Kelly's Talkshow

Today’s book《Eat, Pray, Love》



Eat, Pray, Love is a 2006 memoir by American author Elizabeth Gilbert, and chronicles her search for fulfillment and happiness.《Eat, Pray, Love》是美国作家Elizabeth Gilbert 2006年出版的回忆录,记录了她追寻自我满足和幸福的过程。It begins with her living the dream life – a husband, a house and a successful career. Yet through a series of life-changing events, she found herself completely lost and at crossroads.书刚开始时,她过着梦想般的生活:丈夫、大房子和成功的事业。但是,很快发生的一系列变化完全改变了她的生活。Gilbert发现自己一片迷茫,站在人生的十字路口。She decides to step out of her comfort zone to make drastic changes to her lifestyle. She embarks on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery.她决定走出自己的舒适区,彻底改变自己的生活方式。她开始环游世界。旅途从此成为了她自我发现的一种探索。She divides her travels into three periods – eat, pray and love – where she discovers the true pleasure of eating in Italy, the power of prayer in India, and finally, the inner peace and balance of true love in Indonesia.她把旅行分为三个阶段——吃、祈祷和爱—她在意大利找到吃东西的真正快乐,在印度获得祈祷的力量,最后是在印度尼西亚发现真正的爱的内心和平与平衡。 BackGround Music:Mad World  Artists:Gary Jules