5 Minutes With Aopa-china

Episode 50 Workshop and Forum



EU-China APP 3rd Drone Workshop was held this week. 1st China GA Airworthiness Certification Forum was held yesterday. Welcom to AOPA-China News Channel. Nick: Hello,everyone! Thanks for tuning in to 5 Minutes with AOPA-China news channel. Todaywe are bringing you two pieces of news. Claire: Unmannedaircraft systems or “drones” is a fast developing sector, bringing in benefitsto society. At the same time, they pose new challenges to the public as well asthe authorities. Nations all over the globe act on this. Chinese civil aviationadministration has called for tighter regulation control on illegal droneflights as the country has become the world’s largest manufacturer of consumerdrones. SORA is introduced and will be implemented. Nick: Yes, againstthis backdrop, the third EU-China Drones Workshop organized under EU-China APPand assisted by AOPA-China was held during 28-30 May in Beijing. The two and ahalf days’ workshop looked more in detail at information of the best practiceson the use of dro