Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Sichuan food 四川美食

    17/05/2020 Duración: 07min

    I'm so excited to finally eat authentic Sichuan food, Mina!Mina, 我太激动了,终于吃上正宗的川菜了!It's probably not what you're used to in America, Sarah. Real Sichuan food has "one hundred dishes, one hundred flavors."Sarah, 这和你在美国习惯吃的川菜可能不一样。真正的川菜是“百菜百味”。I want to try the Kung Pao Chicken. And I've heard a lot about Mapo Tofu.我想尝尝宫保鸡丁,也听过很多人推荐麻婆豆腐。So can you eat spicy food?你能吃辣吗?I love spicy food! The spicier, the better!我超爱吃辣!越辣越过瘾!Well, Sichuan peppercorns have a pretty special flavor. It's a numbing kind of spicy.四川的花椒味道很特别,是麻辣。How about we order some fish too?我们也点个鱼怎么样?Good idea. Sichuan boiled fish is really something else. Just watch out for the bones!好主意。四川水煮鱼真的不错。但要注意鱼刺。Will do. Do you think that'll be enough?好的。你觉得菜点够了吗?I think we should get some cold noodles too. They come with a spicy peanut sauce.我觉得还可以来点凉面。它是配麻辣花生酱吃的。Everything looks amazing! I don't even know where to start!每道菜看起来都很棒!我都不知道从哪儿开始了!So glad you like it! But next time you visit, we're definitely eating Hot pot!很高兴你能喜欢!下次你来的时候,我们一定要吃火锅! Grammar | 语

  • Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法

    02/05/2020 Duración: 06min

    Okay, and the last stop on our tour is the study.好了,我们参观的最后一站是书房。Wow, this is incredible. Look at all the books! And what's all this stuff on the desk?哇,这太不可思议了。看这些书!桌子上这些是什么东西呀?That's my calligraphy gear: ink, paper, brushes, and an inkstone. We call them the Four Treasures.那是我的书法用具:墨水、纸、毛笔和砚台。我们称之为“文房四宝”。Amazing. It looks so graceful yet chaotic at the same time.好神奇啊。看起来混乱中透着优雅。Balance and rhythm are essential in calligraphy. At its very heart, it's all about correct strokes, stroke order, and character structure.平衡和韵律在书法中是必不可少的。它的核心就在于正确的笔画、笔画的顺序和字体结构。I was pretty good at handwriting in school, but I'm not sure I could ever do this.我上学的时候字写得也挺好的,但我觉得我可能写不出这样的来。Well, calligraphy requires a high level of concentration and patience, things which I think are invaluable to a person's refinement.嗯,书法需要高度的专注和耐心,我认为这些对一个人的修养是非常宝贵的。So, in a way it's a kind of aesthetic meditation?所以,从某种程度上说,这算是一种美学冥想吗?That's it exactly!非常对!Expansion | 知识拓展 The origin of the term "calligraphy"一词的由来Calligraphy is the art of beautiful

  • Coffee Break 喝杯咖啡休息一下吧

    16/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    Hey guys, I'm going to make a coffee run. Anybody want anything?嘿朋友们,我要去买咖啡了,有人需要带点什么吗?I could use some caffeine. Where are you going, Starbucks or Luckin'?我确实需要一点咖啡因。你要去哪儿,星巴克还是瑞幸?I was thinking of Luckin'. They've got a special promotion going on right now.我想去瑞幸。他们现在有特殊优惠。OK, cool. Just get me a large Americano with two sugar packets on the side, please.好的。那给我来一个大杯美式吧,再来两包糖,不用加进去,谢谢。Large Americano, two sugars. No problem. Anybody else?大杯美式,两包糖。没问题。还有人有需要吗?Yes, pick me up a cappuccino, if you don't mind. Oh, and a blueberry muffin.还有我,如果可以的话,帮我带一杯卡布奇诺。再来份蓝莓松饼。Got it. Do you think Betty will want anything?明白。你觉得Betty想要点什么吗?She's not really a coffee drinker. Maybe an herbal tea?她不太常喝咖啡。要不帮她带杯茶饮?Okay sounds good. Anything else? Last chance, everybody.好的,听起来不错。还要什么吗?最后的机会了各位。I think we're good. Thanks, Tim!我想大家都没问题了。谢谢你啦,Tim! Expansion | 知识拓展 A brief history of the coffee break茶歇小史Why do we take coffee breaks?In the early 1900s, factories implemented eight-hour workdays and designated rest hours. During break t

  • Famous people :Meghan Markle 名人故事系列:梅根·马克尔

    16/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    Hey Jess, what are you reading?嗨,Jess,你在读什么?Oh, it's an article on Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex. Did you know that she was an actress, writer and launched her own lifestyle brand?噢,这是一篇关于苏赛克斯公爵夫人Meghan Markle的文章。你知道她是一名演员兼作家,还推出了自己的生活方式品牌吗?Interesting! I knew she was on Suits, but I didn't know she was a writer.有意思!我知道她出演了《金牌律师》,但不知道她还是一名作家。Yes, acting was her day job but she wrote a lot about beauty, self-empowerment and racial identity.是的,表演是她的正职,但她也写了很多关于美、自我赋权和种族认同的文章。Fasting. Yes, as a mixed-race actress, she must have had her fair share of adversity both in life and on the job.太有趣了。是的,作为一名混血演员,她在生活和工作中都经历过足够多的逆境。Absolutely. And I think it's motivated her to be a women's advocate and a humanitarian.绝对的。我觉得这激励了她成为一名女性权益倡导者和人道主义者。Makes sense. But how did this whole whirlwind romance with Harry start?有道理。但是这段和Harry的闪电恋情是怎么开始的呀?Apparently, a mutual friend set them up and it was a match made in heaven.很显然,是一个共同的朋友撮合他们的,真是天作之合。That's sweet. I've never really followed the royals much, but they seem like

  • Planning a surprise birthday party 策划一个充满惊喜的生日派对

    16/04/2020 Duración: 05min

    Whether you are planning a party for your own birthday, or you are helping a friend plan theirs, these steps will help you stay on track throughout the process.无论你是为自己的生日计划派对,还是帮朋友准备生日派对,以下的这些步骤都能帮你顺利策划整个流程。1. Budget 预算Remember to try and be realistic about the budget. Your budget doesn't have to be huge, especially because there are so many DIY decorations and activities you can do for the party.做预算时要现实一点。预算不一定要很多,你可以自己动手为聚会做装饰品,举行各种各样的活动。2. Theme 主题If you are planning your own party you are in luck! You can pick whatever theme you want. Whatever you choose, try to make the theme consistent throughout the party. Try to incorporate it into food, decor, and invitations.如果你是为自己举办聚会,那你就走运了!你可以选择任何自己想要的主题。无论选择什么主题,试着让整个聚会风格保持一致。食物、装饰和邀请函中都融入本次聚会的主题。3. Date 日期Picking a weekend can be a good option because people will most likely be free of work and other plans. Choose a date far enough in advance so people will be able to mark their calendars.生日聚会最好选在周末,周末大家很可能不上班,也没有其他计划。提前选择日期,这样大家就可以尽早的规划行程。4. Venue 地点One of th

  • Shaanxi Food 陕西美食

    16/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    I'm so happy you finally got to see the Terracotta Warriors, Sarah!我真高兴你终于看到兵马俑了,Sarah!I know. What an incredible experience! But now I'm starving. What's for lunch?就是呀。实在是太震撼人心的经历了!但我现在好饿。午饭我们吃什么呢?Well we should start with some mutton stew with bread.我们先该尝尝羊肉泡馍。Okay great. Oh could we get a few lamb skewers too?好呀。噢,我们能再点些羊肉串吗?Good idea. You can never have too much lamb!好主意。羊肉再多也吃不够。Hey, what's this? It kind of looks like a hamburger!嘿,这是什么?看起来像汉堡一样!That's "roujiamo". Actually, a lot of people do call it the Chinese Hamburger. I just call it delicious.那是肉夹馍。实际上很多人确实把它称为中式汉堡。我觉得它就该叫“好吃”。I'm in the mood for some noodles too. Could we get those cold noodles with sesame sauce and cucumbers?我还想吃点面条。我们能点这个有芝麻酱和黄瓜的凉皮吗?Those are pretty good, but I really suggest you try these ones, biangbiang noodles.凉皮是很好吃,但我还是强烈建议你尝一下biangbiang面。Oh wow, look at that character. Can you write that?哇,看这个汉字。你会写吗?Hey, the waiter's here!嘿,服务员来了! Expansion | 知识拓展 Shaanxi food in America 美国的陕西菜Even though there is a lot of Chinese food in

  • Traditions of Harvard commencements 哈佛大学毕业典礼的传统

    16/04/2020 Duración: 05min

    What was originally called Harvard College held its first Commencement in September 1642, when nine degrees were conferred. Today some 1700 undergraduate degrees, and 5000 advanced degrees from the university's various graduate and professional schools, are conferred each Commencement Day.最初的哈佛学院在1642年9月举行了第一次毕业典礼,颁发了9个学位证书。如今,每逢毕业典礼日,哈佛大学的各个研究生院和职业院校都会颁发出大约1700个本科学位和5000个高阶学位(硕士和博士学位)。Each degree candidate attends three ceremonies: the Morning Exercises, at which degrees are conferred verbally en masse; a smaller midday ceremony during which actual diplomas are given in hand; and in the afternoon the annual meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association's, at which Harvard's President and the day's featured speaker deliver their addresses. The ceremonies shifted from late summer to late June in the nineteenth century, and are now held at the end of May.在毕业典礼日,每个毕业生都会参加三个仪式:在早晨的毕业礼上,口头上宣布给毕业生们集体授予学位;在正午小一点的典礼上,会将实际的文凭证书发给大家;在下午的哈佛大学校友会年会上,哈佛大学校长和当天的特邀发言人会发表演讲。在19世纪时,毕业典礼从夏末提前到了六月底,而现如今,毕业典礼在五月底举行。In the celebratio

  • Talking about hobbies 谈论爱好

    16/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    Hey Ben! What do you usually do in your spare time? I think I need a new hobby.嘿,Ben!你空闲时间经常做什么呀?我觉得我需要发展个新爱好。I usually do outdoor activities like hiking, biking and solo sports. What about you?我通常会做些户外运动,比如登山远足、骑车还有其他的单人运动。你呢?I do a lot of drawing and baking but those activities are starting to get old.我常画画和做烘焙,但感觉渐渐开始厌倦这些活动了。I see! Why don't you try gardening or maybe a new language?这样啊。那你干嘛不试试园艺,或者学一门新语言之类的?I tried gardening but couldn't get into it. But, a new language might be fun!我试过园艺但就是激不起兴趣。不过学一门新语言可能挺有意思的!For sure. You could also take up photography or an instrument.没错。你也可以试试摄影或者学个乐器。Hmm, music isn't really my thing but maybe I'll give it a chance.唔……音乐不太是我的菜,但也许我可以试试看。Why not? It can't hurt to try.为什么不呢?试试也没什么坏处嘛。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Top hobbies in the UK英国广受欢迎的爱好Sports 体育运动Whether they will be playing or watching, the Brits are very much into sports. Of course, football is the most popular, but traditional British sports such as cricket, rugby and badminton also hold sway.不管是参加还是观看,英国人无疑是十分热爱体育运动的。当然

  • Famous people :J.K. Rowling 名人故事系列:J.K. 罗琳

    16/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    I just watched an interview with J.K. Rowling and I have to say, I find her really inspiring.我刚看了一期关于J.K.罗琳的采访,不得不说,她真励志啊。I know! She's the epitome of a rags to riches success story. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her as a single mother on welfare.我知道!她就是白手起家走向成功的典范。我能想象出她作为一个靠领取福利度日的单亲妈妈,当初有多难。Right! Did you know Harry Potter was shot down a dozen times? It wasn't until one of the publisher's daughters fell in love with the book that it was finally signed.是啊!你知道《哈利波特》曾数次被拒吗?直到有个出版商的女儿喜欢上《哈利·波特》,才得以签约出版。Crazy. But how did she come up with Harry Potter anyway?哇。但她是怎么想出《哈利·波特》的故事的?Apparently, it came to her on a delayed train to London. She drew on her own experiences with her mother's death to flesh out Harry's backstory.据说,是在去伦敦延误的列车上想出来的。她将母亲去世的经历也融进了书中,进一步充实成为《哈利·波特》的故事背景。How long did it take to complete?她写这本书用了多久呀?5 or 6 years for the first novel and 17 years in total. Since then, it's become a full-blown franchise with films, theme parks and a few spin-off books.第一部小说用了五六年,这一系列一共用了17年。此

  • Buying medication for children 给儿童买药

    16/04/2020 Duración: 05min

    You carry children's medicine too, right?你这儿也卖儿童用药,对吧?Sure do. What symptoms does your child have?当然。你的孩子有什么症状?You know, just your typical, runny nose, coughing and sneezing.你懂的,就是一些典型症状,流鼻涕、咳嗽、打喷嚏。Sounds like your kid has the flu.听起来您的孩子得了流感。Yes, he must have caught it from me. Poor little guy had a fever and the chills last night.是的,肯定是我传染给他了。可怜的小家伙昨晚发烧、受寒了。Ok. We have a cold and cough syrup that should help with that.明白了。我们有治疗感冒咳嗽的糖浆,应该可以缓解他的症状。My kid hates the taste of cough syrup. Maybe we could just stick with pills?我家孩子很讨厌止咳糖浆的味道。只给他吃药片可以吗?No problem. We also have cold and cough relief gummies that taste great. Kids love them.没问题。我们还有专门缓解感冒咳嗽的软糖,味道不错。孩子们都很喜欢吃。Really? Sounds great. I'll take a box of those as well.真的吗?太棒了。那我再拿一盒这种软糖吧。 Expansion | 知识拓展 A guide to children's cold medicines儿童感冒药服用指南If you decide to give your child a cough and cold medicine, it should only be used if it is making your child feel more comfortable and is not causing bothersome side effects. 如果你想给孩子吃咳嗽或感冒药,你必须确保这些药物缓解了孩子的不适症状,

  • How to spice up a presentation如何为演讲增添趣味

    20/02/2020 Duración: 06min

    Hey Nick, got any tips on how to spice up a presentation? I feel like my speeches are getting a bit dry.嘿,Nick,关于如何为演讲增添趣味,你有什么建议吗?我觉得我的演讲有点枯燥。Oh, so like ways to throw in some humor and crack a joke or two?哦,比如想办法加入一些幽默成分,开一两个玩笑?Yes, or at least lighten the mood.是的,或者至少活跃一下气氛。Well, you can always start with an ice-breaker and make a joke at your own expense.这样的话,你可以先营造一下氛围,开个自己的玩笑。So, be a little self-deprecating? I guess I can pick something that everyone can relate to.就是说,自嘲一下?我想我应该能找到一些大家都能产生共鸣的东西。Absolutely, empathy always works. And while you're at it, add some sarcasm.当然啦,共鸣往往都会有用。当你这样做的时候,加上一些反讽。But what if the joke flops?但是如果这个笑话没奏效怎么办?Just acknowledge it and carry on. Like "Ok, enough of the dad jokes! Now, moving on."就直接承认然后继续。比如“好了,无聊的笑话讲够了!现在,我们继续往下说。”True, so just don't leave an awkward silence.没错,只要不冷场就行。You got it! And lastly, just be confident and don't take yourself too seriously.你说得对!最后还有,要自信,不要把自己看得太重。Alright, well thanks for all the tips Nick! I'll let you know how it goes.好的,谢谢你的这些建议,Nic

  • Brand stories : TED 品牌故事之TED

    07/02/2020 Duración: 07min

    Hey Alex, you like watching TED talks, right? What does TED stand for?嘿,Alex, 你喜欢看TED演讲,对吧?TED代表什么呢?It stands for technology, entertainment and design. It's had the same name since 1984, when it started as a conference.它代表技术、娱乐和设计。它从1984年起就一直沿用同一个名字,创立之初是个会议。Wasn't it bought out by Chris Anderson in 2001?它不是在2001年被Chris Anderson收购了吗?Yes. That's when it really took off and turned into a non-profit.是的。就是那个时候它才真正火起来,成为了一个非盈利组织。That's also around the time they started posting free content online. Since then, tons of their videos have gone viral.也是大约在那个时候他们开始在网上发布免费的内容。自那时起,他们的海量视频迅速走红。It's no surprise. They totally nailed the compelling speech thing.这不足为奇。他们在演讲内容引人入胜这点上做的很成功。They also do an annual conference in Vancouver. I wish I could go. It must be really exclusive.他们在温哥华有年会。我希望我能去参加。会议肯定只有特定人士才能参加吧。Actually, anyone can go. But you have to apply and be accepted. And tickets are very expensive, like 10 grand each. So it's exclusive in that sense.其实,任何人都可以去。但你必须申请并获得通过。而且票很贵,大概每张一万美元。所以从这个意义上来说是只有特定人士才能参加。That's

  • Famous people :Warren Buffett 名人故事系列:沃伦·巴菲特

    07/02/2020 Duración: 08min

    Hi Josh, do you know when Warren Buffett first got into investing?嗨,Josh,你知道沃伦·巴菲特什么时候第一次涉足投资的吗?At 11, actually. His father ran a brokerage company, so he learned the ins and outs of trading early on.实际上是11岁吧。他父亲经营着一家经纪公司,所以他很早就了解了交易的来龙去脉。Oh, is that what inspired him?哦,就是这个启发了他吗?In part, but he was also an avid reader and had a strong predilection for numbers. He read "A Thousand Ways to Make $1000" at age 7 and sold gum at 6.部分原因吧,但他也是个热衷于读书的人,对数字有强烈的偏好。他7岁时读了《赚1000美元的1000种方法》,6岁时就卖口香糖赚钱了。Wow! Sounds like he always had a knack for business. But, how did he amass his fortune and become a business magnate?哇!听起来他一直很有经商才能。不过,他是如何积累财富并成为商业巨头的呢?Well, at Columbia he met Benjamin Graham and was influenced by value investing...是这样的,他在哥伦比亚大学遇到了本杰明·格雷厄姆,并受到了价值投资的影响……Wait... that's a long-term investment strategy where you buy stocks for less than their intrinsic value, right?等等,这是一种长期投资策略,让你以低于其本来价值的价格购买股票,对吧?Yes, and it formed the basis of Buffett's investments. He ran several successful investment partnerships and e

  • Stocking the fridge 冰箱补货

    07/02/2020 Duración: 06min

    So, honey, what do we need to stock the fridge?亲爱的,我们冰箱里要储备什么吗?Let's start with the dairy section to get eggs, milk and yogurt.我们先去奶制品区买鸡蛋、牛奶和酸奶吧。Don't forget cheese and butter! We could also stop by the frozen foods section to get some frozen dumplings and frozen pizza.别忘了买奶酪和黄油!再顺便去下冷冻食品区,买些速冻饺子和速冻披萨。Yes, always handy to have those around. Also, I wouldn't mind getting a pack of beer.对,家里备着这些特别方便。不如也再买一些啤酒吧。Ok. Oh, there's a sale on chicken breasts, so let's stock up on those. 好吧。哦,鸡胸肉在打折,多买一些囤着吧。Good idea. And maybe some deli meats?好主意。要不再买些熟肉?Sure. That reminds me we also need some ketchup, mustard and mayo as well. Could you go get those?好。正好提醒我了,我们还需要买番茄酱、芥末酱和美乃滋。你能去拿些吗?You got it. Then we can pick up some bread on the way out.没问题。我们出去结账的时候再顺便买点面包吧。 Grammar | 语法点 Countable nouns for food and drinksMany food and drink nouns are uncountable, so the way to count them is to use the container that they are placed in, or say the part of the food that it grows on (e.g., head of lettuce). Here are some common c

  • 如何通过旅行签证面试?

    16/01/2020 Duración: 07min

    Good morning. Thank you for coming in to the consulate today. Let's begin. What's the purpose of your visit to the USA?早上好。谢谢你今天来领事馆面试。我们开始吧。你这次去美国的主要目的是什么?I'm going there to visit the West and East Coasts.我准备去西海岸和东海岸旅游。Is this your first time traveling to the United States?这是你第一次去美国吗?Yes, it is.是的。Do you have any friends or family residing in the US? 你在美国有任何朋友或亲戚吗?No, I don't.没有。Ok. Where are you planning to visit while in the States?好的。你打算去美国的哪些地方旅游?I'm planning to travel for 10 days in mid August, spending 5 days in LA and San Francisco, 5 in Boston and New York.我计划八月中旬去美国十天。5天在洛杉矶和旧金山,5天在波士顿和纽约。Do you have your flight and hotel booking confirmations?你有机票和酒店确认单吗?Yes. I brought them with me. Here you are.有的。我带过来了。给您看。Ok. Can you also give me the rest of your supporting documents like bank statements, tax returns, and a property deed?好的。请把其它相关的材料都给我,比如银行对账单、纳税申报单和房产证?Certainly. Here you are.当然可以。给,都在这里。Ok. I've approved your visa. You can proceed to the counter over there to select your pick up method.好的。你的签

  • Recycling “垃圾分类正当时”

    16/01/2020 Duración: 06min

    Sandy, don't put those bottles there! They're not garbage!Sandy,不要把瓶子放在这里!他们不是垃圾!Really? Where should I put them, Beth?是吗?那我应该放在哪儿呢,Beth?In our city, we separate items for recycling. Put them in this container. That's for recycling.在我们城市,我们把可回收物品分开放置,把它们放在这个桶里。这是放可回收物品的。I don't understand. Why do you do that?我不懂,为什么要这么做?We separate our garbage to help protect the environment. That way, we reduce waste. Things can be recycled for later use. For example: plastic, newspaper, and glass bottles. 我们将垃圾分类是为了保护环境。这样做,我们可以减少浪费。这样物品可以被回收再利用。比如,塑料、报纸、玻璃瓶。What things are non-recyclable?什么是不可回收物品?Food waste, like chicken bones or coffee grounds, liquids, and so forth.食物残渣,比如鸡骨头啊、咖啡渣、各种液体之类的。Wow, recycling seems hard.哇,回收听起来很麻烦。Not really, Sandy. It only takes a few minutes to sort things. Ok, let's go back inside now, and finish cleaning up.其实不然,Sandy。只要花几分钟就可以给垃圾分类了。好了,让我们现在回到屋里,继续打扫吧。 Grammar | 语法点 Garbage and Rubbish, America and EnglandEnglish has many different synonyms for household waste. This is one of those cases

  • Chinese New Year travel rush 一年一度的“中国春运”

    28/12/2019 Duración: 06min

    What happens when all of China goes on vacation at the same time? In terms of numbers in almost every category, the period known as 'chunyun', or the Chinese New Year travel rush, is the largest human migration event on earth. Railway tickets are purchased online at a rate of more than 1,000 per second. You may expect the country's transportation system to teeter on the brink of crashing, but China's infrastructure is remarkably sound. 当整个中国一起休假出行时,会出现什么状况?从各项数据来看,被称为“春运”的时期,即中国新年出行高峰期,是世界上最大的人口迁徙活动。火车票以每秒千张的速度被抢购。你可能会认为中国的交通系统即将崩溃,但实际上中国的基础设施非常坚实。How does western media describe the Chinese New Year travel rush?西方媒体是如何形容中国的春运呢?The Daily Mail《每日邮报》"The staggering travel season comes into being as millions of Chinese people who live, work or study away from their hometown try to reunite with their family for China's most important traditional holiday." “在这个令人震惊的旅游季节到来之际,数以百万计在他乡生活、工作或学习的中国人为了中国最重要的传统节日,努力与家人团聚。”CNN"The "chunyun" phenomenon isn't just a marvel of logistics it also shows how modern China is chang

  • Dog lovers 爱狗人士

    28/12/2019 Duración: 06min

    Oh my god, what a stunning dog! Its coat is so shiny. What breed is it?天哪,好漂亮的狗!毛好亮啊。是什么品种?It's a labradoodle - half labrador, half poodle.是拉布拉多贵宾狗:一半拉布拉多,一半贵宾犬。Ah, it seems they're really popular these days. Why is that?噢,这种狗最近好像挺流行的。为什么啊?Well, they combine the best characteristics of both dogs - they're good natured and like spending time with people like labradors, and they're playful and intelligent like poodles. Do you have a dog?因为它结合了这两种狗的优点——脾气好,也跟人亲近,像拉布拉多一样。但是又很活泼、聪明,像贵宾狗一样。你养狗吗?I do! A wonderful little chihuahua named Sakura. She's a sweetheart, but she barks at everything!养啊!我有一条吉娃娃,叫樱花。很讨人喜欢,不过超级爱叫。That can be frustrating, but every dog has its pros and its cons. My last dog was a husky and I had to take it walking for at least an hour a day for her to fall asleep at night! She was incredibly active.嗯,这挺烦人的。不过每种狗都有自己的优点和缺点。我上一条狗是哈士奇,每天至少要溜一个小时,她晚上才睡得着。活跃的出奇。In that case, a loud little chihuahua is just fine for me. I can barely get her to walk around the block with me!看来,吉娃娃虽然吵,不过正合适我。它根本用不着遛。Wel

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