Achieve Your Goals, Keep a Consistent Schedule and Live Your Dream Life
Sell Your Signature Service Story
13/04/2023 Duración: 24minWanna be the top service provider in your industry? A lot of service providers are stuck juggling offers in an attempt to attract multiple clients. What they don’t know is having just one streamlined signature service will make you irresistible to higher-caliber clients. You want to build a signature service that your ideal buyers need so you can get them great results. That’s how you’ll turn clients into raving fans. If you’re curious about how you can be a high-caliber client magnet, I shared some tips inside this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast where you’ll learn …
Developing a Breadwinning Mindset with Natalee Facey
07/04/2023 Duración: 58minHave you ever thought to yourself, “I have a job that I love but something’s still missing”? You spend most of your days working overtime. You give so much to the 9-to-5 that basically little or no energy for your business left. In the back of your mind, you come up with excuses that you’re too busy with work to even think about growing your business. It’s understandable to be afraid and doubtful of growing something new but that doesn’t mean you can’t thrive. Today, we are joined by a special guest, our Breadwinners Mastermind alumni Natalee Facey, who bravely jumped the fence, won over her doubts and decided to take her coaching business to the next level. Natalee shares the experience of her entrepreneurial journey and how she decided to shift her mindset into becoming a Breadwinning business owner. Learn how to …
7 Ways a Business Coach Can Help You Earn More
30/03/2023 Duración: 32minHere’s why you need a business coach … Coaches and service providers often think that business coaching is only for those who are just starting out in the industry, but that’s not true. A business coach will help you to take leaps forward in your business because you are learning from someone who already has a proven path that you can follow. It makes it easier to create your own successful business because you’re learning from someone else who can show you what things to do or avoid. Inside my program Breadwinners, I’m going to show you how you can fast-track your results through coaching and consulting. Inside our Weekly Business Coaching, you’ll get a breakdown of what's working now in the online business world when it comes to attracting clients and selling your services. You will also have a 1:1 Monthly Strategy session where we can go through your goals and provide you with step-by-step strategic advice on how to get things done. You’ll have someone to hold you accountable, give you homework, and hones
How to Choose a Niche For Your Business
23/03/2023 Duración: 19minYou want to differentiate yourself from your industry and win over your potential clients, and that is by choosing a niche for your business. Niching down doesn’t mean limiting yourself, in fact, it allows you to be seen as a specialist at what you do. When you go for a specific niche, that’s when you’ll build a connection with your audience because what you offer resonates with them. Not sure how you can stand out in the market with your niche? In this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I shared the steps that can help you choose your niche and be seen as the expert in your industry. Learn …
5 Steps to Attracting Clients Online
16/03/2023 Duración: 47minDid you know that 64% of the worlds population is on the internet and 4.26 billion are on social media? That’s why when it comes to marketing your business, attracting clients online is one of the most powerful ways to grow. I know that depending on what you're doing to put yourself out there, learning the latest marketing tricks can take something that should be easy and make it overwhelming. You just need an proven strategy to connect with your potential clients, nurture them, educate them on what you do, and make offers to help them. For this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I’m going to share the 5 steps you’d want to have in place so can convert your online audience into clients with ease. If you enjoyed this episode, share the love by doing these steps:
Building a Business that Provides for Everything You Want
09/03/2023 Duración: 29minWere you afraid that charging high would make you inaccessible to people you want to help? Thinking that you’ll leave behind the people you desperately want to help is a misconception. It may feel that if you charge too much, the people you really want to help won’t be able to afford it. But the fact is, your dream clients won’t think the price is too high, because they see your value and are willing to pay for it. You can work with the people you really want to work with and still create financial independence through your business In this episode, I’m going to share with you the importance of pricing profitably to create a business that provides everything that you want. You will learn …
What to do when your business and life are out of balance
02/03/2023 Duración: 23minDo you feel unproductive in your business? What I have seen over and over again is that it’s not that you have too much work to do but more often than not, we’re working ineffeciently You’d want to clean up your work habits, get some processes, and routines in place for how you work. The key is you should not wait around on anyone else to make things happen. If life is taking over more than business then I want you to remember – you want to solve the problem not be the solution. In this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I share the ways on how you can be unstuck from you feeling unproductive and out of balance in your business and your life. You will learn…
Resistant Feelings
23/02/2023 Duración: 15minHave you ever had resistant feelings in your business? It’s when you know that you have something to do but you're reluctant or even procrastinating when it comes to getting it done because the feeling of doing it makes you uncomfortable. And because you don’t want to experience the discomfort you delay taking action. I know it can be uncomfortable doing something that feels a little scary but I want to encourage you to lean into it. You need to remember that the work that you're doing is going to impact lives and so you want to keep that as your inspiration for taking action. For this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I talk about the concept of resistant feelings and how it affects you as a business owner. You will learn…
Success Avoidance
17/02/2023 Duración: 29minAre you avoiding success? Many business owners struggle to get to their next-level breakthrough because they are stuck in hustle-mode. What you should be doing is stretching your mind into new ways of thinking and what’s possible for you and your business. As a business owner, you might even tell yourself, “I don’t have everything together.” But the truth is, taking action makes you feel inadequate so you just don’t do it. It’s learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to get to your desired next-level. For this week’s Breadwinning Women episode, I talk about success avoidance. If you're feeling stuck and want a kick-in-the pants, I’ll help you identify what you’ve been avoiding so you can overcome the fear and grow your business. In this week's episode, you will learn: The signs that you’re struggling with success avoidance; How to switch between head and hustle energy; The mindset shifts needed to get to your business to its next milestone If you enjoyed this episo
How to Build Confidence in Your Business
09/02/2023 Duración: 25minDon’t let your self-doubt be the barrier for your success. Having big goals in your business can be scary, especially if you have lots of ideas but no system or support in place. Either you’re afraid to make the bold move or there’s something holding you back, it’s important to shift your mindset to start doing the work. Achieving your bigger goals and dreams means keeping commitments with yourself. When you commit to becoming a better version of yourself, your career, relationships, and all the other areas in your life will fall into place. You have to believe that you can do it so you can build your confidence to take the next step. Curious on how you can trust in your ability to make those goals happen? In this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I shared some tangible tips on how you can build more confidence in your ability to take your business to the next level. In this episode …
3 Ways to Grow your Business with High Ticket Offers
02/02/2023 Duración: 26minYour offers reflect the service you provide. The mistake that I often see women service providers making is feeling that they need to “pay their dues” or get more established before they can charge the value of what their services are worth and the truth is, you don’t need to. As a service provider, you’d want to think about how you are positioned in the marketplace. That includes the message around your offers, the price you offer them at, and overall how you communicate the value to your potential clients. It doesn’t matter what level of business you’re at, you have the ability to position your services as a high-ticket offering. What you need to do is show up in the market as the best of the best of what you do. For this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I share the 3 ways how you can grow your business with high ticket offers. In this episode …
5 Mindset Shifts to Reach $10k or more in Monthly Revenue
26/01/2023 Duración: 31min$10k months is achievable. It would seem like exceeding your current revenue can be difficult, especially if you have no system or support in place. What you would want to do is to stretch your mind into new ways of thinking and what’s possible for you and your business. It’s learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to get to your desired next-level. Either you’re afraid to make the bold move or there’s something holding you back, it’s important to shift your mindset to start doing the work and believe that you can do it so you can build your confidence to take the next step. In this week's Breadwinning Women Podcast, I share the different mindset shifts you can start implementing so you can crush limiting beliefs, be hella productive, and focus on the income-generating activity that will leap your business forward to $10k months and more. In this episode, learn …
How to Believe in Yourself and Your Business
20/01/2023 Duración: 21minSometimes, you might get overwhelmed with fear and doubts about setting big goals in your business. I know personally that it can feel daunting when you have a really big vision but getting there feels far away. At certain points in the year, we can put pressure on ourselves to achieve more, play bigger and go for what we want. While all of that’s good, what I really see holding women back is that they see things happening for other people that they don’t believe are possible for them. With the right mindset and steps at hand, hitting your personal and business goals can totally happen for you. So for this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I wanted to talk about how to create belief in yourself – particularly as it relates to accomplishing the goals that you set for your business this year. In this episode, I shared how you can …
Business Boundaries that Impact the Bottom Line
12/01/2023 Duración: 30minThe lines between client delivery time and your own personal time should not be blurred. As the leader and CEO of your company, you need to set a path for helping your clients how to best work with you. You need to build boundaries so that you can lead your clients on how to have the best working experience. It’s critical that you are able to set up your business in a way that doesn’t create a challenge for you or cross the lines of what is actually your work time or your personal time. For today’s Breadwinning Women episode, I am going to share some strategies you can implement in your client delivery to set a healthy boundary and start setting your clients up for success. In this episode, I shared how you can …
5 Soft Life Goal-Setting Strategies
06/01/2023 Duración: 27minIt’s about time to start living a life of comfort and low stress. For many Black women, it is a challenge to move past always being the responsible one, always sacrificing their enjoyment, and always putting others over themselves. What happens if you keep on sacrificing your precious time and energy is that you become overworked and burnt out, and that’s definitely what you don’t want to happen. So for this year, I encourage you to adopt a soft life and a much less stressful way of goal setting. Learn how to thrive and grow your business without taking on a life of stress. For this year’s first episode of Breadwinning Women podcast, I’m going to share the benefits of living a soft life, being more intentional about your time, and practicing the habit even in your goal setting. In this episode, I shared …
Year in Review: Highs and Lows from 2022 Part 2
29/12/2022 Duración: 38min2022 was a year full of highlights and learnings. Even if you feel like you’re ready for the year to be over, there are a lot of business lessons that we can take away from everything that happened this year. As a businesswoman, it’s critical to learn how you show yourself up for your business, improve your thought process, and know how to act in different circumstances that you’re dealt with. If you’ve been listening to Breadwinning Women, you know I like to share all of the big lessons, wins, challenges, and insights the year has taught me. These invaluable lessons that I shared for this week’s podcast will spark some ideas for you to strategically grow your business next year without the non-stop hustling. I hope that this episode can also be insightful and helpful for you. Perhaps you will reflect on the lessons you’ve learned in the last 12 months and allow them to shape how you approach the year ahead. In this episode, I shared … How you can consistently show up for your business and clie
Year in Review: Highs and Lows from 2022
23/12/2022 Duración: 44minI don’t know about you but 2022 has been a rollercoaster. However your year went though, I want you to reflect on the things that went well and the lessons you learned out of everything that happened. How I see it is that women create the biggest results and step into their rightful role as breadwinning business owners when they are willing to go to the growth edge and endure the short term discomfort it takes to get to the other side. That’s what I want for you too: celebrate the wins you had this year and take time to appreciate the opportunities you have for growth this coming year. It’s that time of the year again and for this week’s Breadwinning Women episode, I shared the milestones that I had in business and as the CEO, the highlights, and all the great things that I have learned for 2022. Learn …
Launch Your Signature Offer
15/12/2022 Duración: 01h11sYour 6-figure revenue goals depend on your signature offer. Fact is, the key to having a six-figure business really starts with how you structure and streamline your signature service. When you have a signature service that hits the sweet spot between what your ideal buyers REALLY want and what you can get great results on, you’ve set your business up for unlimited potential. And when you deliver the promise of transformation for your clients, you’re not only setting your business up for increased cash flow, but also, you’re creating a much higher impact for your business WITHOUT compromising the freedom and flexibility you started your business for. In today’s special episode, I’m taking you to the first day of Soar to Six Figures Challenge where I shared how to transform your signature offer into powerful positioning that will attract high-end clients with ease Learn how to …
Get Featured in the Media with Charreah K. Jackson
08/12/2022 Duración: 45minBeing visible and out in the media can be daunting. It takes skill to speak and introduce your brand in your audience, but it requires a lot more to be out there in the world. Here’s a secret: you can do it too, even if you think that it’s scary to speak publicly. You just need to lean into who needs to hear what you want to talk about, study the outlets that aligns with your expertise, and looking into strategies on how you can make it work. In this episode of Breadwinning Women podcast, we have Charreah K. Jackson as our special guest for this week. Charreah is a sought-after speaker known for interactive and informative keynotes and takes her own advice to star in your life story, which led her to interviewing Oprah Winfrey in the mogul’s backyard - who called her “luminous,” teaching at Disney World and speaking on stages globally from South Africa to Amsterdam. We talked about how you can prepare yourself to become an effective speaker to pitching your brand for speaking opportunities in paid m
Q&A Business Tips with Jamila & Jovien
29/11/2022 Duración: 47minIt takes a lot to build a successful business. When most people imagine becoming a success in their business, they instinctively think that it’s difficult but building a business doesn’t have to be so hard. Whether that is by hitting your revenue goal, having your own dream team, or attracting high-end clients consistently, it all boils down to being the breadwinning CEO you are meant to be. You just need to know what aspects of your business you need to focus more on and start making the shifts so that you can build and grow the business of your dreams. In this episode of the Breadwinning Women podcast, I spill all the business tea together with Daily Success Routine’s Marketing Assistant, Jovien. We talk about the learnings and challenges we encountered in the company, our goals for our clients, and where we’re going forward to. Learn …