Como Reconquistar O Ocidente Para Cristo: 6 Pontos Fundamentais Sobre Missões No Mundo De Hoje
  • Por Timothy Keller
  • Editor: Heziom

O cristianismo está em declínio no mundo ocidental. Nos Estados Unidos, no Canadá, na Austrália e na Europa, igrejas fecham as portas a uma velocidade galopante. Mesmo no...

Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-centered Ministry In Your City
  • Por Timothy Keller
  • Duración: 22:43:08
  • Narrador: Tom Parks
  • Editor: Zondervan

Many pastors struggle to translate their theological beliefs into fruitful ministry in the places they are called to reach. It’s not enough to simply know what to believe...

The Meaning Of Marriage: Audio Bible Studies: A Vision For Married And Single People
  • Por Timothy Keller
  • Duración: 2:11:51
  • Narrador: Lloyd James
  • Editor: Zondervan

Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that marriage does not mean 'til death do us...