! What are we eating for lunch?我实在太饿了!我们午餐吃什么?Don't worry. The Peking duck is almost ready.别担心。北京烤鸭就快好了。I'm so excited! What else are we eating?我好激动啊!我们还会吃什么?I've already ordered the Zhajiang noodles, dumplings, mung bean milk and candied Chinese hawthorn for dessert.我已经点了炸酱面,饺子,豆汁儿和冰糖葫芦作为甜点。Can't wait! What's this?我已经迫不及待了!这是什么?Oh, it's a lamb hotpot, you should definitely try it, it's very delicious.噢,这是涮羊肉,你一定要尝尝,它非常美味。BackGround Music:The Chinese zither Artists:徐梦圆 

  • Barbecuing in the park去公园烧烤

    07/04/2018 Duración: 02min

    Is everything ready for the big family barbecue tomorrow?明天的家庭烧烤野餐会都准备好了吗?Yes.The steaks and chicken are marinated and I also bought sandwiches.是的,牛排和鸡肉都腌上了,三明治也买好了。Great! I asked Mina to bring cups and napkins and she's also bringing two big coolers for the beers.很好!我还叫Mina带些杯子和纸巾,她还带了两个大的冷柜放啤酒。This is gonna be a great barbecue!这会是个很棒的烧烤野餐会!BackGround Music:オフェリア_act1  Artists:Every Little Thing 

  • Happy Easter复活节快乐

    30/03/2018 Duración: 03min

    Alex,thanks for inviting my family to Easter brunch.Alex,谢谢你请我们一家来吃复活节早午餐。My pleasure, Emma. Come on in!我很乐意,Emma。快进来吧!So what kind of activities do you have?今天有什么活动呢?Well, for the kids, there's an Easter egg hunt, egg dyeing and Easter bunnies. For us grown-ups, we’ve got some great food and wine!我给小朋友们安排了找复活节彩蛋、染彩蛋、和复活节小兔子。我们大人有美食和美酒。BackGround Music:054  Artists:Detektivbyrån 

  • Buying Organic Food 购买有机食品

    23/03/2018 Duración: 02min

    I love coming to Whole Foods. Everything is so fresh here.我太喜欢来Whole Foods了。这里所有的东西都特别新鲜。Yeah. But you don't think it's overpriced?嗯。不过,你不觉得这里东西很贵吗?Well, you are buying organic here. 是的,但是你在这儿买的是有机食品呀。Ok, if you say so. What are we buying today?好吧,你说是就是吧。哎,我们今天要买什么?I need some free-range eggs, some fresh greens and wild salmon.我要些散养鸡蛋、新鲜绿叶菜、还有野生三文鱼。BackGround Music:Sweet Child O' Mine  Artists:Trace Bundy 

  • Duty Free Shopping免税购物

    22/03/2018 Duración: 03min

    Hello,could I help you find anything?你好,我能帮你找什么吗?Yes,I would like two bottles of Chanel and one bottle of Gucci and I'm also interested in your Estée Lauder toner, mask , eye cream and serum.是的,我想要两瓶Chanel和一瓶Gucci,我同样也对雅诗兰黛爽肤水、面膜、眼霜和精华液感兴趣。Ok,no problem!Let me go get them for you.好的,没问题!我去帮你拿。Thank you!谢谢!You are welcome!Now could I have your boarding pass and passport for checkout?不客气!现在我能看一下你的登机牌和护照来结账吗?BackGround Music:Lemonade  Artists:Alexandra Stan 

  • Chinese lantern festival一起聊聊元宵节

    28/02/2018 Duración: 03min

    Hey Alex, would you like to try some soup rice balls? 嘿 Alex,你想尝点汤圆吗?Soup rice balls? What are those?汤圆?那是什么东西啊?They’re made of sticky rice. The filling is usually black sesame, red bean paste or pork.它们是用糯米做的。内馅儿一般是黑芝麻、红豆沙或者猪肉。Oh, I’d love to try some. Thank you!噢,我想尝尝。谢谢你!In fact, today is the Lantern Festival. We eat these rice balls to celebrate it. 事实上,今天是元宵节。我们吃汤圆来庆祝元宵。Since you call it the Lantern Festival, do you also buy a special lantern?你称元宵节为“Lantern Festival”,你会买一个特别的灯笼吗?Yes, lanterns are a big part of it. We've got lantern riddles. 是的,灯笼是非常重要的一部分。我们有灯谜哟。Wow, that sounds so cool! 哇,听起来好棒!BackGround Music:Cruisin'  Artists:Sioen 

  • Motivational quotes for work激情满满去上班

    22/02/2018 Duración: 03min

    Do what you love; Love what you do.做你爱的工作,爱你做的工作。Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.你的未来由今天创造,不是明天。The harder you work, the luckier you get.你越努力,就越幸运。Dreams don't work, unless you do.梦想都是空想,除非你努力。Work hard and be proud of what you achieve.努力工作,为你的成就骄傲、自豪。BackGround Music:Original Prankster Artists:The Offspring 

  • 中国新年

    10/02/2018 Duración: 03min

    Alex, what animal year is 2018?Alex,2018年是什么年?It's the year of the dog.是狗年。What did you do to celebrate?你怎么庆祝的呀?We had a big family dinner and I visited some relatives and friends.我们吃了个团圆饭,还走亲访友。Sounds like fun.听起来很好玩。BackGround Music:Paris Paris! Artists:Monla 

  • 如何点甜品?

    02/02/2018 Duración: 03min

    Wow that dinner was fantastic. What’s for dessert?晚饭真棒。甜点想吃什么?Dessert!? I’m absolutely stuffed. How can you still be hungry?甜点?我都吃撑了。你还饿啊?Well I don’t want anything too rich or heavy. I just need something for my sweet tooth.嗯,我不想吃太油腻或太厚重的东西。但就是想吃点甜的。I heard they have a signature soufflé here. They’re light and airy, and won’t fill you up. 我听说这里舒芙蕾是招牌。口感轻盈也不会让你太饱。Are you sure you don’t want to order a chocolate lava cake or tiramisu?你确定不要熔岩巧克力蛋糕或是提拉米苏?You just said you don’t want anything too rich!你不是说不要太油腻的吗?Right, so you order one. I’ll just have a few bites.对呀,所以你点一份就可以了。我就尝两口。BackGround Music:いい日だったね  Artists:Depapepe 

  • Wi-Fi problems

    26/01/2018 Duración: 03min

    Excuse me, I’m having trouble connecting to your Wi-Fi.不好意思,我好像连不上你们WIFI。Are you using the right network? Lk vintage.你是连的Lkvintage这个无线网吗?I think so. Maybe I entered the wrong password.是的。可能是密码没输对。It should be “Lk218”. The first C is uppercase and the second is lowercase.密码是『Lk218』。第一个L大写,第二个小写。Oh! That’s it. Okay I think it’s working now. Sorry about that!对!现在好了。不好意思麻烦你了!BackGround Music:Wigwag Artists:Club des Belugas 

  • 一个令人抓狂的游戏

    18/01/2018 Duración: 03min

    1. Would you rather be good-looking but stupid or be ugly but intelligent?你宁愿拥有美丽的外表但头脑空空,还是外表不尽如人意但拥有聪明才智?2. Would you rather have a job you hate but make tons of money or have a job you love but barely get by?你宁愿拥有一份薪水丰厚、但自己厌恶的工作,还是宁愿做自己热爱、但工资仅能勉强维持生活的工作?3. Would you rather never use social media again or never watch another movie or TV show again?你宁愿放弃使用社交媒体还是放弃看电视?4.Would you rather lose all of your money or lose all of the pictures you have ever taken?你更希望丢掉全部财产还是全部照片?5.Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?你是愿意孤独终老还是愿意整天守着一群闹心的BackGround Music:Om du Möter Varg Artists:Detektivbyrån 

  • 年会怎么穿

    11/01/2018 Duración: 03min
  • 遗愿清单&触不可及

    04/01/2018 Duración: 06min

    1: It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life. Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind. Some believe it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say life has no meaning at all. I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measured themselves by you. 人生的意义是什么,答案众说纷纭。有人说要看他留下了什么。有人认为要看他的信仰。有人说用爱来评价。还有人说人生根本没有意义。我觉得可以从那些以你为镜的人身上看到你自己人生的意义。2:The Buddhists believe you keep coming back. Moving up or down a level, based on how you lived your life.佛教徒相信每个人都在经历不断的转世,是转成向更高还是更低层次的生命,取决于你今世的修行。3:The Ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death when their souls got to the entrance to heaven the gods asked them two questions.Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.Have you found joy in your life?Has your life brought joy to others?古埃及人关于死有个美丽的说法,当他们的灵魂到达天堂入口时,神灵会问两个问题根据答案来决定是否能进入。你这一生中感受过喜悦吗?你为他人带去过欢笑吗?4:Sometimes you have to reach into someone else's world to find out what's missing in your own. 有时,你必须进入别人的世界去发现自己的世界缺少什么。5:That's what

  • 新年决心如何坚持?

    28/12/2017 Duración: 04min

    1. Clearly define your goals制定清晰的目标。Set SMART goals for yourself: goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.要给自己定一个SMART的目标:也就是明确、可衡量、可实现、和自己相关、并且有时间限制。2. Track your progress追踪你的进步。If you can measure it, you can change it. These measurements will help motivate you.能衡量的东西,就能改变 。衡量自己的进步可以起到激励作用。3. Have patience有耐心。Progress is never linear. Some people will see changes right away but hit resistance later in their efforts.进步从来都不是直线型的。有些人会很快看到进步,但后来进步却会受阻。4.Put it on your schedule排入你的作息时间。Make your new goals a priority by actually scheduling them into your calendar.把你的新计划切实排入时间安排中,以便优先执行。BackGround Music:Ain't Love Crazy Artists:Lilygreen & Maguire 

  • 上海迪士尼

    28/12/2017 Duración: 04min

    In Shanghai, Tomorrowland will offer a thrilling peek into the world of the future where you’ll race a Tron Light Cycle through the grid and into a one of a kind high-speed competition.在上海,未来世界会带你预先领略明天的世界。在那里你可以乘坐创极速光轮,穿越网络,进入一个独一无二的高速竞赛世界。Treasure Cove will be an entire land devoted to a pirate's life where absolutely unique version of the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.宝藏湾整个岛屿都将围绕一个海盗的生活场景刻画。你将体验到独一无二的加勒比海盗场景。And Adventure Isle immerses you into a newly discovered lost world. Hidden treasures brimming with mystery.探险岛则会让你沉浸于一个全新发现的遗失世界。这里藏着充满神秘色彩的宝藏。BackGround Music:Adventure Of A Lifetime Artists:Coldplay 

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