The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

Maintaining Hope w/ Exec Dir. of Suicidal Awareness Voices of Education, Dr. Dan Reidenberg



When you are any type of neuroatypical, whether that’s ADD, Autism, Asperger’s, Executive Function, ADHD, or anything that just makes you different; there-in lies your many gifts, but that can also mean a LOT of turmoil and strife as well. We talk about the positives & negatives of living in an online world, parenting nowadays, dealing with the constant messaging of social media, school shootings and other important but difficult topics with Dr. Reidenberg today. We hope this helps!  A little more about out guest today:   Dr. Dan Reidenberg PSYD, FAPA, DAPA, FACFEI, CRS, BCPC, CMT, CPAI. He is the Executive Director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE), Managing Director of the National Council for Suicide Prevention and is on the Executive Board of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.  He is Co-Chair of the International Media and Suicide Task Force.  He is a Certified Psychological Autopsy Interviewer and expert in forensic cases.  He serves on the numerous national and inter