Matt's Dilemma: Book 2 In The Winstons Series
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Matt Winston, member of a family with paranormal abilities, is a good and caring man. After a bad experience, he enjoys only brief affairs, unwilling to engage his heart. Yet,...

Leap Of Faith
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Meg wanted a new challenge. She got the challenge of her life and lost her heart in the process. In this sizzling new adult romance, Meg is stuck in a rut both in her...

Meg La Răscruce De Drumuri
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

In acest roman de iubire contemporan, Meg simte ca viata ei personala, precum si cariera sa, sunt pline de rutina, dar considera ca isi poate schimba soarta daca este destul de...

Familia Winston Cartea Întâi Trezirea Beckăi & Dilema Lui Matt
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Dacă îți place o carte de dragoste cu o tentă de paranormal, cu personaje puternice și o mică doză de umor, atunci aceasta este cartea pentru tine. Cartea...

Jumătatea Perfectă Cartea Întâi: Cu Dublu Tăiș & Ochi În Întuneric
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Savurati aceste doua romane din seria Jumatatea Perfecta, ambele fiind despre iubire, aventura si conspiratii. In fiecare dintre ele, un barbat dur, de actiune, musca tarana...

Atras (jumatatea Perfecta, #3)
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Nick nu-și dorea decât să fie lăsat în pace ca să poată uita urâțenia lumii înconjurătoare. Și, cu toate acestea, lumea exterioară intervine...

Pulled In: (the Perfect Halves, #3)
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Nick wanted only to be left in peace so that he could forget of the ugliness of the outside world. Yet, his world is invaded and he finds himself in the position of the white...

The Winstons Book One : Becka's Awakening & Matt's Dilemma
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

If you like paranormal romance, then you'll love a series that features compelling characters. Rebecca Winston, angry with her husband’s betrayal and her...

Becka's Awakening: Book One - The Winstons Series
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Becka wanted the power and the money. What she got was losing her heart. Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she...

Mr. (almost) Right
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

The clock is ticking. She’s on the hunt. He doesn’t want to be caught. Finding the right guy isn't easy for anyone and Ella is no exception. After three years...

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