Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series: Aquarius 星座系列之水瓶座 下集



Although they like to be in a group, they also like to be loners from time to time in order to clear their heads.尽管他们喜欢在群体中,但他们也需要独处来清理思绪。Aquarians have a visionary quality. They know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years down the road.水瓶座还具备远见。他们清楚的知道自己五年或十年后要做什么。Aquarians can be blunt and insensitive, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy.水瓶座可能很直接,不那么敏感,但这是他们对于快速亲密关系的一种防御机制。Once they decide someone is worthy of their trust, they become fiercely loyal friends and partners.一旦他们认为某人值得信任,他们就会成为极度忠实的朋友和伙伴。 BackGround Music:Rebecca's Dreams  Artists:Alizbar