The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

Can Twitter Predict ADHD? With Drs. Lyle Ungar and Sharath Chandra Guntuku



Big ups to FitKit for supporting the podcast this week. FitKit offers a number of different wellness products for both mind and body that make healthy living SIMPLE! I love their products and live by them when on the road. All of the kits are portable and packable, fit right in a carry on and most come with bands and tubes, a jump rope, 250 exercises and other great tools and resources. No excuses, especially when they include a 6 week nutrition and fitness plan as well as 24/7 email access to their dietitians and trainers! All the kits range in price from $10-$40 but if you use the code FTN, you get 20% during the month of January. Whichever kit you chose, you can take comfort in knowing they have been created by fitness, nutrition and wellness experts with the sole purpose helping you get healthy and fit. Not only are the FitKits great for individuals, but every organization should get these for their employees or clients. Each Kit can be fully branded with your logo, they offer volume pricing and starting