Kelly's Talkshow

Today’s book《OPTION B》Part2



1. Kick the elephant out of the room. Don’t let yourself become isolated. Speaking about traumatic events improves mental and physical health.交流为王。永远不要让自己孤军奋战。把悲伤说出来有利于身心健康。2. Self-Confidence and self-compassion. Don’t let grief stunt your recovery, but use little victories to forge ahead.自信自爱。不要沉浸在悲伤里无法自拔,用一点小小的成功激励自己继续向前。3. Contribute. “Gratitude is passive, but contributions are active.贡献。感恩是被动接受,但奉献却是主动出击。4. Pay attention to joy. Rather than waiting until we’re happy, we should go and do the things that make us happy. 关注快乐。不要总等着自己快乐,主动创造事情让自己快乐。 BackGround Music:感谢カンゲキ雨岚  Artists:オルゴール