What a time to be alive!
Ep 51 - Kandinsky
23/01/2019 Duración: 39minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We've surpassed the half century and now we talk about sophisticated things like art, braces, and travel. We'll will be traveling to the Big Apple aka New York City in May and are so excited! Lissette's getting braces and discusses how she got here, she already regrets it.
Ep 50 - Somebody's Watching Me
18/01/2019 Duración: 40minHey hey! We hit the half-century episode! This week Ashley and I decided to be creeped out by TV and watch You on Netlflix. CW: The details of the show may be a trigger for persons that have been stalked.
Ep 49 - Ashley Threw Away Her Shot
16/01/2019 Duración: 33minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We're finally getting our groove back and it's so nice! We talk about Lissette's trip to Orlando to celebrate a friend's bachelorette and how Ashley missed her opportunity to go see Hamilton in Puerto Rico. It was a rollercoaster of emotion, as usual.
Ep 48 - R. Kelly is Cancelled
11/01/2019 Duración: 01h17minHello baah-d kids! Before you continue, we talk about sexual/physical/mental abuse of adults and minors. Whelp, this one was a tough one. In the past week, a docu-series, Surviving R. Kelly, was released that details stories of abuse by his survivors. It is incredibly difficult to get through but not nearly as difficult as it was for the women that spoke in this series. We hope that by listening to this episode and/or watching the series, you engage in constructive conversation about the future you wish to be a part of. We reference an article from Buzzfeed News from 2017, you can access it here. If you or someone you know is in danger, please contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
Ep 47 - Hi, Do You Resolute?
09/01/2019 Duración: 44minOh, hello, baah-d kids! We're back and it's a whole new year. A year filled with opportunities, we don't know what they are yet but they're there. We love the new year, it's a lot of fun trying to figure out how it'll be and see if we change at all. Anyway, do you have any resolutions? Anything you're looking forward to in 2019?
Ep 46 - Maria Poppins Regresa
21/12/2018 Duración: 31minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Forty-six episodes, can you believe? We discuss life in our thirties (cuz Lissette's an expert on the topic) and Mary Poppins. We've both seen the sequel at this point. Did we love it? Did we hate it?
Ep 45 - Tradition Shmadition
19/12/2018 Duración: 29minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We're officially less than a week away from Christmas Day and the hilarity that ensues so we thought it'd be a great idea to know about your holiday traditions. We also talk about the holiday themed specials on Netflix and being live on the Thirsty Samurai Piggy's Instagram.
Ep 44 - A Holiday Story
14/12/2018 Duración: 37minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Have you ever gotten a holiday present that was so good/so bad that you still remember it? Whelp, that's what we talk about on this episode. Ashley and I thought it would be a good idea to have our spouses join and have a conversation about these gifts. We all learned a little bit about each other, it was sweet.
Ep 43 - A Thirsty Pig
12/12/2018 Duración: 53minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We have a very special guest on this 43rd episode. Haidar aka @Samurai_Piggy aka @Thirsty_Samurai_Piggy joins us! We discuss beer, running, and, most importantly, 90 Day Fiance. Make sure that you have your volume lowered, Haidar's boisterous laughter will break your speakers. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Ep 42 - Gratitude with Attitude
07/12/2018 Duración: 38minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Here we are with another episode. As we enter the holiday season, we wanted to tell you what we're grateful and thankful for. One can argue that this is what Thanksgiving is for, but, it extends far beyond that. We invite you to join us by telling us what you're grateful for or things you're looking forward to during this time. Happy Holidays from your favorite Baby Lambs.
Ep 41 - The End of a Generation
05/12/2018 Duración: 01h03minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! The winner of the auditions, Alex-Andra, is back this week to claim her prize and overthrow Lissette as a co-host of the Baby Lambs Podcast. Other than showing her the ropes, we chat about our generational differences and how we're type A's. It was... interesting. P.S. Alex-Andra also learns something about Ashley and Japan.
Ep 40 - Bend Over Make Your Knees Touch Your Elbows, Pt. 2
30/11/2018 Duración: 42minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Mama's back with another description, you know you missed me. This episode is basically a continuation of the mess that was episode 39 with a little Japan sprinkled on top. Enjoy!
Ep 39 - Bend Over Make Your Knees Touch Your Elbow, Pt. 1
29/11/2018 Duración: 33minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Guess who's back! If you guessed Lissette, you're right! She's officially back from her travels throughout Japan and brought our friends, Epi and Jani, to talk about it. Also, to make Ashley jealous about not going. We talk about inside jokes that don't include Ashley, twerking throughout Japan, and Mt. Fuji. Did you know it's an active volcano? No? It's okay, we don't discuss that in the episode. Enjoy!
Ep 38 - Co-host Auditions (Day 4) - Alexandra & the Battle of the Millenn(ials)
21/11/2018 Duración: 34minHappy Sansgibing Eve, baa'h-d kids! We end our series of co-host auditions with our final contestant, Alexandra, who takes us through the misconceptions, trials and differences between the younger and older millennial generation. Are we as bad as everyone thinks we are? We'll let you decide. While you wait for your second batch of pumpkin pie to bake/not burn in the oven, we'll take you back to the days of MySpace, learn how get a free meal and listen to Alex's confusion when we discuss the free AOL discs we got in the mail all those years ago. We will be back next week for more Baby Lambs, bringing back our favorite Japanese-convert, that is, if she even decides to get on the plane back to America.
Ep 37 – Co-host Auditions (Day 3) – Group Call – It’s Hot in Here and Part of that is Florida
16/11/2018 Duración: 58minIt's mid-November, baah'-d kids! Florida is a weird place. You know that. We know that. And the political climate is getting as hot as it is in this room (and that's pretty clammy). Joining the chat today is Lonia, Sasha, Cristina and Derrick, who are all itching/sweating for a chance to fill this coveted seat at the Baby Lambs table. Will they succeed? Will the recount ever end? Do we need to start volunteering our time to count ballots? I'll let you decide, although Lonia has already self-proclaimed her position as a BL "political correspondent." We also hear briefly from our girl in Japan! It's brief and sweet and she is definitely fully awake. Today is the group call, which means we are closing in on the end of our co-host audition series. Much like the Florida races, a choice will soon be made. Who will make the cut?
Ep 36 - Co-host Auditions (Day 2) Spouse Edition - Gabe & the Women Who Love Him (and the sports he doesn't)
09/11/2018 Duración: 34minKonichiwa, you baah'-d kids, you! Lissette has officially landed in Japan, meaning Ashley has to scramble to find another cohost. Luckily, her laziness and lack of preparation leads her down the hall to her loving and very cooperative husband, Gabe. We answer some of your questions about us and how we came to become Gashley... or Ashabe..? Gabe also regales us with his sports stories. Yeah, you heard right, I live with a sporty sportsman. Don't believe me? Guess you're just gonna have to listen, huh...
Ep 35 - New Cohost Auditions (Day 1) - Lonia & Post-Election Feelings (Florida does it again)
07/11/2018 Duración: 43minToday is a day full of feelings, baah'-d kids. (1) Ashley has taken the reigns of Baby Lambs while Lissette galavants through Japan eating yummy treats and bowing at deer. (2) Its the day after mid-term elections and... well... let's say we have some thoughts. (3) Ashley cannot do this alone, therefore, she is holding auditions for a new cohost! Today, we welcome our dear friend Lonia to the Baby Lambs studio/yeah right we don't have a studio to discuss the last 24 hours in U.S. politics. If you are also a little unsure about the state of our nation (or of the State of Florida), grab a glass of your favorite spirit and join the discush.
Ep 34 - The One Where Lisa Ran a Half Marathon
06/11/2018 Duración: 35minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Whelp, this is the last episode with Lisa until 2 weeks from now. Not only is she leaving to Japan as you listen but she ran a half marathon on Sunday, she's going to be so tired. Clearly, she didn't plan this too well. Anyway, have you voted?! Why not? It's your last day!
Ep 33 - Did you vote?
02/11/2018 Duración: 36minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! How y'all doin'? How was your Halloween? Did you dress up? Did you see any cool costumes? Did you vote? Why not? We don't care for your excuses. Do you need a ride? Yeah, it's a jam-packed episode. PS Lissette's dogs make an annoying appearance. PPS Midterm elections end on Tuesday, November 6th. kthanxbye.
Ep 32 - Yt Men Ruin Everything
31/10/2018 Duración: 39minWhat's up baah-d kids?! We're back at it again with one more episode. It was an interesting last few days in the US and bring them to the forefront of this episode. We don't have answers but we do have questions and we want to maintain an open dialogue about it. We also include a clip of spoopy stories from our friend, Augi.