Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Canceled Flight 航班取消了怎么办?

    13/12/2019 Duración: 05min

    Good morning, Sir. Passport and reservation please.早上好,先生。请出示护照和机票预订单。Here you go.给你。I'm sorry, but this flight has been canceled due to some mechanical problems.非常抱歉,但是这趟航班由于机械故障已经被取消了。Canceled! What am I supposed to do now?取消了!那我现在该怎么办?Well, we can put you up in a hotel for today, and you can take the flight scheduled for tomorrow morning.这样,我们可以让您今天暂时住在酒店,您可以乘坐安排在明天早上的航班。I can't wait. This is an urgent matter.我等不及了。我这个是急事儿。In that case, I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening.这样的话,我可以把您加在今晚另一趟航班的等候名单上。I'm sorry, but that won't do. I need to know that I'm being rebooked for a flight later today.抱歉,但这样不行。我需要确定你们能给我改订今天稍晚一趟的航班。I understand and we apologize sir. If you don't mind an extra layover, I can have you on a flight by 2 pm.我明白,非常抱歉,先生。如果您不介意另外转机的话,我可以让您乘坐下午两点的航班。When shall I arrive then?那我什么时候能抵达?You should arrive at your destination just after midnight.您应该会在午夜刚过就到达目的地。That's fine. I'll do that then.可以。那就这么做吧。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Consumer rights you can claim for a flight delay or

  • Farmers' market “逛农贸市场”

    06/12/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hi honey, I'm home!嗨,亲爱的,我回来了!How was the farmers' market?农贸市场怎么样?It was great! I bought a bunch of organic produce, berries and some artisanal cheese.很不错!我买了好多有机农产品,还买了莓子和手工奶酪。Was it like shopping in vegetable markets back in China?跟国内的菜市场像吗?Totally different! For one, the vendors were actual farmers.完全不同!比如,农贸市场摆摊儿的人都是自产自销、实际的种植者。Really?是吗?Yeah, my friend told me that they're pretty strict about everything being farm-to-table.对,我朋友说,市场要求所有食材都要严格遵循从农场直接到餐桌的原则。What was the atmosphere like? Noisy?环境氛围怎么样?吵吗?No way. It was so peaceful and calm. They even had live music playing.完全不吵。市场很安静、有序。还有现场音乐表演。That sounds nothing like the markets in China! How about the price?那跟中国菜市场是不太一样。那价格怎么样呢?Well, it certainly wasn't cheap. But look at these veggies! So fresh and ripe!唔,东西不便宜。但你看看这些蔬菜!又新鲜又饱满!Oh well. You get what you pay for, I guess.哦好吧。一分价钱一分货。Exactly. Not only can we get connected to our food, but we also can save the environment. It's win-win!没错。我们这样能跟食物更有情感联系,还能保护环境。这是双赢啊!Don't forget about helping the local far

  • Emergency Response 急救小常识

    05/12/2019 Duración: 05min

    Excuse me! Does anyone know first aid? There is a man outside who just passed out.请问一下!有人会急救吗?外面有个人晕过去了。I do! Can you tell me what happened?我会!你能告诉我是怎么回事吗?He was just standing when he suddenly went rigid and collapsed.这个人本来站着,结果突然就全身僵硬、瘫倒在地。Was he convulsing or foaming at the mouth?他是否有抽搐或吐白沫?He was shaking and drooling but there wasn't any foam.他一直在颤抖,还有流口水,但并没有吐白沫。Ok. Let me have a look. Excuse me, sir! Can you hear me?好,让我看一下。先生!您能听见我说话吗?He's not responding. Should I call an ambulance?他没反应。我要叫救护车吗?Yes, please. His airways are clear but his breathing and pulse are irregular. I think he's had a seizure.快叫吧。他的呼吸道没问题,但是呼吸和脉搏不规则。我判断他可能是癫痫发作了。Ok. Does he need CPR?明白了。需要给他做人工呼吸吗?No, he should come around in the next few minutes. But, we should find an AED and keep an eye on him until the paramedics arrive.不用,他应该过几分钟就会恢复知觉。但我们还是得找一个自动体外除颤器来,随时注意他的情况, 直到医护人员来为止。 Grammar | 语法点 The construction go + adjective is a colloquial way to express a change in the state of something. In terms of people, it is used to show a c

  • Small Talk with the Boss“与老板闲聊的小技巧”

    28/11/2019 Duración: 05min

    Good morning, Matt. How are you today?早上好Matt。你今天怎么样啊?Oh, hi Miss Clarkson. I'm good. When did you get back from vacation?哦,你好Clarkson小姐。我很好。你什么时候度假回来的?I wasn't on vacation. I wish though! I was in Chicago visiting one of our branch offices.我没有在度假。我希望我在度假!我去了我们在芝加哥的一家分公司。I see. How did that go?这样啊。那儿怎么样?It went well. Business is good as usual.不错。业务运行正常。That's good. Chicago is a great city. I love it there! Did you have any down time while you were there?那很好。芝加哥是个很棒的城市。我很喜欢那儿!你在那儿有没有休息一下?I did. I was able to visit a few museums. But it rained most of the time I was there.有啊。我去了几家博物馆。不过我在那儿的大部分时间都在下雨。Oh, that's too bad. Well… this is my floor. It was nice chatting with you Miss Clarkson. Have a good day!噢,那真是不巧。嗯...我这层到了。很高兴和你聊天Clarkson小姐。祝你一天愉快! Expansion | 知识拓展 The key in creating small talk with your boss is to pay attention to what he or she is saying verbally and by means of their body language. Listen to what they're saying, because that will greatly influence what's going to happen next. 和你的老板闲聊的关键是注意他/她

  • Buying alcohol 走,买酒去!

    21/11/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey Grant, what kind of booze should we stock up on for the party this weekend?嗨,Grant,我们该为这周末的派对提前囤哪些酒呢?I'd say a little bit of everything. You know: wine, beer, liquor. That way everyone's happy.我觉得每种都要一点。你知道:葡萄酒,啤酒,烈酒。这样每个人都会很开心。Ok. So for wine, we should probably get a red and a white. But which varietals?好的。葡萄酒的话,我们就红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒都买吧。不过具体买什么品种呢?I'd say just go with a Cabernet and a Pinot Grigio. They are always crowd-pleasers.就买赤霞珠和灰比诺吧。这两种大家总是很喜欢。Sounds good. And what about for beer? IPA's are pretty popular these days, and they really pack a punch.听起来不错。那啤酒呢?印度淡色啤酒最近很受欢迎,而且劲儿还挺大的。Sure. How about IPA's for the fellas and some sort of light beer for the ladies?可以啊。那就给小伙子们来点印度淡色啤酒,为女士们准备一些低度啤酒怎么样?Good idea. Higher proof for the guys, lower proof and less calories for the gals.好主意。给小伙子们准备度数高点的,给女孩子们就准备些度数低卡路里也低的。As for the hard stuff, I think some whiskey, tequila and vodka will do the trick.至于烈酒,我觉得威士忌,龙舌兰和伏特加都可以。Agreed, and if anyone wants to drink anything else, they can always BYOB.同意,如果有人想喝些别的,也可以自带嘛。 Gram

  • Tooth fairy 牙仙子的故事

    08/11/2019 Duración: 05min

    Hi, Charlie. I see you lost a tooth. Good for you!嗨,Charlie,我看你掉了颗牙。真棒!Yes, and it didn't hurt! I just wiggled it and it fell out.是啊,而且没感觉到痛!我就是动了动它,牙就自己掉了。Piece of cake! Teeth just come out when they're ready.很容易这样!差不多的时候牙就自己掉了。But it was bleeding a little, so my mom told me to clean it with water.但是也流了点血,所以妈妈让我用水冲洗了一下。Your mom's smart. And did you put it under your pillow?你妈妈做得对。那你把掉了的牙放在枕头底下了吗?Yes, and the tooth fairy came and gave me ten bucks!是的,牙仙子来了,给了我十块钱!Wow, and what did you do with your money?哇,那你用那些钱做什么了?I bought some candy.我买了些糖。Candy? That's bad for your teeth!糖?这可对牙不好哦!Just kidding! I bought a new toothbrush.开玩笑啦!我买了个新牙刷。 Expansion | 知识拓展 A brief introduction to the tooth fairy tradition 牙仙子的来源The tooth fairy is one of the three central figures in the pantheon of North American children’s mythology. The ritual of children placing their shed baby teeth under their pillows, in the hopes of finding them replaced with cash in the morning, was already being practiced by millions of young Americans.

  • "Small lobsters"-夜宵红人“小龙虾”

    01/11/2019 Duración: 06min

    Wow, our crawfish is here! Let me take a foodfie first!Wow, 我们的小龙虾来了!让我先拍张照片!I've never tried it before. So you call this "small lobster" in Chinese?我从来没吃过小龙虾。所以,中文里它叫“小的龙虾”?Yes, because it's kind of like a lobster, but much smaller of course. It's an extremely popular summer dish. Before you dig in, wear the bib and put on these gloves first.对啊,因为它的样子有点像龙虾,但是个头小得多。这可是夏天非常受欢迎的一道菜。吃之前,先戴上围兜和手套。Oh, this is fun! How do I take the meat out?噢,真有意思!那我怎么把肉取出来呢?Just follow what I'm doing. You can actually peel the shell off pretty easily. But first, suck on it to get all the flavors and juices.你照我的样子弄就行了。其实,它的壳很容易就能剥下来。不过你要把汤汁、味道吸一下。Um, tastes nice! Very punchy flavor!嗯,味道真不错!很带劲儿!This style of cooking is called "13 spices". It's got a kick but it's not too spicy.这种做法叫十三香。口味很过瘾,但又不会太辣。It's really good.真的很好吃!So you don't have crawfish in America?你们在美国没有小龙虾吗?Actually we do. There's a famous New Orleans dish called gumbo. It's got crawfish in it.其实有。我们有一道新奥尔良名菜,叫gumbo(秋葵浓汤)。里面就有小龙虾。Nice. I'd like to try it someday.哦。有机会

  • Book series:The Great Gatsby 读书会《了不起的盖茨比》

    25/10/2019 Duración: 06min

    F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" has sold over 25 million copies since its publication in 1925. It has been adapted into movies, computer games, opera and other literature. F.Scott Fitzgerald所著的《了不起的盖茨比》自1925年出版以来,已售出逾2500万册。小说还被改编成电影、电脑游戏、歌剧以及其他文学作品。It has been described as a cautionary tale of the American Dream. Here are some famous passages from the novel:小说被描述为是有关美国梦的警世故事。以下是小说中的一些著名片段:"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."“每当你想批评别人的时候,请记住,不是世上所有人都拥有像你一样的优越条件。”"Tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."“明天,我们会跑得更快,手臂会伸得更远。我们会奋力向前,逆流而上,而浪潮奔流不歇,将我们推向过去。”"He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it. It faced the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor."“他露出一种少有的笑容,给人无比安心的感觉。有那么一瞬间,这种微笑面对的是全部永恒的世界,然而又有那么一瞬间,它

  • Brand stories 品牌故事之H&M

    24/10/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey Ella, where do you usually shop?嘿,Ella,你一般在哪里购物呢?Honestly, H&M. I’m budget-conscious but I like to be on trend, so I go for fast-fashion.说实话,H&M。我预算有限,但喜欢赶潮流,所以我选择快时尚。That’s how they made their name, right? By making chic fashion for the masses?他们就是这样打响名号的,对吧?通过为大众制作时尚服饰?Yes! It only takes 2 weeks for their designs to go from the catwalk to the showroom floor.是的!他们只需要两周就能把设计从T台推向展示厅。Wow! That’s impressive, but it makes me wonder about the sustainability of it all.Wow! 这也太厉害了,但是这也让我怀疑这种做法的可持续性。Yes. H&M isn’t best known for their quality. But they do incentivize customers to recycle their old clothes.是的。H&M并不以质量而闻名。但是他们会激励顾客回收他们的旧衣服。You mean I can exchange my old H&M clothes for new ones?你的意思是我可以把我旧的H&M衣服换成新的?Not quite. But you can get a discount for your old stuff. They’re aiming to be 100% circular by 2030.不完全是。但是你凭旧衣服可以获得折扣。他们的目标是到2030年实现100%的循环。Nice! It’s about time someone paved the way. Where is H&M from?太棒了!是时候有人为此创造条件了。H&M是哪里的品牌呀?Sweden. It started as a small store th

  • Music Genre 音乐类型知多少

    11/10/2019 Duración: 07min

    Hey Drew, this new up-and-coming Indie band is touring here next week. Wanna check it out?嗨,Drew,这个新晋独立乐队下周将会来这儿巡回演出。想去看看吗?What kind of music do they play?他们演奏的是什么类型的音乐啊?It's hard to nail them down to an exact genre. They're pretty eclectic.很难把他们确切归类。他们非常不拘一格。Well help me out here. Is it Rock? R&B? Country? Do they play covers or originals?给我说说嘛。是摇滚?节奏布鲁斯?乡村音乐?他们是翻唱还是原创?Originals. I guess you could call it a jazz hip-hop fusion kind of thing. They've got all of the complex harmonies of jazz, but with hip-hop rhythms thrown in for good measure.原创。我觉得你可以称他们为爵士混嘻哈之类的。他们保留了所有爵士复杂的和声,但另外增加了嘻哈的节奏。So do they actually play instruments, or is it all sampling?那他们是真的演奏乐器,还是只是采样?It's a good deal of both. They sample old jazz standards, but add a hip-hop twist. The lead singer is a virtuoso sax player.大多是两者兼有吧。他们从老爵士标准曲中采样,但增加了嘻哈改编。主唱是个萨克斯手。Sounds neat, but I'm just worried that I wouldn't be able to get into it. I'm a Top 40 guy at heart, you know.听起来不错,但是我就担心我可能不会感兴趣。我其实是喜欢排名前40音乐的人,你知道的。Fair enough.有道理。 Expansion |

  • Buying Bread一起去买面包吧

    06/10/2019 Duración: 05min

    Hello, what can I get for you?你好,今天想买点什么?I'd like a few kinds of bread, but I'm not sure which.我想买几种面包,但不知道具体什么种类好。Ok. What do you want it for? Sandwiches?知道了。你买面包是什么用途呢?做三明治?Yes, that's one thing.对,这是其中一个。So, focaccia, ciabatta, and croissants are good for that.做三明治的话,佛卡夏面包、夏巴塔面包和牛角包都可以。Do they toast well?这些烤一下好吃吗?You can, but maybe a loaf is better.可以呀,但是要烤的话,还是长方面包更好。Ok, I'll have a whole grain loaf.好的,那我要一个全麦长条面包。Sure, and what else?好的,还要点什么?I'm having a party. What can I serve?我还要办个派对。配什么面包好?I'd say a baguette or soft rolls.我会建议法式长棍,或者软面包。I'll have half a dozen rolls, please.好,那给我来六个软面包。Here you go.好的,给您。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Bakeries in the US and China中美面包店的差异There are lots of pastries available in US bakeries. Throughout the US, you can find bakeries especially in many regional and international cuisines. But when it comes to typical American baked goods, most shops sell treats such as cookies, brownies, and cupcakes.美国的面包店有很多糕点可供选择。在美国各地,尤其是在许多地方美食店和国际美食店,你都可以找到面包店。但要说典型的美国烘焙食品,大部分商店会卖饼干、布朗尼和纸杯蛋糕等。The fi

  • Long distance Relationships 异地恋

    22/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey, Monica, how's it going with you and Paul?嘿 Monica,你和Paul怎么样了?Well, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but I think long distance relationships are just plain hard.嗯,都说距离产生美,可我觉得异地恋真的很难。For starters, the time zone difference makes it hard to find a good time to talk.首先,两个人在不同的时区,找个合适的时间聊天都很难。True. It's hard to keep up communication.是啊。沟通起来真是不方便。Yes. It feels like we're drifting apart.是啊。感觉我们渐行渐远了。Well, the most important thing in a long distance relationship is to be on the same page. Have you talked to him about it?在一段异地恋中,最重要的就是保持彼此步调一致。你跟他聊过这件事吗?Yes, I think we both feel that we are stuck in a rut. It's not like we can simply pack our bags and move to the same city to solve the problem.聊过啊,我们俩都觉得现在的关系陷入了僵局。又不能说走就走,结束异地状态。It can't be easy. But as long as you love and trust each other, I'm sure you'll work it out.确实不容易啊。但只要你们彼此相爱、互相信任,相信你们一定会修成正果的。Thanks for the encouragement, Joey! 谢谢你的鼓励,Joey! Expansion | 知识拓展 How are couples who date long distance in a different situation from the rest of u

  • Doctor's Appointment如何预约医生?

    13/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    WeCare Medical. How can I help you?这里是WeCare医疗。我能帮您做点什么?Hi, there. I'd like to make a doctor's appointment with Dr. Lee.你好,我想预约Lee医生的门诊。Sure. Have you been to our clinic before?好的。您之前来过我们的诊所吗?No, and I don't have a family doctor.我没来过,我也没有家庭医生。No problem. What's the reason for your visit?没问题。请问您来访的原因是?I've had the flu for a week and it's not getting better.我得流感已经一个星期了,而且它没有好转。I see. I can get you in at 3:00 pm. Does that work for you?我知道了。我可以给您安排下午三点的门诊。这个时间对您来说合适吗?I'm afraid I can't be there until 4:30. Are there any other times?我恐怕在4点半之前来不了。还有其他时间可以过来吗?She's also available at 4:45. How about that?她在4点45分也有空。这个时间怎么样?That's great. Thanks.那太好了。谢谢。 Expansion | 知识拓展 How to schedule a doctor's appointment in the US在美国如何预约医生1. Know what plan you have.清楚你的保险计划Gather your insurance policy documents and insurance ID card as these will state the name of the insurance plan, the insurance carrier, and your insurance ID number.将你的保险单文件和保险身份证收集起来,因为这些文件将记录你的保险计划名称、保险承运人以及保险身份证号码。2. Find a doctor.选择一名医生If your plan uses a P

  • Clothing sizes 选对尺码玩转穿搭

    06/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hi, there! Do you need help finding a size for that dress?嗨,你好!需要帮助找那条裙子的尺码吗?Yes, please. The clothing sizes are so different here, so I'm not sure what size I need. I usually wear a small or extra small.对,能帮我一下吗。这儿的衣服尺寸很不一样,所以我也搞不清自己该穿多大。我通常穿小号或特小号。I think your dress size is a 2. But, our sizes run large, so you might even be a 0.我看你的裙子尺码应该是2号。但是,我们的尺码偏大,所以可能0号就行了。Ok. What about jean sizes?好的。那牛仔裤的尺码呢?Your waist looks like a 25 and your length is probably a 30, but that's hard to come by.你的腰围看上去也就25,裤长可能得30,但这样的尺寸可能不是很多。Well, I prefer loose-fitted jeans, so maybe I'll try the 26 and 27 on for size.嗯,其实我比较喜欢牛仔裤宽松一点,要不我试下26或27的吧。Sure, but I think the 27 will be too big in the hips. Do you want high-waisted, mid-rise or low-rise jeans?当然可以。但我觉得27的话臀部可能会太大。你想要高腰、中腰还是低腰的牛仔裤?High-waisted. This is so confusing! Thanks so much for your help.高腰的。这真是复杂!谢谢你的帮助!No problem!没问题! Expansion | 知识拓展 Vanity sizing 虚荣尺码The term vanity sizing refers to the trend of labeling larger sizes as smaller sizes. Vanity refers to a perso

  • Buying flowers for your girlfriend 如何给女朋友买花

    30/08/2019 Duración: 05min

    Hi there. Are you looking for a particular arrangement?你好,你在找什么特别的花束吗?I'm looking for some flowers for my girlfriend.我想给女朋友买束花。Well, she'll probably like some roses.嗯,她应该会喜欢玫瑰吧。Oh, I get roses for her all the time. I want to give her something with more personality.但我总给她买玫瑰。今天想给她买点特别的、有个性的。I see. Why don't we do a mixed bouquet? Is she more traditional or modern?我懂了。我们做一个混合搭配的花束吧?她喜欢比较传统的还是比较新潮的?Definitely more modern, and she's pretty artsy.绝对是更现代的,而且她还挺文艺范儿的。Ok, let's do something following the farm fresh trend with nice pastels. It's very subtle and tasteful.好的,那我们选一些淡色的、农场风的花朵。低调、有品位。Sounds great. Oh, just one more thing, she doesn't like flowers that are too fragrant.不错。噢,还有一件事,她不太喜欢太香的花。Got it. I'll start with some peonies in blush, add some lovely dahlias in bloom and finish off with one or two buttery yellow roses.好的。那我就用淡粉色的牡丹打底,再加上一些盛开的大丽菊,最后点缀一朵或两朵奶油色的玫瑰。Oh, that's beautiful! It's very her. Oh,那很漂亮!很符合她的气质。 Grammar | 语法点 Stay + adjectiveStay + 形容词You may have seen posters or memes saying "Stay calm

  • Complaining at a restaurant如何礼貌的在餐厅表达不满

    23/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hello Madam, my name is Mina and I'm the manager here. May I ask what seems to be the problem?女士您好,我叫Mina,是这儿的经理。能跟我说说您的问题吗?Where do I begin? First of all, our food took forever!从何说起呢?首先,上菜耗时也太久了吧!I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I'm afraid we're a bit short-staffed today.非常抱歉。今天我们的人手恐怕有点不够。Well, that's no excuse for the server's rude behavior. She needs an attitude adjustment!那也不是服务员态度无礼的借口吧,她需要调整一下态度!Okay, I'll be sure to let her know. Is there anything else that is not meeting expectations?好的,一定会告诉她。还有什么是没有达到您预期的吗?Well, to make matters worse, look what we found swimming in my husband's soup! A hair!而且,更糟糕的是,你看我老公的汤里面漂着的是什么!一根头发!My deepest apologies, Madam. we pride ourselves on keeping a clean and hygienic kitchen, but of course these things happen from time to time.我深感抱歉,女士。厨房保持清洁卫生是我们引以为傲的事情,可是这样的事情当然还是偶尔发生。Well, they shouldn't! I'm afraid that in the future we might have to take our business elsewhere!但是,他们不应该有这样的疏漏。或许以后我们恐怕是要去照顾别处的生意了。I completely understand. As an apology, tonight's meal is on the hou

  • American Talk Shows 美国脱口秀

    16/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    Hey Carrie, which American talk shows do you like to watch?嘿,Carrie,你喜欢看哪些美国脱口秀节目啊?There are so many: early morning talk shows, daytime talk shows, late night talk shows, big network and cable talk shows.有很多啊:早间脱口秀、日间脱口秀、晚间脱口秀、大广播电视网脱口秀、有线电视脱口秀。Wow, that's a lot. I take it they have different formats?哇,这么多啊。他们的形式不太一样,对吧?Sure do. Early morning shows, like Good Morning America, usually cover national news stories, lifestyle tips and entertainment news.当然啦。早间秀,比如《早安美国》,一般是报道全国事件、生活贴士和娱乐。I see. What about late night talk shows? Are they more comedy-focused?我明白了。那晚间秀呢?会更以搞笑为主吗?They sure are. Shows like The Late Show with Stephen Colbert start with a monologue that jokes about current events and politics, followed by celebrity guests.是的。比如《斯蒂芬·科尔伯特晚间秀》的开场单口小段就是调侃时事和政治,之后是名人访谈。Yes. I've seen some of those. The celebrity segments are super fun.嗯,是的,我看过一些这种节目。名人访谈部分超级搞笑。Yes. Many Americans also love the satire aspect of late night shows, especially when the hosts roast politicians.是的。许多美国人也喜欢晚间秀的讽刺挖苦的特点,尤其是主持人吐槽政客的时候。

  • Yuezi: a special month 坐月子

    09/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey Tony, I heard your wife is due next month. Congratulations!嘿,Tony,听说你妻子下个月就到预产期了。恭喜啊!Thanks, Lilian. To be honest, I'm so overwhelmed. On top of being a new dad, there're a lot of cultural differences when you marry a Chinese woman.谢谢你,Lilian。老实说,我已经被压垮了。马上就要当爸爸了,除此之外,娶了一位中国媳妇,还要面临很多文化差异。Oh, are you talking about "yuezi"?哦,你是说“月子”吗?Yes! I couldn't believe it when she told me she would have to stay in bed for a whole month after giving birth, without taking a bath or washing her hair!对! 当她告诉我,生完孩子后要在床上休息一个月、不能洗澡、不能洗头的时候,我完全无法置信!Yes, that's the Chinese tradition. Zuo Yuezi literally means "sitting the month". It's supposed to help the new mom recover and recuperate.是啊,这是中国的传统。坐月子的字面意思是“坐一个月”。目的是帮助新妈妈产后休息、恢复。I'm glad my wife doesn't want to go the whole nine yards. She only ordered special yuezi food and hired a specialized yuezi nanny.幸亏我妻子没打算完全照做。她就是订了月子餐、请了专门的月嫂。What about your mother-in-law?那你丈母娘怎么说?That's a completely different story! She insists that my wife follow the tradition to prevent any health p

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow 思考, 快与慢

    08/08/2019 Duración: 05min

    Here are a few quotes from the book.以下是摘自这本书的一些引文。"The premise of this book is that it is easier to recognize other people's mistakes than our own."“这本书的前提是,我们认识到别人的错误比认识到自己的错误更加容易。”"We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and to underestimate the role of chance in events."“我们很容易高估自己对世界的了解程度,而又低估机遇在事件中的作用。”"The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence in our ability to predict the future."“我们能理解过去这一幻觉助长了我们对自己预测未来能力的过度自信。”"Intelligence is not only the ability to reason; it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed."“智力不仅仅是推理的能力;它还包括在记忆中寻找相关的素材,并在必要时有效调动注意力的能力。”"Those who avoid the sin of intellectual sloth could be called "engaged." They are more alert, more intellectually active, less willing to be satisfied with superficially attractive answers, more skeptical about their intuitions."“那些避免了智力上的懒惰这一罪孽的人可以说是“投入其中”的人。他们更加警觉,智力上更加活跃,更不愿意满足于表面上有吸引力的答案,更加怀疑自己的直觉。” Expansion | 知识拓展 Daniel Kahneman丹尼尔·卡内曼In 2002, Princet

  • Buying Perfume 香水选购小贴士

    26/07/2019 Duración: 06min

    Hey Amanda, it's my girlfriend's birthday coming up. Would you mind helping me pick out a perfume for her?嘿,Amanda,我女朋友的生日快到了。你能帮我挑一瓶香水给她吗?Sure, Tony. Do you have a brand in mind?当然可以啦Tony。你有中意的品牌吗?Uh… not really.额...没有。Ok, most women like either floral or fruity scents. But some prefer musky or spicy ones. What's her personality like?好吧。大多数女生都喜欢花香或果香。但也有人喜欢麝香或辛辣的香型。她的性格是什么样的?She's really fun and energetic.风趣幽默、充满活力。Then a citrus scent might be nice for her. They smell like oranges.那柑橘类果味应该适合她,闻起来像橘子味道一样。That would totally suit her.那肯定适合她。Do you want to buy eau de parfum or eau de toilette? Eau de parfum is stronger and lasts longer but is more expensive. Eau de toilette is lighter but good for everyday use.你想买浓香水还是淡香水?浓香水更浓烈、更持久,但也更贵一些。淡香水比较清淡,但是适合日常使用。Oh, I see. I think she'd prefer eau de toilette.噢,我明白了。我觉得她应该更喜欢淡香水。Ok. I've chosen a few perfumes I think your girlfriend might like. I'll send you the links.好了。我选了几款你女友可能会喜欢的香水。我把链接发给你。Perfect! Thanks so much!太好了!太感谢你了! Grammar | 语法点 Different ways to use "w

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