5 Minutes With Aopa-china

Episode 42 A Great Wall Flyover



Great Wall is the name card of China, and of Beijing. One way to explore the wonderful resort is to fly over it. C: Hello, thank you for tuning in to 5Minutes with AOPA-China. This is Claire. N: Hi, Nick is here with a smile ear toear. C: Somebody is happy today. N: Indeed, I am. We had an aerial tour lastWednesday. What made it so special for me is that it was an aerial trip abovethe Great Wall. You know, an aerial sightseeing over the GREAT WALL, it must bea genius that comes up with this combo! I’ve thought of many ways to visit theGreat Wall. Climbing on foot of course is the most common way; taking a cablecar, comparatively speaking, is more relaxing. But in a helicopter. Theexcitement is on a totally different level. C: Totally agree. It was also my first timeto look at the Great Wall from bird’s eye view. As we were ascendingvertically, with the hum of Robinson 44 filling our ears, I could hear the bloodpumping in my eardrum. Soon, when we merged into the rugged wilderness I co