Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 233:20:06
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A weekly podcast featuring interviews of truly inspiring women! Tune in to hear the stories and lessons from these incredible women. By signing up at www.aprilseifert.com, we'll give you access to our Spotify Power Playlist - comprised of power songs curated by the women featured on this podcast.


  • 0061 | Alyssa Labrecque | Learning to Trust Your Gut

    16/05/2018 Duración: 41min

    Isn't it funny how we don't think twice about helping someone else, but we so frequently put our needs on the back-burner? Whenever you fly to go somewhere, they always tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others, yet so few of us actually put that idea into practice in our lives. This week, you're going to meet a woman who learned to heal herself while she was trying to help heal her sister.  Alyssa Labrecque is a Nutritionist and owner of Soul Food Nutritionista. With a strong family history of irritable bowel disease and years of thinking her constipation, fatigue and extra weight were "normal", Alyssa went on a mission to stop dragging herself through the day and to transform her body by learning how to love and trust her guts! After healing herself from an abusive relationship, she intimately experienced the close link between our emotions and our physiological symptoms. This link is an important part of the work she does today.  Today, she is helping people to ban

  • 0060 | Shala Nicely | Turning Your Struggles and Adversity Into a Life of Purpose

    09/05/2018 Duración: 43min

    We have all experienced adversity and struggle in our lives. It's unavoidable. However, what we do when we move past that adversity in our own lives can vary. Do you simply move on? Or, do you try to pave the way for others who might come after you? In this episode, you're going to meet Shala Nicely, a woman who turned an incredibly adverse, difficult struggle into passion that fuels her purposeful work.  From the age of 5, Shala struggled with the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Because of these symptoms, her day-to-day life was incredibly scary and difficult, and because of the hold that OCD had over her, she felt like she had to keep it all a secret. That's a big job for a 5-year-old. After suffering for decades, Shala sought out treatment to get her OCD under control. And she didn't stop there. Shala is now an OCD survivor, author, advocate and cognitive behavioral therapist specializing in the treatment of OCD and related disorders in Atlanta. She is author of "Is Fre

  • 0059 | How to Beat the Negativity Addiction

    04/05/2018 Duración: 26min

    Your mind can be your best, most powerful asset, or if left unchecked, it can be your worst enemy.  In this mini-episode of the Women Inspired podcast, I'm diving into something I'm calling the Negativity Addiction. Our tendency to to automatically and more easily perceive negative events and details in the world around us.  We fall prey to the negativity addiction in our own lives when we focus on the small negative events that happen to us on a daily basis. And, by doing that, we train our brain to form a habit to seek out more negativity in our everyday lives. We also fall prey to the negativity addiction when we bring negativity into other people's lives through our interactions with them.  In this episode, I challenge you to take on a new mindset practice. I challenge you to focus on the positive. Carve a new habit in your brain, and tell your mind that you have a new goal for it to seek out. The more you intentionally focus on the positive, the more it will become habitual and automatic. And

  • 0058 | Kristi Piehl | The Importance of Knowing Your 'Non-Negotiables'

    02/05/2018 Duración: 46min

    What are your personal values? What are your non-negotiables? Said another way, what are the things you absolutely need or absolutely refuse to put up with in your job / relationships / life? Have you thought about it? I mean, have you really thought about it? In this episode of the Women Inspired podcast, you're going to meet Kristi Piehl, former investigative journalist and founder and CEO of the company Media Minefield. Kristi's personal values and non-negotiables were so strong and clear that they helped her make the transition from her life-long dream job to launching and growing her own company into a massive success. All without compromising her #1 priority: being there for her family.  In this episode, we hit on 3 powerful points: Your job is not your identity. You are so much more than the job you go to each day. You are a living, breathing person with passions, strengths, skills, and value to bring to the world. It's critical that you get to know that person on a deeper level. What are

  • 0057 | Lee Hersh | From Passion Project to Healing to Success!

    25/04/2018 Duración: 45min

    On Monday I released a podcast episode urging you to take immediate action on your big goals, even if you don't feel ready, and even if you don't know what you're doing. Did you take my advice? Have you started? Want another example to inspire you? In today's episode, you'll meet Lee Hersh, a woman who did just that. In fact, Lee began her blog, Fit Foodie Finds as a passion project 8 years ago, without the slightest idea of how to create blog. Not only did her passion project help her recognize and heal from her own eating disorder, but it grew into a massively successful, full-time business!  Today, Fit Foodie Finds is a lifestyle content blog featuring healthy recipes, travel tips, and exercise programs, all with an eye toward helping people cultivate an enjoyable, balanced, healthy lifestyle. And, Lee herself has grown into a true social media influencer. Her Instagram account boasts over 134,000 followers! We had an amazingly fun conversation! I feel like we hit all the bases, includi

  • 0056 | Just Start. Start TODAY!

    23/04/2018 Duración: 14min

    By this point, I have interviewed dozens of inspiring women for the Women Inspired podcast, and one of the common themes I've uncovered is that they have all started big projects way before they felt ready. Funny thing, that's exactly what I did with this podcast, and this week, we're going to recap that journey. I'm going to get real and honest about how little I knew in the beginning. (SPOILER ALERT: I knew nothing. Like NOTHING!). I'll also tell you about a few mistakes I made in the beginning. Finally, I'll fill you in on a few changes you'll see coming in the next few weeks / months. Ultimately, this podcast has a much broader and deeper soul than I ever anticipated in the beginning. The changes I'm making are to align the outward face of the podcast with that deep soul. As regular listeners, I wanted to openly share them with you. Last, I'm taking the opportunity to try to express the incredible amount of gratitude I have for each of you who have listened and suppor

  • 0055 | A Dose of Soul Powered Wellness

    18/04/2018 Duración: 49min

    Why is it that everything that's healthy for us is portrayed as a "punishment" (exercise) or as some form of deprivation (healthy food)? Think about it! In this model, if you're "doing it right" you're walking around as a deprived, punished person. Who wants that?! That being said, we all know how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle.  The answer: balance. This week, you're going to meet Jaime Morocco, founder of Soul Powered Wellness. We have an amazing discussion about why Jaime is so passionate about helping people achieve a balanced state of wellbeing. Hang out until the end of the episode for a powerful take-away about the importance of loving yourself first in order to gain the passion and motivation to cultivate a healthy lifestyle.  I can't wait for you to meet Jaime Morocco! Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blueprinting tool! Gain clarity on the areas of your life that are most in need of improvement and start to make

  • 0054 | How Becoming the Best Version of Yourself Helps Attract the Perfect Partner

    11/04/2018 Duración: 46min

    How many of you know someone who constantly dates the wrong type of person? Someone who doesn't treat them well. Someone who isn't kind. Or, simply, someone who just isn't a great match.  This week, we're talking to Dr. Diana Kirschner, psychologist and best-selling author about why this pattern happens to people and how they can break the cycle. In our interview, Dr. Diana and I talk about how our early life experiences create mental "templates" or "scripts" that set our expectations for what love should look and feel like. These templates become our relationship comfort zones, and without even knowing it, we seek out partners who conform to these templates....even if they're bad for us. Yikes! More importantly, Dr. Diana talks to us about how to start rewriting these scripts or templates, starting with an exercise to reveal what she calls your "Diamond Self-Identity."  SPOILER ALERT! During her interview, Dr. Diana takes me through an exercise to identify my Diamo

  • 0053 | Break Free from Comparison, Expectations, and Nay-Sayers!

    04/04/2018 Duración: 54min

    This week, we're going after the heart of the beast. We're attacking 3 giant boulders that can get in the way of you being the person you want to be: Comparison Expectations Nay-Sayers If you've ever felt like you had to compete with other women or you find yourself in a situation where your life and experience isn't measuring up to another woman's, this episode is for you. If you've ever gotten down on yourself because you didn't react or perform in a way that aligns to the person you are striving to be, this episode is for you. If you've ever felt your emotional state or your confidence take a hit when other people voice their opinions about something you're doing or working on, this episode is for you. This week you are going to meet AmyK Hutchins. AmyK is a dynamic, energetic catalyst for producing sustainable solutions to a leader’s most pressing challenges. Thousands of executives in 10+ countries have benefited from her keen insight and intuitive understanding of

  • 0052 | Lisa Wimberger | Neurosculpting: The Powerful Practice that Can Help You Master Your Own Mind

    28/03/2018 Duración: 48min

    In Episode 0051, I opened up and shared my story of dealing with postpartum depression and PTSD. The CDC indicates that 1 in 10 women experience postpartum depression, but they indicate that the numbers could be as high as 1 in 5.  Although this condition affects a large number of women, in my opinion, we aren't doing enough to put resources in the hands of the mothers who need them.  I felt compelled to do my part. This week, I am thrilled to share with you the interview I recently did with Lisa Wimberger, founder of The Neurosculpting Institute, and author of the book Neurosculpting.  Neurosculpting is a very specific meditiation-like practice that Lisa developed to help people heal mental illness, manage stress, and recover from countless other conditions that afflict the mind.  I credit Lisa's work for breaking the hold that PTSD and PPD had on me.  During her interview, Lisa and I discuss: How she developed the practice of neurosculpting and the incredible impact it had on her own health conditi

  • 0051 | My Journey Back from Postpartum Depression

    26/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    This episode is a very special, very personal episode of the Women Inspired podcast. In this episode, I share with you my firsthand experience with postpartum depression and PTSD. I wanted to share this story for a few reasons: I want to give more attention to a condition that impacts so very many women after they give birth.In a time that should be one of the happiest of our lives, so many of us struggle with postpartum mental health issues, and it needs to be something we get out in the open. If you've experienced it, I want you to know that you are NOT ALONE, and you are not weak or damaged somehow because you're going through this.  I also want you to know that there are resources to help you, and it is WORTH IT to reach out and get help.  I'm releasing this episode in advance of another very special episode, an interview with Lisa Wimberger, the author of the book "Neurosculpting." I credit this book as the turning point and the tool that helped me finally move through postpartum de

  • 0050 | Kate Snowise | How to Turn Major Life Changes into Opportunities to THRIVE!

    21/03/2018 Duración: 57min

    If you're being totally honest with yourself, how fulfilling and aligned is your life right now? Are there areas that feel free-flowing and open, and other areas that feel more difficult?  This week, you're going to meet Kate Snowise. Kate is a former corporate psychologist turned Life Coach. She is also the host of the "Here to Thrive" podcast. She believes that we all feel most alive when we're internally aligned and fulfilled. In her coaching programs she helps people uncover their unique needs and drivers, so that they can create happiness from the inside out. During my conversation with Kate, we get into some goooooood stuff. We talk about: How major shifts in your life can actually turn into opportunities...if you pause to recognize them. The importance of being brutally honest with yourself to gain clarity on who you really are. The importance of intentionally creating a life that is worth living. Damn, this episode is right up my alley, and I hope you get a ton out of it too. I c

  • 0049 | Patricia Lohan | Use Feng Shui to Support Your Goals

    14/03/2018 Duración: 52min

    Have you ever found that the environment you're in can impact your energy level, mood, and motivation? In one setting, you might feel sluggish and struggle to get moving, but in another setting, you might feel energized and happy. This week, you will meet Patricia Lohan. She works with women to accelerate success in their lives by making their homes magnetic to their dreams, love, money and success. Patricia helps women accelerate success through creating powerful environments. She shows you what they don’t teach in school, what lies between the lines, your top secret tool for success. She is a Feng Shui expert, a healer and passionate female entrepreneur who has shaped her dream life living in Bali with her husband. She is has seen first hand the power of the mind, surroundings and inner healing, clearing and aligning everything so it works holistically. An incredibly spiritual person but also highly practical too. She loves entrepreneurship with 15 years of experience running and growing three successf

  • 0048 | Mari Ruddy | How to Cultivate a Mindset of Health

    07/03/2018 Duración: 57min

    Have you ever faced a health challenge? I bet the answer to that question is 'yes.' Maybe it was a diagnosis. Maybe you are struggling with your weight. Maybe you I'm sure you are facing the health implications of aging. Regardless, I'm sure you can recall the struggles, both physical and mental, that come along with health challenges. If this speaks to you, this episode can change your life.  Your mindset is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, and this week, we'll speak with Mari Ruddy about the role that mindset plays in the maintenance of our health.  Mari has survived breast cancer twice and she has lived with type 1 diabetes for more than 36 years. She also just finished writing her second book, which is about how to find your inner endurance athlete in the face of advancing age, health or weight challenges. You could say she knows a thing or two about the power of a mindset of health!  This interview has the ability to change your life, if you let it. We talk ab

  • 0047 | Tegan Henke | Lessons From a Nomad

    28/02/2018 Duración: 52min

    What is the 1 experience you absolutely would love to have during your lifetime? That's where I need your head at as you listen to this week's episode. This week, you are going to meet Tegan Henke. Tegan always wanted to travel internationally, but she never took steps to make it happen. After experiencing a divorce, she began a period of self-growth and self-reflection. Her desire to travel came roaring back, and she began to intentionally create a life that would eventually allow her to travel the world for 10 months! Her interview is so good! Most notably, she talks about: How being vulnerable and speaking her truth ultimately brought her the closest friendships she has ever had.  The one lesson about people that she learned from traveling and meeting people all over the world. The way we all can use prototyping to align our life with our true desires and values. I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to Tegan Henke! Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blu

  • 0046 | Erin Falconer | How to Get Shit Done

    21/02/2018 Duración: 50min

    Do you ever feel like your to-do list is unending? Do you get to the end of each day feeling like you didn't accomplish as much as you wanted to accomplish? Do you find yourself juggling way too many things at the same time? We're getting to the heart of these questions in this week's episode.  This week's guest is Erin Falconer, the co-founder of Pick The Brain, one of the most trusted self-improvement websites on the web, co-founder of LeafTV, and the author of How to Get Shit Done: Why Women Need to Stop Doing Everything so They Can Achieve Anything. Her book is one part how-to guide to help women achieve more of the activities and tasks that are truly meaningful and the other part battle cry to women to stop saying 'yes' to everything and to avoid burn-out.  As an added bonus, Erin and I are giving away 2 free copies of her book! Click the button below to enter to win. The contest will close at midnight the night of Sunday, 2/25, and winners will be randomly drawn on Monday, 2/26. 

  • 0045 | Wies Bratby | Know Your Worth and Ask For It!

    14/02/2018 Duración: 56min

    When you think about the idea of negotiation, how does it make you feel? If you're like so many of us, you likely feel: Nervous Guilty Sick to your stomach Afraid If any of this describes you, this week's podcast episode is for YOU! This week, you will meet Wies Bratby, the founder of WomenInNegotiation.org, an organization focused on teaching women to calculate their own value, own it, ask for it, and GET IT! Wies combines her years of experience in a wide variety of negotiation scenarios in her career as a lawyer with her in-depth knowledge of research on the topic of negotiation. She specifically focuses on helping women: Recognize opportunities to negotiate / ask for more Determine their ask and how to support it Ask for what they deserve using language that has been proven to work Walk away with more than they thought possibl Wies is a total powerhouse, and I can't wait for you to meet her! Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blueprinting tool! Gain c

  • 0044 | Julie Burton | Conversations With Fear

    07/02/2018 Duración: 50min

    This episode is for you if you've ever asked yourself questions like: Am I good enough? Who am I to try to tackle this big goal? Do I really think I can pull this off? In this week's episode, you'll meet the amazing Julie Burton, the founder of ModernWell: a woman-centered collaborative space connecting work, life, creativity, and wellness that opened January 2nd, 2018, in Minneapolis. She is a freelance writer, blogger, teacher co-founder of the Twin Cities Writing Studio, a yoga instructor, wife and mom of four. She is the author of The Self-Care Solution—A Modern Mother’s Essential Guide to Health and Well-Being (She Writes Press 2016). Julie's episode is one of the most vulnerable, authentic interviews I've ever recorded. She truly opened up about her personal journey toward entrepreneurship and the roles that fear and self-doubt have played along the way.  Beyond that, she talked about the way her relationship with other women has evolved over her lifetime. I know this is something

  • 0043 | Stephanie Seferian | Why You Shouldn't Settle for 'Fine'

    31/01/2018 Duración: 27min

    How many times per day do you use the word 'fine?' "How are you?" "I'm fine." "How's work?" "Oh, it's fine." "How was your weekend?" "It was fine." Talk about settling for mediocrity! What happened to GREAT?! This week, you're going to meet Stephanie Seferian, the woman behind the blog Mama Minimalist.  In her 20's she acquired two graduate degrees and taught English Literature to high school students. However, she had her first daughter in 2014 and experienced an internal crisis! She just wasn’t passionate about teaching. She left the classroom shortly after. Stephanie dabbled in other interests: she taught group fitness classes. she wrote a novel. she seriously considered starting a dog-walking business. But none of these things lit her up. They were all just fine. Then one day she bought a domain name on impulse and started a blog centered around her love of simple, sustainable living. The blog, Mama Minimalist, has snowballed

  • 0042 | Heather Havenwood | Own Your Sexy!

    24/01/2018 Duración: 42min

    How much time and energy do you spend making sure you present yourself in a way that other people will approve of? Do you truly feel like you are showing up as your authentic self? Or, if you're like so many of us, maybe you make small (or even BIG!) adjustments so you fit in someone else's mold. That is the topic of today's podcast! Heather Ann Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Heather Ann currently is the Author of…Sexy Boss: How the empowerment of women is changing the Rule Book for sex, money and success. Heather is smart, sexy, savvy and is now stepping out from behind the curtain to educate, enlighten and empower women entrepreneurs to grow or start an online business and live a fearless and fulfilled life. Sign up at www.aprilseifert.com to get instant access to April's Life Blueprinting tool! Gain clarity on the areas of your life that are

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