Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0060 | Shala Nicely | Turning Your Struggles and Adversity Into a Life of Purpose



We have all experienced adversity and struggle in our lives. It's unavoidable. However, what we do when we move past that adversity in our own lives can vary. Do you simply move on? Or, do you try to pave the way for others who might come after you? In this episode, you're going to meet Shala Nicely, a woman who turned an incredibly adverse, difficult struggle into passion that fuels her purposeful work.  From the age of 5, Shala struggled with the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Because of these symptoms, her day-to-day life was incredibly scary and difficult, and because of the hold that OCD had over her, she felt like she had to keep it all a secret. That's a big job for a 5-year-old. After suffering for decades, Shala sought out treatment to get her OCD under control. And she didn't stop there. Shala is now an OCD survivor, author, advocate and cognitive behavioral therapist specializing in the treatment of OCD and related disorders in Atlanta. She is author of "Is Fre