What a time to be alive!
Ep 71 - Montessori Style
03/04/2019 Duración: 36minAshley's back! Ashley's back! We had a great time catching up and having Ashley tell Lissette everything about her farm. Yes, we're talking about Stardew Valley again! Lissette's elated. Oh, and Ashley watched Tim Burton's Dumbo. We feel this photo accurately portrays Ashley's reviews.
Ep 70 - We Guess We'll Watch: Us
29/03/2019 Duración: 47minJordan Peele's new movie, Us, is out! We watched the film and brought our friends along to discuss it. Be warned, we recorded this episode while cramped in Lissette's car. We figure we try a new way of recording because why not?
Ep 69 - Paging, Dr. Roberts...
27/03/2019 Duración: 30minThe moment is here, we've reached 69 episodes! [insert dirty joke here] The OA is back with a second season on Netflix. Yeah, that super weird show about angels and kidnappings and super cool dance moves, bro. Well, we're ecstatic that it's back. We also talk about Stardew Valley, it's a farming simulator game and we're obsessed. To be fair, Lissette has been obsessed with it for three years and is super excited that Ashley has finally joined!
Ep 68 - Round and Round We Go
22/03/2019 Duración: 59minLook at us recording three episodes in one week! To close it out, we talk about how Mercury Retrograde has messed us up, especially Sasha. Needless to say, we ready for this retrograde to be over.
Ep 67 - Bye, Neverland
20/03/2019 Duración: 57minTW: Pedophilia/Child sexual molestation This episode is a tough one, we talk about the Leaving Neverland docu-series on HBO. It details the conditioning and grooming of two young boys (Wade Robson and James Safechuck) by Michael Jackson. The docu-series features interviews by Wade, James, and their respective families.
Ep 66 - Huzzah [Bonus Episode]
19/03/2019 Duración: 19minIt's bonus episode time! Guess who got a theme song?! We did!!! A million thanks to cousin Danny and his team at Sunset Studios Miami. We also talk about the latest Queer Eye season. SO. MUCH. FUN. Warning: You hear the dogs bark a couple of times.
Ep 65 - Time and Space
15/03/2019 Duración: 32minFriday's back and so are we! It's been such an exciting week and, of course, we talk about it. On this episode, we discuss the trailers for Aladdin and Avengers: Endgame, the latest episode of the Magicians, and, the saddest topic, the cancellation of One Day at a Time. We gotta ask, did you even watch like we asked?
Ep 64 - Put a Pause on It
13/03/2019 Duración: 01h45sIt's Wednesday and we're back! Sorry about going silent last Friday but Lissette couldn't even speak. #lapobre This episode we talk about Umbrella Academy and Captain Marvel. We give you our very unsolicited reviews/perspective on both.
Ep 63 - Ash Wednesday
06/03/2019 Duración: 39minWhat's up, baah-d kids? We asked you to send us topic suggestions and you did not disappoint! Can you guess the topic that was mostly requested? Yes, it was Game of Thrones. Oh, and we discussed others, too.
Ep 62 - Istanbul Not Constantinople
01/03/2019 Duración: 46minGuess who's back?! If you guessed Lissette, you're right and you don't win a prize! She's back and won't shut up about her trip to Istanbul. We talk about why she went, what she saw, and how heartbroken she is about bread.
Ep 61 - Turkish Coffee
27/02/2019 Duración: 43minHello Gals & Guys! While Lissette is away, Ashley celebrates a birthday (yay, early 30s!), and got a psychic reading. I mean, are you surprised? Really? She's joined today by political correspondent and resident witch-fan, Lonia, and they talk about their experiences with clairvoyants, reading energy, and bruja recipes that may or may not involve a bit of ... pee.
Ep 60 - What's Love Got To Do With It?
22/02/2019 Duración: 44minIt's fri-yay! Congrats, you made it through another week and you have a new episode to go with it. Also, no big deal but we've reached episode 60! Bueno, anyway, we're talking about Netflix's Dating Around or as we so lovingly call it, Next: Grown Up Edition. What's it about, you say? Well, it's a show about people going on dates. Listen to us ramble about it to know more.
Ep 59 - Come and Have a Ball
20/02/2019 Duración: 51min¿Que vuelta mi gente? It's time for another episode and this one is a little personal. Bueno, aren't they all? This time we talk about One Day at a Time, or ODAAT. It's like a glimpse into the life of the Cuban-American family. If you want to know how we feel about it, go on and have a ball or a listen.
Ep 58 - Wuz ^ W U
15/02/2019 Duración: 01h02minWe're so excited for this episode it's not even funny! Hulu released Pen15 last week and we had a great time watching it. It took us back to the 2000s and how embarrassing we were/are. We remembered the computer room/area, first thong, shaving our legs, etc.
Ep 57 - Cupid's Arrow
13/02/2019 Duración: 33minHappy Galentine's Day! This episode we talk about L-O-V-E, love, specifically Valentine's Day. Neither one of us actually celebrate the day but we did have our own funny love stories. We also read the ones that you sent us. Oh! We want your feedback, we kindly ask you help us out and complete the following survey. We promise it'll be quick. Thanks!
Ep 56 - Babushka
08/02/2019 Duración: 33minThis episode we talk about... Russian Doll. Yeah, that new show on Netflix. We managed to sit down and discuss only one topic, it's a big feat for us. Russian Doll is a show about a woman, Nadia, that keeps dying and restarting the same day. Will she find out why? Is there anyone else going through the same thing?
Ep 55 - The 70s Were Wild
06/02/2019 Duración: 46minHappy Black History Month, y'all!! This, like every other episode, is a very passionate one. We discuss the start of February, Jussie Smollett, and Abducted in Plain Sight. Make sure to have your chancleta in hand because you're going to feel like you'll need it. SPOILERS in this episode.
Ep 54 - Lisa's New Sound
01/02/2019 Duración: 01h02minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Welcome to episode 54! As you listen, you'll notice that one of us sounds different. Hint: It's not Ashley. If you guessed Lissette, you're right! Our girl got spacers put in and we want to thank you for putting up with it ahead of time. Anyway, the show must go on. This episode is jam-packed with news. We got tornadoes in Cuba, updates on the situation in Venezuela, our thoughts on the Assassination of Gianni Versace TV show, Fyre Festival, and a Florida crime. Yeah, it's a lot.
Ep 53 - A Wild Melificent Appears
30/01/2019 Duración: 01h01minHey baah-d kids! This is a very exciting episode! Our dear friend, Meli aka Melificent, joins us to chat about fandom, social media, and her new venture, The Fangirl Social Club. We loved having her and can't wait to have a round 2! Click here if you want to know more about Fangirl Diaries.
Ep 52 - Platanito Maduro
25/01/2019 Duración: 56minHey y'all! The US Government has been shutdown for 35 days but we're not here to talk about that. Instead, we brought Lonia along to discuss the current conflict in Venezuela and the nine, yes, NINE, 2020 Presidential candidates for the democratic party. Needless to say, we're very excited for both.