Kelly's Talkshow

Shaanxi Food 陕西美食



I'm so happy you finally got to see the Terracotta Warriors, Sarah!我真高兴你终于看到兵马俑了,Sarah!I know. What an incredible experience! But now I'm starving. What's for lunch?就是呀。实在是太震撼人心的经历了!但我现在好饿。午饭我们吃什么呢?Well we should start with some mutton stew with bread.我们先该尝尝羊肉泡馍。Okay great. Oh could we get a few lamb skewers too?好呀。噢,我们能再点些羊肉串吗?Good idea. You can never have too much lamb!好主意。羊肉再多也吃不够。Hey, what's this? It kind of looks like a hamburger!嘿,这是什么?看起来像汉堡一样!That's "roujiamo". Actually, a lot of people do call it the Chinese Hamburger. I just call it delicious.那是肉夹馍。实际上很多人确实把它称为中式汉堡。我觉得它就该叫“好吃”。I'm in the mood for some noodles too. Could we get those cold noodles with sesame sauce and cucumbers?我还想吃点面条。我们能点这个有芝麻酱和黄瓜的凉皮吗?Those are pretty good, but I really suggest you try these ones, biangbiang noodles.凉皮是很好吃,但我还是强烈建议你尝一下biangbiang面。Oh wow, look at that character. Can you write that?哇,看这个汉字。你会写吗?Hey, the waiter's here!嘿,服务员来了! Expansion | 知识拓展 Shaanxi food in America 美国的陕西菜Even though there is a lot of Chinese food in