Kelly's Talkshow




1: It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life. Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind. Some believe it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say life has no meaning at all. I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measured themselves by you. 人生的意义是什么,答案众说纷纭。有人说要看他留下了什么。有人认为要看他的信仰。有人说用爱来评价。还有人说人生根本没有意义。我觉得可以从那些以你为镜的人身上看到你自己人生的意义。2:The Buddhists believe you keep coming back. Moving up or down a level, based on how you lived your life.佛教徒相信每个人都在经历不断的转世,是转成向更高还是更低层次的生命,取决于你今世的修行。3:The Ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death when their souls got to the entrance to heaven the gods asked them two questions.Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.Have you found joy in your life?Has your life brought joy to others?古埃及人关于死有个美丽的说法,当他们的灵魂到达天堂入口时,神灵会问两个问题根据答案来决定是否能进入。你这一生中感受过喜悦吗?你为他人带去过欢笑吗?4:Sometimes you have to reach into someone else's world to find out what's missing in your own. 有时,你必须进入别人的世界去发现自己的世界缺少什么。5:That's what