What a time to be alive!
Ep 31 - I'll Never Love Again
27/10/2018 Duración: 33minHey baah-d kids! You like scary things!? Great, we don't! Here's a whole episode on our friends' hauntings. We got grandma's, demons, blood, and Russia.
Ep 30 - Ramblin' On
24/10/2018 Duración: 41minHey baah-d kids! This episode literally has no structure. It's just us ramblin' on about the Haunting of Hill House, Ashley's move, and for some reason, Split. This is just how we are. We can't explain it.
Ep 29 - True Life: We're Haunted
19/10/2018 Duración: 41minHola baah-d kids! This week's episode is all about the hauntings we've experienced. Is it creepy? Heck yes! Is it entertaining? H-e-double hockey sticks yes! Ashley talks about a dude that died in a plane crash and Lissette gets nostalgic with her hauntings.
Ep 28 - Tric-o-Tri
12/10/2018 Duración: 31minHey hey baah-d kids! Today we chat about our favorite (best?) Halloween memories. Do you remember how fun it was to dress up in the 90s and go out to tricotri? And like, eating el candy little by little to save it as long as you could. Ay, the good memories.
Ep 27 - Leaky Holes
10/10/2018 Duración: 31minHey hey baah-d kids! This week we talk about bad decisions. Ashley and I made a couple of those since the last episode. The first was to go see A Star is Born and the second was to participate in our own version of Hot Ones. Intrigued? We thought so. Oh, and we totally explain the title.
Ep 26 - Sexy Moth Kayak Oar
05/10/2018 Duración: 33minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! It's officially spoopy month so you know what that means!? Time for spoopy tales of murders, hauntings, and whatever's in between. Today's episode is about Villa Paula, a local historical site. We discuss the history of the house and the supernatural manifestations that have occurred. Oh, there's also random conversation, our real bread and butter.
Ep 25 - Kim K Come Collect Your Husband
03/10/2018 Duración: 44minHey baah-d kids! Ashley's back from her trip to Detroit! Yes, we talked about it. We also continued the conversation on the Senate hearing for Kavanaugh's confirmation and about Kim K's husband's rant on SNL. Basically, it's an episode about douchebags not staying in their lane. It's also the start of the spoopiest month ever, October!
Ep 24 - A/S/L
28/09/2018 Duración: 35minHey hey, baah-d kids!! While Ashley's traveling for work, I was left to my own devices so I invited my spouse, Mike, to join me. We had a thorough conversation about the Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh hearings. It was difficult but we got through it. I also asked Mike about other things to ease it up a bit.
Ep 23 - The Hunt for Pie
26/09/2018 Duración: 33minWhat's up, baah-d kids? We're back with a whole new episode! This episode is a little lighter, kinda like whipped cream. Sasha aka Alex aka We're The Worst With Secret Identities joins us we talk about our girls getaway to Key Largo and Islamorada. We had a great time hangin' out on the beach, in our trailer, and going out to basically only eat Key Lime Pie. So, join us on the hunt and see if we found a fave.
Ep 22 - What the Florida?
21/09/2018 Duración: 32minHey baah-d kids! We tried to keep it organized and somewhat succeeded! We also turn 22, like a Taylor Swift song. Que cute. This week we put Hialeah on the map and talk about an unexpected village in Florida. Join us, won't you? WARNING: Some of the content that is discussed can be triggering for survivors of sexual abuse.
Ep 21 - Not Plugged In
19/09/2018 Duración: 30minHey baah-d kids! We're legal! Our lil' podcast can officially buy beer. As you may have heard through the grapevine, we're shakin' things up. Moving forward we'll be releasing two episodes a week. As our moms would say, "que Dios nos bendiga." That's right, we'll be accompanying your commute twice a week now. Are you excited? We are! Moving on... Today's episode is about the Emmy's. We talk about our faves, the snubs, and the ones we didn't even know existed. Also, Sasha aka Alex joins us in this episode and I guess she has opinions or whatnot.
Ep 20 - Escape from Skagway
14/09/2018 Duración: 39minHey baah-d kids! We're back with another episode! Ashley returns from Alaska and tells us all about her adventures at the Yukon Trail. Yes, Lissette is still obsessing over potatoes.
Ep 19 - Hella Awkward
07/09/2018 Duración: 34minHey baah-d kids! Here's a filler Friday for ya! Are y'all ready for an awkward episode? Good, cuz we definitely got one of those this week! We discuss Ashley's upcoming travels to Alaska, Lissette going to see Queen Bey for the third time, and other random musings. Enjoy!
Ep 18 - Fight for your Right to Vote
31/08/2018 Duración: 40minHey baah-d kids! This week we talk all about voting. It's only fitting since it's our 18th episode. Lissette gets personal about her experience on becoming a naturalized US citizen. Ashley talks about the first time she voted and the first time she lied about voting. It's okay, it happens to us all.
Ep 17 - High School Sweet Tarts
24/08/2018 Duración: 01h10minHey baah-d kids! This week not only brought more traffic to our commutes but the kids went back to school. To celebrate, we, too, go back to school and talk about all the things we loved, hated, and were annoyed by. It's a lot. But, then again, when isn't it?
Ep 16 - Watch and Learn Things
17/08/2018 Duración: 01h02minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! This episode, like the last one, is about nothing and a lil' somethin'. We talk a bit about the Florida primaries, back to school, and just random musings. Enjoy!
Ep 15 - Quinceañera
10/08/2018 Duración: 01h08minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! Oye, it's our quinceañera! This episode is a mess, much like our lives and Lissette's quinces. We chat a little bit about our quinces, Ashley's odd luck as of late, and the Jeffree Star docuseries. It's a great time.
Ep 14 - The Cat's Out of the Bag
03/08/2018 Duración: 01h04minWhat's up, baah-d kids? This week we catch up with our dear friend, Alex (aka Sasha). We get an update on her dating life and talk about her trip to Japan. We also go off on tangents about unrelated topics and try to convince Ashley to go on a journey. To where? You'll find out in this episode.
Ep 13 - Hundo P
27/07/2018 Duración: 53minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We made it to lucky number 13! We're officially a teenager. As teenagers, we discuss serious topics such as mortality, addiction, and a Florida crime. We know, super exciting topics! It's a heavy episode with a few laughs.
Ep 12 - The Bangbus is Coming
20/07/2018 Duración: 01h09minWhat's up, baah-d kids?! We've made it to episode 12, this means you can listen to us once a month for a full year. Is crasy. Anyway, this episode we discuss the Handmaids Tale, FL Supercon, and a local crime. Preparense, the crime is crazy and kinda bizarre. Happy listening!