Kelly's Talkshow

Small talk与新朋友见面没有话题怎么办?



1. Weather 天气Weather is the easiest topic to start with because everyone has an opinion on it. 天气是最容易上手的话题,因为每个人都有自己的观点。2. Kids 孩子If your co-workers are parents, then kids are a good way to get them talking. 如果你的同事是父母,那么孩子是让他们开口的好方法。3. News 新闻World events or local problems are another great way to start a conversation. 世界大事是另一个开始谈话的好方式。4. Personal interests 个人兴趣Talking about interests like sports, music or movies is probably the best way to get to know your peers. 谈论运动、音乐或电影可能是了解同龄人的最好方法。5. Work 工作Whether you are talking to a co-worker or a stranger, work is often a good place to start. 无论你是和同事还是陌生人,工作通常都是一个很好的谈话起点。 BackGround Music:氷だらけのアイスコーヒー  Artists:Foxtail-Grass Studio