Kelly's Talkshow




1. Would you rather be good-looking but stupid or be ugly but intelligent?你宁愿拥有美丽的外表但头脑空空,还是外表不尽如人意但拥有聪明才智?2. Would you rather have a job you hate but make tons of money or have a job you love but barely get by?你宁愿拥有一份薪水丰厚、但自己厌恶的工作,还是宁愿做自己热爱、但工资仅能勉强维持生活的工作?3. Would you rather never use social media again or never watch another movie or TV show again?你宁愿放弃使用社交媒体还是放弃看电视?4.Would you rather lose all of your money or lose all of the pictures you have ever taken?你更希望丢掉全部财产还是全部照片?5.Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?你是愿意孤独终老还是愿意整天守着一群闹心的BackGround Music:Om du Möter Varg Artists:Detektivbyrån