5 Minutes With Aopa-china

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 7:08:10
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5 Minutes with AOPA-ChinaAOPA5Nick Claire


  • Episode 65 The Handover

    29/09/2019 Duración: 07min

    The HandoverNew airport ushered in a dual-airport era for Beijing.9月25日23点21分,随着最后一架飞机从北京南苑机场起飞,南苑机场正式关闭,结束了百年来的民航使命。作为中国历史上第一座机场,南苑始建于1910年,距今已有109年的历史,这里曾历经清政府和北洋政府的建设,1949年中国人民解放军在此组建了第一个空军飞行中队,并成功组织了开国大典的首次空中阅兵。20世纪80年代,这里成了军民两用机场,也是中国联合航空的基地。可以说南苑机场是中国民航业的发源地,见证了中华民族百年奋斗的历史。9月25日注定是民航史上浓墨重彩的一天。这一天,习近平主席宣布“北京大兴国际机场正式投运”。联合航空的全部航班也由南苑转移到大兴,至此,南苑机场完成了历史使命的交接,大兴机场承载着民族的期望,蓬勃启航。大兴机场的ICAO代码是ZBAD,IATA代码是PKX。航展楼的形状如展翅的凤凰。它被誉为世界最大的机场,相当于98个足球场或63个天安门广场。根据计划,2019年冬春航季共有15家航司确定入驻大兴机场,其中国内航司7家,包括南航,东航,国航,中航联,河北航,首都航,喝吉祥航空国外航司8家包括英国航空、波兰航空、芬兰航空、马来西亚航空、摩洛哥皇家航空、文莱皇家航空、俄罗斯艾菲航空、喜马拉雅航空。在大兴机场,乘客们将会体验到黑科技:“5G+AI”,从值机到行李托运、从安检到登机全过程人脸识别便捷服务,全程智能化,无纸化。小编等不及要去体验了!

  • Episode 64 Dean Talks 2

    22/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    Dean, as one of our many members, talks about his experiences in an airplane. Find out the fun experiences and please share yours with us. 

  • Episode 63 Dean Head Talks 1

    07/09/2019 Duración: 07min

    当下无人机备受欢迎,许多发烧友买来当玩具玩,摄影爱好者也会用其来进行航拍。但是,小小的无人机也是航空器,基本的航空知识和航空安全不容忽视。而现实是许多无人机飞手其实并不了解基本的航空原理和航空法规。无人机是缩小版的航空器,操作不当,可能会伤人伤己。过去航拍,专业摄影师要在直升机或者固定翼小飞机上,系好安全带,探出身去,捕捉珍贵的画面。现在有了无人机,似乎安装一个摄像头,人人都可以成为航拍摄影师。其实不然,先进的拍摄工具同样需要专业的拍摄技能。请大家尊重航拍专业人士,专业安全使用无人机,拍出美丽的照片。本期航空五分钟,我们非常高兴与中国AOPA的会员Dean Head一起聊聊这些话题。Dean是一名飞行员,同时也在电影制作行业从事了39年,他呼吁无人机制造商能够给小无人机加装桨叶保护以减小意外出现时的伤害。点击音频,听听他的想法吧!Hello, thanks for tuning in to 5 Minuteswith AOPA-China. This episode, we have our esteem guest here, Dean Head, aprofessional filmmaker and pilot, as well as one of AOPA-China members. He hasa say about drone safety. Dean: The photographer friend of mine inHong Kong, we have a facebook group of professional photographers, cameramen,filmmakers, etc. He complained his new DJI drone crashed just a few feet fromlanding. When he described what he did, I realized his helicopter, his droneencountered LTE, the loss of tail-rotor effectiveness. It means when you turndownwind, if the conditions are exact and coincidental where the speed of thewind ma

  • Episode 62 Drone Talk

    30/08/2019 Duración: 05min

    Episode 62 Drone talk Nick: There are dozens of drone shows allaround China in 2019, and even more in the world. Claire: Not to mention drone conferences.Topics cover delivery, agricultural, search and rescue and regulations ofcourse. To top that, the number of people involved in drone industry in Chinahas reached 300 thousand. I am Claire. Nick: I am Nick. You are listening to 5Minutes with AOPA-China. Claire: Today, 5 Minutes with AOPA-Chinabrings you Drone Talk. Problems in the future to be solved. Nick: Instead of discussing about whatdrone can do, let’s start with things drone cannot do. Claire: Drones are limited to theirperformances; how high they can fly and how much payload they can carry. Nick: With a battery life for 30 minutes, dronescannot travel too far or they need infrastructures to recharge them. That’s thesituation for most consumer drones. Claire: Big ones are regulated underspecific and certification regulations and SORA approach is used to assess th

  • Episode 61 Airport Codes

    26/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    Episode 61 Airport Codes Claire: Hello this is 5 Minutes withAOPA-China. Imagine you’re sitting in first class on an Air China Boeing 777,headed from Beijing CapitalInternational Airport to London Heathrow. Theboarding pass in your jacketpocket the check-in lady just handed to you says, ofcourse, PEK to LHR: the familiar three-letter codes that every frequent flyer knows. Nick: But just a few feet ahead of you, onthe flight deck, the flight plan in front of the captain’s eyes says yourdestination is EGLL(Echo Golf Lima Lima). And tomorrow, when the airplane you’re on willfly from London to Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, that flight plan will say the destination is RJTT(RomeoJuliet Tango Tango), not HND(Hotel November Delta). And what about ZGGG(Zulu GolfGolf,Yankee Sierra Sierra Yankee), YSSY and MMMX? Claire: Those are the four-letter codesused by ICAO, the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization, toidentify airports instead of the more common three-letter designations used byIATA,

  • Episode60-Bird Strike

    19/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    It is a bird, it is a plane. It is flying across the sky. Nick: Hello guys, thanks for tuning in to 5 Minuteswith AOPA-China. This is Nick. Claire: This is Claire. First of all, we have a pieceof news. I believe most of you may have heard of it. A Russian passenger jetA321 made an emergency landing in a cornfield shortly after takeoff fromMoscow. Nick: Very fortunately, all 226 passengers and sevencrew members were safe, no fatalities. Claire: It is said that some birds were sucked into theengines, causing engine failure.At last, the plane landed with its engines offand landing gears retracted. Nick: Sounds really frightening. Never underestimatethe impact of these little creatures. Remember Flight 1549, the famous ditchingcase, known as the “Miracle On The Hudson”? It wasalso the bird strike that caused the accident. Claire: The captain was hailed as a hero.Many people say Damir Yusupovhe is Russian Capt.Sully and speak highly of thecrew’s courage and professionalism. Just can’t

  • Episode 59 Aircraft Metal Fatigue

    02/08/2019 Duración: 05min

    Aviation Metal Fatigue is a concept for you to understand aircraft maintainance in a way. Nick: Hello, everyone. Thank you for tuningin to 5 minutes with AOPA-China. Claire: Let’s start with a piece ofaviation news. Nick: A 22-year-old Chinese cadet with hisinstructor at US aviation academy died in a plane crash. Claire: Condolences to them and theirfamily. It’s such a great loss. Nick: The US NTSB is leading theinvestigation now. It’s yet unclear who was flying the aircraft and what causedit to go down. Claire: The crashed plane is a twin-enginePiper PA-34 which was manufactured in 1973. Nick:So it is already 46 years old. Is ittoo old for a trainer? Claire: Actually it’s normal for an oldplane to continue flying if it is well maintained. But if it is not, it doesneed retire. Anyway we are not jumping into any conclusions here, we will waitfor the official investigation report for this accident. Today, we want tocover the topic of what can lead a plane to retire. 

  • Episode 58 Chinese Elements in EAA Airventure

    30/07/2019 Duración: 07min

    EAA celebrates its 50th anniversary in Oshkosh. Hi there, thanks for tuning in to 5 minuteswith AOPA-China. I know this episode’s preclude is quite awesome. That's thesound of F-22 Raptor.These days, we have been diving in the EAAAirventure Oshkosh. Do you know the feelings when you see something in personthat can only be seen in pictures, videos or stories before? Such as F-35,A-10, P-51 mustang, spitfire, Spirit of st.Luis, Tri-motor, B-29 Superfotress,Boeing 747-8, Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker,you name it.Among these aircraft in display, there aretwo from China, Nanchang CJ-6 and Sunward SA 60L Aurora . Aurora is atwo-seater LSA. CJ-6 is a basic trainer aircraft. You may be surprised, what?Chinese LSA in Oshkosh? Yes, even though the GA industry in China is still inits infancy, we are passionate to join the world biggest aviation celebration,eager to learn and grow.Now, let’s go through some Chinese elementsin the Airventure.First of all, as the representative ofAOPA-China, we brought our members all the wa

  • Episode 57 About Regional Aircraft

    19/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    The regional aircraft market continues to be a key growth sector withincommercial aviation, contributing significantly to efficiencies in the airlinenetworks and ensuring safe and seamless mobility, while respectingenvironmental obligations.Regional carriers typically operate aircraft, such as regional jets andturboprops, with a seating capacity ranging from 20 to 130 seats, on short tomedium-haul routes. By the end of 2015 the regional aviation world fleetcomprised of about 9000 units (4350 turboprop and 4650 regional jet)representing more than 33% of the worldwide commercial fleet and performingover 40% of total commercial flights (and 25% of total flight hours).In the recent past the annual worldwide traffic served by regionalaviation exceeded 700 billion ASK (Available Seat Kilometres). Only in Europewere regional carriers able to offer more than 120 billion ASKs to passengers,with an average distance of 320 NM (about 600 km) and more than 200 millionpeople flew on regional aircraft within the European ne

  • Episode 56 A Helicopter Pilot

    12/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    She is a pilot, she plays basketball. She is our guest today. Claire:Hello,everyone. Hot summer day, thunderstorm season. This is Claire. You arelistening to 5 Minutes with AOPA-China. Today, we have Zoe with us, she is ahelicopter pilot.hey, It has been a long time. Thank you forjoining us.Zoe:My pleasure.Claire: We are alumni and we are basketball teammates.Zoe: The good old days.Claire:There are a few questions that Iwant to ask. Whatmakes you want to become a pilot?Zoe: Well, simply put, I not a big fan ofstilettoes, and I happen to know you don’t have to wear those if you are apilot, especially when you are flying an aircraft. That’s what attracts me inthe first place. And when I dig into this profession, I find it challenging.And I sure know if I have to take a job, I definitely want to be challenged allthe time. And everyone loves to see the world in a bird view.Claire: Why do you become a helicopterpilot instead of a fixed-wing one?Zoe: Helicopter can take off and landvertically, s

  • Episode 55 EAA Airventure Preview

    05/07/2019 Duración: 07min

    Airventure Oshkosh is around the corner. The aviation crowd is ready.  Nick:Hi there, this is 5 Minutes withAOPA-China Episode 55. I’m Nick. Today is a special day. Because It marks that16 days later, we’ll be in Oshkosh! Nancy: Yea, EAA Airventure Oshkosh, the bigevent of the year is coming up, pretty quick, I think. Nick: That’s why I’m so busy these days. Iscan loads of information about the airventure and rehearse the journey againand again in my head to perfect my itinerary. So that we could visit as manyplaces as we can during the stay there. As a first-time visitor, am I overdoingit? Nancy: Not at all. Although the event doesn’tstart until the end of July, this year’s dates are July 22 to 28, you have tostart the preparation months in advance.First and foremost, as a Chinese citizen,you need a visa to visit the US. Remember to apply for an invitation letter inEAA website, which is of great help in applying for the visa. Nick: Yea, my visa application was full oftwists and

  • Episode 54 Tips on License Conversion

    28/06/2019 Duración: 05min

    Thanksfor tuning in to 5 Minutes with AOPA-China. This is Nick. This episode, we’regoing to give some tips on how to apply for a conversion from CAAC PPL to FAAPPL. Somepilots who learn to fly in China may want to branch out beyond the confines ofour controlled airspace. America in particular, being the birthplace of theaeroplane itself, can be top of the list to do some flying once they finishedtheir PPL.  However,you may already know the fact that you can’t directly fly on a CAAC PPL in theUS. A process to convert it to FAA PPL is needed. It’s not a tricky process,actually it’s quite simple. Literally, just some paperwork. Initially, fill ina few forms and submit them to FAA, waiting for a month or two to get the verification letter  and making a short visit to an FAA office.When you arrive, you’ll be issued an American license which mirrors theprivileges and validity of your original. Then, you are good to go. Brokendown into smaller steps, the process looks like this:First,go to F

  • Episode 53 News Channel

    21/06/2019 Duración: 05min

    5 Minutes with AOPA-China, News Channel. Nick: Hello, thisis Nick. Apologize for my temporary absence from the airwaves, which is due toa very big project. Now I am back. I’m pleased to tell you that we have threepieces of news for this episode. Claire? Claire: Yes.Indeed. First, let’s take a flight to Paris. The grand airshow is there. Nick: Right, theInternational Paris Air Show 2019. As world’s largest air show measured bynumber of exhibitors and size of exhibit space, it once again brings togetherall the players in this global industry around the latest technologicalinnovations from June 17-23. The first 4 days are exclusively for tradevisitors, seeing a ferocious battle among manufacturers such as Boeing, Airbus,ATR, Embraer, and so on. Now let’s go through some highlights: Claire:IAG(International Airline Group) and Boeing stole the show at the end of thesecond day with a surprise 200-commitment for the 737 Max, which is really amuch-needed vote of confidence in the aircraft model.&n

  • Episode 52 Earthrounders, Welcome to China

    14/06/2019 Duración: 06min

    Earthrounders, Welcome to China I am Claire, you are listening to 5 Minuteswith AOPA-China.  This episode I will talk about earthroundersand update you with the second fly around the world trip of Harry Anderson. Out of the 7.4 billion people on Earth,4000 people have climbed Mount Everest, 500 have been in Space while onlyaround 700 pilots flew around the World in light aircraft and only 300 of themare alive today. I am not one of them yet. Lucky me, I know some of them. Theyhave been inspirations to me ever since the first day we met. Just stories are exciting enough to keepyou alive. Such as go dash around the world to raise fund for ALS. Raiseawareness for aviation culture for the young generation. Even to showcase yourpure passion for flying. I met Harry last May. Together with manyearthrounders, we were soaked in the joy of flying fun, and amazing ZhuhaiAirshow. At that time, the 10th Earthrounder Reunionwas hosted in Zhengzhou, China, organized by Chenwei, Blue legend, sup

  • Episode 51 Black box in and out

    06/06/2019 Duración: 05min

    Let’s unveil the blackboxes.The first things that is asked when anyairplane crashes and the first things investigators looking into black boxes,which are made up of a flight data recorder (FDR) and cockpit voice recorder(CVR).First of all, the black boxes are storedin the empennage of the aircraft.Typically, memory boards inside it canstore two hours of audio data and 25 hours of flight data from the FDR.The FDR has been designed to recordoperating data from the system of the aircraft, with sensors being wired tovarious parts of the aircraft to the flight data acquisition unit, which inturn is wired to the FDR. How about CVR?Several microphones are built intocockpits in aircraft and these can track the conversations inside the cockpit.They also pick up any ambient noise, including bangs, knocks or thuds. Soundpicked up by them are sent to the CVR and stored.In addition to possible technicalproblems, CVRs reveal how the pilots communicate with one another and otherssuch as cabin crew and controllers. The

  • Episode 50 Workshop and Forum

    31/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    EU-China APP 3rd Drone Workshop was held this week. 1st China GA Airworthiness Certification Forum was held yesterday. Welcom to AOPA-China News Channel. Nick: Hello,everyone! Thanks for tuning in to 5 Minutes with AOPA-China news channel. Todaywe are bringing you two pieces of news. Claire: Unmannedaircraft systems or “drones” is a fast developing sector, bringing in benefitsto society. At the same time, they pose new challenges to the public as well asthe authorities. Nations all over the globe act on this. Chinese civil aviationadministration has called for tighter regulation control on illegal droneflights as the country has become the world’s largest manufacturer of consumerdrones. SORA is introduced and will be implemented. Nick: Yes, againstthis backdrop, the third EU-China Drones Workshop organized under EU-China APPand assisted by AOPA-China was held during 28-30 May in Beijing. The two and ahalf days’ workshop looked more in detail at information of the best practiceson the use of dro

  • Episode 49 Wind,take-off and landing

    24/05/2019 Duración: 06min

    Wind, ,and take-offand landing  Nick: Hi, there. 5 Minutes with AOPA-China,Episode 49.Beijing has always been a windycityin China.This weekif you are in Beijing, you know what I mean. Most residents in Beijing must have seen thepower of strong winds this Monday. And51 out of 1,561 scheduledflights were canceled at Beijing Capital International Airportby 6 pmlast Sunday. Many airplanes whichhad been intended to land in PEK had to fly to the alternate airports.Of course,this caused inconveniences. Many people had to reschedule their trips and timeare wasted.There wasanextreme example. The planewas hundreds of feet above the runway, still it went aroundand land in an alternate airport. Nick:How doesWind affect aircraft takeoff and landing?Today wehave our friend, Captain Kingsley, a commercial jet pilot and helicopter instructor from New Zealand.Kingsley,now I’m all ears.  Kingsley Captain:Aircraft are designed totakesoff and land into a headwind as thisreduces the distance the

  • Episode 48 Experimental Aircraft

    17/05/2019 Duración: 07min
  • 第48期中文版

    17/05/2019 Duración: 10min
  • Episode 47 Coins in the engine

    10/05/2019 Duración: 06min

    With the development of technology, it is very rare for you tofind someone carrying cash with them, especially in China. Coins are used onlyunder circumstances like bus fees, supermarket shopping, and toy stop.But there is another place you find coins it is so bizarre that most ofour aviation fans frowned.Today’ 5 Minutes with AOPA-China will discuss coins in the engine withDavid.Nick: Would you like to introduce yourself?David: Hello, everyone. I’m Yaoxinming based in Shenzhen. I am a pilotused to work for Shenzhen Airlines. Now I am running a company of generalaviation business.Nick: I know coins in the engine is not a new piece of news. But Istill feel it is necessary to discuss this matter with you. What exactly isgoing through someone’s head when they decide to toss a piece of metal intoa highly complex machine, especially a machine that people’s lives depend on.David: Actually I have heard of it a lot in news. They think throwingcoins into the engine brings them luck. For example, there was a woman who

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