5 Minutes With Aopa-china

Episode 57 About Regional Aircraft



The regional aircraft market continues to be a key growth sector withincommercial aviation, contributing significantly to efficiencies in the airlinenetworks and ensuring safe and seamless mobility, while respectingenvironmental obligations.Regional carriers typically operate aircraft, such as regional jets andturboprops, with a seating capacity ranging from 20 to 130 seats, on short tomedium-haul routes. By the end of 2015 the regional aviation world fleetcomprised of about 9000 units (4350 turboprop and 4650 regional jet)representing more than 33% of the worldwide commercial fleet and performingover 40% of total commercial flights (and 25% of total flight hours).In the recent past the annual worldwide traffic served by regionalaviation exceeded 700 billion ASK (Available Seat Kilometres). Only in Europewere regional carriers able to offer more than 120 billion ASKs to passengers,with an average distance of 320 NM (about 600 km) and more than 200 millionpeople flew on regional aircraft within the European ne