Kelly's Talkshow

Buying Organic Food 购买有机食品



I love coming to Whole Foods. Everything is so fresh here.我太喜欢来Whole Foods了。这里所有的东西都特别新鲜。Yeah. But you don't think it's overpriced?嗯。不过,你不觉得这里东西很贵吗?Well, you are buying organic here. 是的,但是你在这儿买的是有机食品呀。Ok, if you say so. What are we buying today?好吧,你说是就是吧。哎,我们今天要买什么?I need some free-range eggs, some fresh greens and wild salmon.我要些散养鸡蛋、新鲜绿叶菜、还有野生三文鱼。BackGround Music:Sweet Child O' Mine  Artists:Trace Bundy