Owning Her Health Podcast

Episode 22 : Be Bold



Episode 22 So how does a stay at home mom move from dealing with the sudden onset of a child's illness to being a firecracker speaker while also leading her team of wellness women to new heights?  Find out in Episode 22 of Owing HER Health where I interview Charlotte based Health Entrepreneur, Kim Wojnowich on doing just that. Kim challenges other moms out there to Be Brave. As a mentor for a growing business, a speaker and a mom, wife, friend and daughter amongst her many roles, she is working on doing just that!   We sat down recently to discuss how she went from knowing nothing about selling and building teams to now leading one. We also spoke about her experience Owning HER daughter's health and finding ways to help others navigate autoimmune disease. According to The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, there are now 50 million americans with some form of autoimmune disease . Her mother and daughter were two of them. When her daughter was diagnosed at such a young age her eyes really opened