Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Weekend plans 周末计划

    06/02/2021 Duración: 05min
  • Famous people :Kim Kardashian 名人故事系列:金·卡戴珊

    22/06/2020 Duración: 06min

    The first Kardashian to enter the public eye wasn't Kim Kardashian, but her father Robert Kardashadian who was O.J. Simpson's defense lawyer.最先进入公众视野的卡戴珊不是金卡戴珊,而是她的父亲Robert Kardashadian。他因为担任O.J.辛普森杀妻案的辩护律师而名声大噪。When the Kardashian girls entered the public eye in 2004, all they had going for them was a fading family name. 当卡戴珊几个女儿们04年开始出现在媒体上时,除了她们的姓氏,没有人知道她们是谁。Everything changed when the reality TV show, "Keeping up with the Kardashians" hit the airwaves in 2006. The larger than life personalities, family tension and showing the most intimate pieces of what goes on within a family was an immediate hit.一切都在06年卡戴珊家族真人秀播出后改变了。家族成员张扬的性格、家族矛盾、公开展示自己的私人生活,让这个节目一推出就大受关注。Say what you will about Kim Kardashian, but there's no denying the reality TV star is also a savvy businesswoman.不管你对金·卡戴珊有什么看法,不可否认的是这位真人秀明星也是一位机智的女商人。Kim also has a super successful video game app, which brought in $80 million in revenue in 2015.卡戴珊还拥有一个非常成功的游戏app。这款游戏在2015年获得了八千万美元的收益。She has numerous product endorsement deals, a selfie book, and

  • Is working from home the future?未来在家办公会成为常态吗?

    22/06/2020 Duración: 07min

    Hey, Matt. I heard your new job lets you work remotely.嘿,Matt。我听说你的新工作可以远程办公。Yes, I'm loving it. It's great having flexibility and autonomy over my work.是的,我很喜欢这点。有工作灵活性和自主权很好。That's great! Isn't it hard without face-to-face interactions, though?那可真好!不过,没有面对面的交流不会很困难吗?We mitigate that pretty well by leveraging collaboration tools we already had, like Slack and Zoom.通过利用我们已有的协作工具,如Slack和Zoom,我们很好地缓解了这一问题。That's cool. Weren't you more productive in an office?那真棒。你在办公室里不是更有效率吗?Not at all. Offices have lots of productivity constraints. And, since we're judged only on our output, it actually keeps people from slacking off.完全不是。办公室有很多对工作效率的制约。而且,因为只根据产出来评估我们,实际上可以阻止人们偷懒。I still like the camaraderie you get from being with coworkers.我还是喜欢和同事一起工作的情谊。As long as you like your coworkers! We do have a physical office we can visit, and we have team-building retreats as well.只要你喜欢你的同事就好!我们确实有一间可以去的实体办公室,并且我们也有团建活动。Seems like they're working out the kinks. I can definitely see that it lets companies tap into a far bigger gl

  • Calling the landlord 如何与房东沟通

    22/06/2020 Duración: 06min

    Hi Nick, it's Mina. Do you have a moment?嗨Nick,是我Mina。你现在有时间吗?Of course, Mina! What can I do for you?当然,Mina!我能为你做什么?Well, I'm having a few issues at my apartment.是这样的,我住的公寓出了些问题。Oh, is the Wi-Fi going in and out again?哦,是无线网又断断续续了吗?No, the connection is ok but the water heater is broken, so only cold water comes out.不是的,信号没问题,但热水器坏了,只出凉水出来。Oh, are you home tomorrow? I can drop by and have a look.好的,你明天你在家吗?我可以顺道过去看看。Sure! Could you also look at the washing machine? It broke down and won't turn on.没问题!你可以也顺便看一下洗衣机吗?洗衣机坏了,启动不了了。Hmm… was there anything stuck in the machine?嗯......洗衣机里面有什么东西堵住了吗?No, I think it's just old. Would it be possible to have it repaired by Tuesday?没有,我认为就是因为太旧了。有没有可能在周二前修好呢?Sorry, I can't make any promises but I'll try my best.抱歉,这个我保证不了,但我会尽力的。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Tips for a healthy landlord-tenant relationship和房东搞好关系的小技巧·Pay your rent on time 按时交房租Very few landlords will want to evict a tenant who they believe honestly wants to pay but is having a short-term problem. The worst option is

  • Book series:How to Do Nothing《如何无所事事》

    22/06/2020 Duración: 07min

    How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell is a critique of the forces vying for our attention.Jenny Odell在作品《如何无所事事:对抗注意力经济》 中批判了争夺我们注意力的各方力量。It's an action plan to resist the dominant narratives of efficiency and productivity.该书作为一本行动指南,抵制了效率和生产力这种主流说法。It evokes the malaise that arises when our experiences have been collapsed into 24/7 platforms for personal branding or products to be monetized.当我们的所有时间都被瓜分在一些充斥着个人品牌、产品盈利的平台上时,不安感就随之产生了。By "doing nothing," we can connect with our environment in more meaningful ways and reveal all that we've been too distracted to see about ourselves and our world.“无所事事”可以让我们与周围的环境以更有意义的方式联系在一起;当你“无所事事”时才会发现,我们被太多事情分心,忽略了与自己、与世界有关的事与物。"Our very idea of productivity is premised on the idea of producing something new, whereas we do not tend to see maintenance and care as productive in the same way."“我们对生产力的理解建立在创造新事物的基础上,而我们并未将保护和维护同样视作生产力的一部分。”"Distractions can accumulate and keep us from living the lives we want to live, or, even worse, undermine our c

  • Fad diets for weight loss 流行减肥饮食法

    22/06/2020 Duración: 06min

    Hey, Mark. That looks good. What're you eating?嗨,Mark。这看起来不错。你在吃什么?Oh, it's a chicken salad. I'm on a diet.哦,这是鸡肉沙拉。我在节食。I hope it's not another low-carb, high-protein diet.我希望这不是另一种低碳水、高蛋白的减肥餐。Like the keto diet? No, I'm just trying to watch my waistline.像生酮饮食?不,我只是尝试注意自己的腰围。Good for you. I've tried so many diets, but it's really all about eating sensibly.那不错呦。我尝试过很多减肥餐,但是减肥实际上完全是关于如何合理饮食。Yes. I did a couple juice cleanses, but I actually got sick because of them.是的,我试过几次果汁排毒,但我居然因为这个生病了。Those diet fads are just about marketing, not about actual science.这些流行减肥饮食法都只是市场营销,不是真正的科学。Exactly. Our bodies can't survive without nutrients.的确如此。我们的身体没有营养就无法生存。Yes, so all they do is make a bunch of yo-yos that can't build lasting habits.是的,这些方法只会让人体重时常反复,并不能形成持久的习惯。For sure. There's no secret to good health. A balanced diet is the key.确实如此。保持健康没什么秘密。平衡饮食是关键。 Fad diets for weight loss  流行减肥饮食法 1. Atkins Diet阿特金斯饮食法The Atkins diet is the most famous low-carb weight loss diet in the world. It consists of four stages, inclu

  • Facts about the Renaissance 关于文艺复兴的事实

    17/05/2020 Duración: 06min

    Fact 1: The Renaissance was a period of time in European history from the 14th-17th century. It served as the bridge that linked the Middle Ages and modern times. 事实1:文艺复兴是14至17世纪欧洲历史上的一个时期,是连接中世纪和现代的桥梁。Fact 2: The Renaissance was regarded as a time of "coming out of the dark." It was a period of rebirth for science, art, literature, education, and music in Europe. It was also a time when people, in general, lived a better life. 事实2:文艺复兴被称为“走出黑暗”的时代。那是欧洲科学、艺术、文学、教育和音乐的重生时期。总的来说,这也是人们过上更好生活的时期。Fact 3: The word "renaissance" means "rebirth" in French. The word was first seen in English in the 1830s.事实3:“文艺复兴”一词在法语中的意思是“重生”。这个词最早出现在英语中是19世纪30年代。Fact 4: Much of the advances in science, art, and government that had been credited to the Greeks and Romans, was lost during the Renaissance. However, Renaissance humanism looked to classical Greek and Roman texts to change contemporary thought, allowing for a new mindset after the Middle Ages.事实4:在文艺复兴时期,古希腊和古罗马人在科学、艺术和政府治理方面取得的许多进步都消失了。然而,文艺复兴时期的人文主义把目光投向了古希腊和古罗马的典籍,以改

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