The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

Host of EOFire Podcast, with John Lee Dumas



If you're an entrepreneur, and you've never heard of the EOFire Podcast, you're probably not an entrepreneur. John Lee Dumas launched a podcast in 2012 focused on the entrepreneurial journey, and by 2015, the revenue from it allowed him to move his family to Puerto Rico and live the life he wants to live - And yes - He credits his ADHD for it. He's a brilliant entrepreneur, who has used the Faster Than Normal staples of elimination of choice and avoiding distractions to blow up his life for the better. You're going to like this one! In this episode, Peter and John discuss: John's background (02:08) Focus and avoiding distractions (06:22) The squirrel theory (09:00) Elimination of choice (09:31) Sleeping times (11:21) Rituals (13:36) Time Hack (19:46) Links/Mentions EOFire The Freedom Journal Dynamite Circle Tour of John's house Workflowy (app) Shankminds Asana Pomodoro Method As always, leave us a comment below, drop us a review on iTunes (PLEASE!) and of course, subscribe to the podcast if you haven't al