Thoughts From The Bench presents their own Fantasy Football show, hosted by Deke!
Draft Day is Back
02/07/2019 Duración: 51minDeke is back with Draft Day, the podcast that proves you can draft anything, anytime, anywhere! He is joined this week by three benchers; Greg Mac, Benny Buckets and their newest addition Michael "Brooksy" Brookhart! The guys draft the best free agency / trades in Sports, movies that need another movie (sequel, prequel, more movies in general) and then the biggest busts in sports. If you are a fan of Draft Day, please Rate, Review, Subscribe and of course, send us your Draft ideas! Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Draft Day with Smalls and Greg
05/06/2019 Duración: 01h10minIT FINALLY WORKED! This is one of my favorite episodes of Draft Day. Deke sits down with benchers OG Greg (DDG) and the always entertaining Smalls to discuss, well...everything! If you have draft ideas, please let us know! Also, Rate, review and subscribe to Draft Day to stay up to date. --- Support this podcast:
Draft Day - Throwback Edition!
07/05/2019 Duración: 01h11minWe wanted to take a chance to show you guys that we have drafted from DAY 1 on the TFTB platforms! This Draft was with Deke, Greg, Brother of the Show Nikko and a great friend in Frank! Just a good group of guys, really not drafting well. The drafts were : Iconic Movie of TV Roles played by the worst choices Fictional Characters to punch in the Face Five Man roller Derby Team with Video Game Characters Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Draft Day with Nikko, Ty and the RankKing Austin!
23/04/2019 Duración: 01h15minDraft Day is here! Deke walks through this video game heavy draft with friend of the show Ty, Deke's brother Nikko and of course the RankKing Austin! This episode, the guys drafted the best video game bad guys, top scary or horror video games, the best Pokemon from the original 150, five movie characters to save you from being kidnapped and video game characters to get a beer with! If you like Draft Day, make sure to SUBSCRIBE, REVIEW and RATE, as well as let us know who won! --- Support this podcast:
Draft Day with special guest Justin Boyd!
16/04/2019 Duración: 01h15minDraft Day is back! Deke sits down with Greg Mac, Josh the Disgruntled Ex Employee Elsass and Special Guest Justin Boyd! Boyd is a Pittsburgh based photographer and influencer, and pretty much swept the floor for each draft. In this episode, the guys draft: Best Movies to Watch High The Best Cast for an Animated Series Nostalgic Video Games Best Attitude Era Wrestlers If you like Draft Day, please rate, review and subscribe for future content! --- Support this podcast:
10/04/2019 Duración: 01h09minDeke is joined this week by OG Greg, Friend of the show Ryan and Pittsburgh Rapper Mars Jackson as they draft all things WWE in honor of Wrestlemania! The guys draft Best Wrestlers for a 5v5v5v5 match, Best Entrances, Best Catchphrases and Best Wrestlemania Matches! If you enjoy the show, please rate, review and subscribe to let us know how we are doing1 --- Support this podcast:
Elsass, Greg Mac, Cody Baker, and all of the cocktails.
02/04/2019 Duración: 01h18minDeke is back with Draft Day, the podcast that proves you can draft literally anything. Again, this week we will put that idea to the test with special guest Cody Baker, TFTB's own Josh Elsass and of course Greg Mac. The guys draft classic cocktails, best brunch items, fictional characters to defend earth, music acts for a music festival, and the best beer. Let us know who won! --- Support this podcast:
Episode 3 - Benny Buckets, TFTB Smalls and Cousin Austin the RankKing!
27/03/2019 Duración: 01h56sDeke is joined by some of the TFTB crew this week to draft best dog breeds as athletes, march madness cliches, greatest sports moments we lived through, middle school bangers and the most badass people on the planet! If you enjoy Draft Day, head over to the Thoughts From The Bench Facebook page to comment on who you think won each draft as we as rate, subscribe and review the podcast! --- Support this podcast:
Cartoon NBA Team, Athletes to Drink with and so much more.
19/03/2019 Duración: 01h18minWelcome back Drafters! This week, Deke sits down with Greg Mac, Fish and Two Beers Deep's Greg Malek for this episode of Draft Day. The guys draft their ideal movie, athletes to get a beer with, each sports' G.O.A.T., a cartoon NBA team and the best athlete commercials of all time. If you enjoy the podcast, make sure to live, review and subscribe! This podcast drops every Tuesday morning. If you have a Draft idea, or would like to be on the show, please reach out! --- Support this podcast:
Best NBA Dunkers, Greatest Comedies, Greatest Mic Grabbing Sports Moments and the Best Football Team of All Time!
12/03/2019 Duración: 57minThank you to everyone that came here to check out Thoughts From The Bench's brand new podcast, Draft Day! Draft Day is a podcast that took way too long tog et started, but we couldn't be happier to bring it out. The concept is simple......anything can be drafted. Join Deke as he brings in a rotating guest weekly guest list of characters to draft everything and anything. --- Support this podcast: