Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
We Are Reaping the Whirlwind: Prepare!
28/01/2025 Duración: 07minThe whirlwind of accelerating catastrophic change is wreaking havoc on the world, collapsing whole nations and blowing apart all the social structures and safety nets that we took for granted. But all this is a blessing if we choose to take refuge with the One Unchanging Self. Leave impermanence behind and connect with the Supreme Intelligence directing all this, morphing the world from a hell realm into a paradise for divine, luminous beings. The best job available now is to work for the Creator.
How Symbolic Intelligence Can Awaken Us to the Real
21/01/2025 Duración: 08minThe ego-mind is conditioned and controlled by its habitual drives and thought patterns that prevent self-transformation. But through accurate analysis and understanding that arises from archetypal symbolic wisdom, one can unveil the profound Presence of God obscured by the ego’s incoherence.
The Seven Levels of Love ~ Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
18/01/2025 Duración: 19minThis teaching is taken from All’s Well That Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva ~ Get all 8 satsangs and guided meditations from this extraordinary retreat: Description: As we grow psychologically and spiritually, our understanding and appreciation of love evolve into more altruistic modes of expression and unconditional inclusion, until infinite love is attained. This is the glory of divinization and the completion of our pilgrimage through many lives to the real essence of who we are.
Ego Particles are Particularly Prickly
11/01/2025 Duración: 10minThe best alternative to living in a society of narcissistic egos is to move into nonduality. There is, after all, only one Real Self. Why be crowded when you can enjoy infinite spaciousness?
Good and Evil are Identical Twins - Sat Yoga Classic Teaching
07/01/2025 Duración: 15minMastery of our two inherent powers, or siddhis, of shining with supernal light and knowing through reflective awareness is the key to redemption in this auspicious time when God is euthanizing a world in its terminal phase of degradation, suffering, and madness. We must come to accept the outrageous nonduality of good and evil. That may be the most difficult challenge.
Only Love Can Break our Chains
28/12/2024 Duración: 12minEvery moment is priceless as the world hurtles toward the Eschaton. The highest priority of yogis must now be such intense and one-pointed adoration of the Supreme Self that we earn the grace of liberation from our bondages to the illusory ego and its attachments. It is now or never.
May the God-Self Be Born in the Manger of Your Mind ~ Shunyamurti Christmas Teaching
21/12/2024 Duración: 24minThe holy night of Christmas is a mythical representation of your own metamorphosis from human to divine. When the grace of silence descends upon the mind, the heart will blossom in overwhelming love of God and the sacred incarnation will occur. Bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! 7-Day Online Retreat - December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025 All’s Well That Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva Sign Up:
Shiva and Shakti Invite You on a Divine Adventure! Brin in the New Year with Shunyamurti
17/12/2024 Duración: 04minBring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! 7-Day Online Retreat - December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025 All’s Well That Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva JOIN: Description: The Eschaton is a new beginning. A heavenly world is being prepared for those souls with the courage to attain the deathless consciousness that is revealed once the false ego has been jettisoned. The cosmos is a dream in the Mind of Shakti, the energy of the God-Self. Now, She is ending this dream that has become a nightmare and returning to Shiva, the unmanifest Supreme Intelligence. Then, in joyous union, Shiva and Shakti will dream a wondrous new adventure, a magical Golden Age inhabited by gods and goddesses with astonishing powers beyond our current imagination. Your passport to that miraculous realm is the Light of Grace you will receive in the instant of Self-realization. This is the focus of our upcoming retreat.
The Great Task is Learning to Abide in Stillness
14/12/2024 Duración: 11minBring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! 7-Day Online Retreat - December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025 All’s Well That Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva JOIN: Description: Learn to listen with the third ear to the Voice of Silence within. Only then can the mind grok the awesome truth that you are consciousness that has never been born and will never die. But the mental program of the ego must be eliminated to sustain the attunement to the Real. This teaching is exemplified in the fundamental tantra of the Dzogchen lineage.
Don’t Blame God for Your Karma!
07/12/2024 Duración: 14minBring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! 7-Day Online Retreat - December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025 All’s Well That Ends Well: The Re-Marriage of Shakti and Shiva JOIN: Description: A vampire is draining your life energy, dumbing you down, and keeping you in a state of internal oppression projected as an external world. The vampire is your ego. It produces incoherent and delusional attitudes that keep one paralyzed in the holographic nightmare. There is only one way to defeat a vampire.
Love Creates, Love Destroys, Love Has the Last Laugh
03/12/2024 Duración: 10minPartial love is the cause of evil. Total love brings salvation. But there is no escape from love. The end of the world is love’s last laugh. But since love is eternal, the end is always a new beginning. Don’t you love it?
The Paradox of Impermanence
23/11/2024 Duración: 18minThe Yogacara school of Buddhism asserts that we all have three natures. The first is imaginary, made up of projections of the ego. The second is other-dependent, which is equally unreal—but focused on the superego and its appendage, the external Other. Fortunately, we also have a third nature, and this is our sovereign freedom. This state of Self-realization is beyond duality and intellectual conception.
The Icon’s Secret Code Describes the Way to Liberation - Classic Shunyamurti Teaching
19/11/2024 Duración: 10minThe Immanent-Transcendent Real can be recognized and attained through the help of symbols. The traditional iconography related to the most ancient portrayals of the Supreme Beingness in the form of Shiva—whether as lingam, as yogi, or as the Lord of Dance. Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 13, 2009.
Do You See Your Destiny Ahead?
16/11/2024 Duración: 19minIt is crucial to have a conversation with your future Death while you are still alive. Only once you are at peace with Death can you live a truly fulfilling life. What happens when you let go of identification with the body is then explained, revealing important esoteric information.
Many Problems, One Solution - Shunyamurti Questions and Answers
14/11/2024 Duración: 33minIn this selection of recent questions asked in satsangs, every ego’s doubts, confusions, agonies, and theoretical speculations orbit around the same illusory premise that the ego mind’s ontological status is real and has a grasp of the true nature of reality, rather than emerging as a bubble monad entranced in a dream. The solution is always to awaken and pop the bubble.
Overcome All Confusion ~ Shunyamurti Questions and Answers
12/11/2024 Duración: 13minThe application of reason and Self-enquiry will cut through all confusion about the nature of reality and unveil the truth of the omnipresent power of the God-Self and the fact of nonduality. One will be moved spontaneously to serve God by performing good works and accumulating merit that nullifies the tendencies to egocentric behavior and thus completes the process of atonement leading to attunement and re-absorption in the great bliss of the zero point of the Supreme Real.
An Important Revelation
09/11/2024 Duración: 15minWe read and reflect upon a teaching poem written ten centuries ago by the great Kashmiri sage Sri Abhinavagupta reveals the functions of God-Consciousness in these final days of this holographic presentation we call the world. Even more importantly, the difficulties of spiritual seekers are explained, as well as the way out of the illusion of individual existence.
Our Holographic Matrix is a Mathematical Equation
05/11/2024 Duración: 18minManifest reality can be perceived through the language of words, illuminating the symbolic meaningfulness and aesthetic qualities of its subtle spiritual nature. But the world can also be translated into the language of number. In the last ten centuries, human consciousness has become increasingly mathematized. Capitalism is all about quantity: how much is something worth, how many are available, what will be the amount of return on my investment, how large will be my profits in the coming year, etc. Mathematics is the main instrument of social control, military power, and economic policy. Without higher mathematics, there could be no weapons of mass destruction, no electric grid, no digital surveillance, no nanotechnology for biowarfare, no geoengineering, and no agents operating with artificial intelligence. The Word creates, Number destroys. Mathematics has no meaning, no heart, no mercy. We have all become mere numbers in the social order, dehumanized and devalued as useless eaters. But there is a third l
Your Soul Will Shed its Ego Skin
29/10/2024 Duración: 20minConsciousness must go through the gateway of language without getting caught on the barbed wire of beliefs or paralyzed by paradox. To reach the Supreme Real, our attention must abandon its identifications with name and form and its attachments to the imaginary and the symbolic. To attain nonduality, the ego and its inherent fear of aloneness must be shed. To reach the Infinite, all concepts produced by the finite mind in its longing for certainty must also be dropped. Only in total Emptiness and surrender will the grace of God be granted.
We’re Actors in Paradise Lost
26/10/2024 Duración: 16minThe ego suffers from nostalgia for the lost pseudo-paradise of the womb and the adoring mother at birth. The soul suffers from gnostalgia for the lost ecstasy in the Heart of God. The God-Self laughs, as nothing real was ever lost.