Right Start Radio With Pastor Jim Custer

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  • Editor: Podcast
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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer


  • Noah - In The Ark - Part 2 of 3


    God destroyed His creation... and preserved it! Some people believe that God is like a petulant child - making a project, wrecking it when it no longer pleases him, then beginning again. And again. But that's not what we see in the Flood. The Maker preserved His original creation - man and best - through the destruction. He didn't start over; we started over. Our series continues with Part 2 of, Noah - In the Ark. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11082024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6,7,8

  • Noah - In The Ark - Part 1 of 3


    How would you like to be confined with your relatives for a year? Or worse, how would you like to be cooped up with your family for a year - in a zoo? Oh, my. We thought the pandemic lockdowns were tough! Noah's name means "comfort," but surely no one was very comfortable during all that time in the Ark. We're voyaging with that man of God, and all that remained of humanity, land animals and birds, in a sermon called, Noah - In the Ark. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11072024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6,7,8

  • God Brings The Flood - Part 3 of 3


    Noah knew! We've been thinking about the Flood. The Great Flood, Noah's Flood, the Deluge. And we've been re-reading Genesis with a new purpose: to find out what we can learn from that judgment, about the judgment that's coming. We've seen that the general population didn't perceive they were in danger - though they had been warned. Meanwhile, believers in God had very precise, and reliable information. Here's Jim with the finale of his sermon, God Brings the Flood. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11062024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6

  • God Brings The Flood - Part 2 of 3


    We're not setting dates... but we're smelling rain in the air. "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." With that statement Jesus seems to squelch all questions about the timing of His return. But does that verse stand alone, or can it be illuminated by other Scriptures? We'll go from the Ark, to Acts today - the book of Acts - looking for parallels. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, God Brings the Flood. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11052024_0.mp3Scripture References: Gene

  • God Brings The Flood - Part 1 of 3


    Get in the Ark! As we've studied the Genesis account of the Flood, with emphasis on that great prophet Noah, we've been struck by the gravity of the situation. The spiraling wickedness of humanity was unsustainable. God's solution was death. ...with a way out that required faith. Sound familiar? All of these things pre-echo the state of the world today. There must come another day when evil is terminated, and few escape. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11042024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6 & 7

  • Noah - A Man Called Righteous - Part 2 of 2


    Did God command Noah to build a boat? That is a trick question! Noah was to build an "ark," as we all know. But the Hebrew word for ark means a "box," not a boat. The Ark of the Covenant is a chest holding precious things. God designed Noah's Ark to contain and protect the things He loved. And to teach us. Of course it had to be a seaworthy box! Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS11012024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6 & 7; Hebrews 11:7

  • Noah - A Man Called Righteous - Part 1 of 2


    God has very good eyesight! Somehow or other everyone knows the line, "... Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." That's Genesis 6:8. Only three verses later we read, "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence." Did the wicked know that God saw them? Or did they convince themselves they were getting away with their crimes? For that matter, did Noah realize that his righteousness was visible from Heaven? Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10312024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6 & 7; Hebrews 11

  • Days Of Noah - Demonic And Depraved - Part 3 of 3


    There was a moment when the fate of humanity rested on one woman. It wasn't Mary. And it wasn't Eve. In fact we don't know the name of this heroine of our race; the Bible just calls her, "Noah's wife." God had promised that the "Seed of the Woman" would be our solution, but if you were a betting person in those days, you would have put the odds of fulfilling that promise at half-a-billion-to-one. Here's Jim to conclude his sermon, Days of Noah: Demonic and Depraved. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10302024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6

  • Days Of Noah - Demonic And Depraved - Part 2 of 3


    Are there people that God can't save? We're taught that no one is beyond redemption; that there's only one unforgivable sin and you haven't committed it; that Jesus saves "from the gutter-most to the uttermost;" and "whosoever" means you. So Genesis 6 hits us between the eyes. Here was a world of people - maybe a billion souls - that God judged to be too far gone. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, Days of Noah: Demonic and Depraved. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10292024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6; 2 Peter 2; Revelation 12; Luke 17

  • Days Of Noah - Demonic And Depraved - Part 1 of 3


    The Flood wasn't just a dividing line for human history. Alongside the watery judgment of humanity, there was another sentence handed down in the spiritual world. That sparked a question from the congregation, and as you know, Jim loves questions! We'll visit Jude, 2 Peter and Revelation before heading home to Genesis. Here's part 1 of, Days of Noah: Demonic and Depraved. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10282024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 6; 2 Peter 2; Revelation 12; Luke 17

  • The Days Of Lot And Noah - Part 2 of 2


    Control is Satan's goal. We don't know that much about demons, as Jim will admit today. But we a have bit more information about their leader, and we know that he is a merciless, lying, power-hungry being.That is not the camp we want to be in! We see the devil's lust to rule in Genesis, we see it in the Gospels, we see it in Revelation. And we'll visit all of those places and more today for the conclusion of the sermon, The Days of Lot and Noah Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10252024_0.mp3Scripture References: Luke 17:22; Genesis 6; Jude 5; M

  • The Days Of Lot And Noah - Part 1 of 2


    Today we'll check the pronouns... of demons. Angels, including the fallen ones, are given masculine pronouns in the Bible. But we know they're not sexual beings.Or do we know that? What is that Genesis 6 "Sons of God/Daughters of Men" dyad meant to convey? Jesus linked three judgments: the Flood, the destruction of Sodom, and the one to come. We'll learn more about all three in Jim's message, The Days of Lot and Noah. Here's Part 1. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10242024_0.mp3Scripture References: Luke 17:22; Genesis 6; Jude 5; Mark 9; Rev

  • Noah - Real Person - Part 3 of 3


    God had set some boundaries for the offspring of Adam and Eve - which they ignored. We live in a time when restraints are being cast off; laws, regulations, customs - even basic definitions - are being destroyed. The purpose is supposed to be "progress." But the script isn't new; it's very, very old. The last time we tried this experiment, it led to worldwide destruction. Jim will pick up the message Noah: Real Person in Genesis, chapter 4. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10232024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 5; Matthew 24:36

  • Noah - Real Person - Part 2 of 3


    The countdown had begun. With the Flood, God didn't wipe out humanity without notice. He started the clock at 120 years, though He had pronounced judgment long before. And there were other warnings. When Jesus said that this generation "knew nothing" before the rain started falling, we're to understand that they could have known. They died because they rejected the knowledge that God offered them - among other sins. We're ready for Part 2 of, Noah: Real Person. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10222024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 5; Mat

  • Noah - Real Person - Part 1 of 3


    Did God blindside the world with the Flood? "...and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away." That's one translation of Jesus' words in Matthew 24:39. But did the Lord mean that the entire global population, minus 8, were killed without any warning from God? In Jim's message, Noah: Real Person, we'll read Genesis carefully, and find some very specific prophecies that humanity disregarded. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10212024_0.mp3Scripture References: Genesis 5; Matthew 24:36

  • The Times Of Noah - Part 3 of 3


    The whole world was covered by water - but when? If you want to reconcile science and the Bible, just believe the Bible, and wait. When I was in school, the "universal flood" was said to be a myth (although a myth retold in cultures all over the world). A study from 2020 seems to show that there were no continents on the Earth, only water - 3.2 billion years ago. The timing of the Flood is important. And once again God will be proved right. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10182024_0.mp3Scripture References: Ezekiel 14:14, Genesis 5

  • The Times Of Noah - Part 2 of 3


    "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." Our study of The Life and Times of Noah, which we began yesterday, reminded me of that L.P. Hartley quote. They certainly did some things differently before the Flood. If we could travel back to that time, we would find it a strange world, a "foreign country," indeed. But the strangest thing about it might be the similarities to our own world. Here's Jim to guide us further into that alien landscape. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10172024_0.mp3Scripture References: Ezekiel 14

  • The Times Of Noah - Part 1 of 3


    "As it was in the days of Noah...." Jesus said that, at His return, conditions "will be just like the days of Noah." And He explained what He meant by that: people eating, drinking, marrying - "same-old same-old," as we might say. But in some ways the world that Noah knew was much different than ours. Today we begin a series on that great man of faith. Here's Jim with Part 1 of, The Times of Noah. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10162024_0.mp3Scripture References: Ezekiel 14:14, Genesis 5

  • That Which Costs Me Nothing - Part 2 of 2


    The Almighty wants David's opinion ...on how David should be punished! The late Adrian Rogers said, "Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity." Many of us have wanted to give Omniscience the benefit of our keen insight, at one time or another. But we wouldn't want to be in the position of David, when God let him make a deadly decision. The lessons, and the symbolism, are rich in Part 2 of, That Which Costs Me Nothing. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10152024_1.mp3Scripture References: 2 Samuel 24

  • That Which Costs Me Nothing - Part 1 of 2


    David couldn't hide this sin! In 2nd Samuel, chapter 24, we find one last, powerful, surprising lesson from the life of David. He is moved to number the people. It looks like he wanted to know how many men in his kingdom were eligible for the draft. But God had told Moses that when you conduct a census in Israel, there must be a ransom from each man, or there will be a plague. There was no ransom. There was a plague. And David was to blame. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10142024_1.mp3Scripture References: 2 Samuel 24

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