Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0058 | Kristi Piehl | The Importance of Knowing Your 'Non-Negotiables'



What are your personal values? What are your non-negotiables? Said another way, what are the things you absolutely need or absolutely refuse to put up with in your job / relationships / life? Have you thought about it? I mean, have you really thought about it? In this episode of the Women Inspired podcast, you're going to meet Kristi Piehl, former investigative journalist and founder and CEO of the company Media Minefield. Kristi's personal values and non-negotiables were so strong and clear that they helped her make the transition from her life-long dream job to launching and growing her own company into a massive success. All without compromising her #1 priority: being there for her family.  In this episode, we hit on 3 powerful points: Your job is not your identity. You are so much more than the job you go to each day. You are a living, breathing person with passions, strengths, skills, and value to bring to the world. It's critical that you get to know that person on a deeper level. What are