Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty is a weekly discussion about discipleship and disciple-making in the local church.
S04E12: Are You Quenching the Holy Spirit?
19/04/2021 Duración: 24minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the staff meeting that was unlike other staff meetings. They go into detail about what Robby said to his staff at this meeting and what made it different from others. TIME STAMPS: 03:28 - A move of God was normal for the 1st century church 06:53 - Prayer is communication 13:28 - How are we quenching the Holy Spirit LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E11: A New Direction for the Church Staff
12/04/2021 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus on the first staff meeting that the staff members at Long Hollow had after the revival has started. TIME STAMPS: 05:06 - The Lord laid Joel 2:17 on Robby’s heart 07:04 - Wordless prayer 18:58 - Praying for more of God LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E10: The Most Surprising Deacons Meeting Ever
05/04/2021 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus on a Deacons meeting like none other. TIME STAMPS: 05:38 - Preparation for a normal deacons meeting 08:28 - Preparation for this deacons meeting 14:03 - What happened at the deacons meeting LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E09: Spiritual Warfare in Revival
29/03/2021 Duración: 25minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus spiritual warfare in the midst of the Lord moving the heart of people during revival. TIME STAMPS: 05:18 - There is a price for intercessory prayer 12:08 - Robby asked God to change him 14:03 - Series of attacks LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E08: Revival Goes Digital
22/03/2021 Duración: 21minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus on how Long Hollow stopped meeting in person for 4 weeks due to a surge in COVID-19 cases in the area, but the revival kept growing. TIME STAMPS: 03:43 - In person gatherings cancelled 07:28 - Evan Roberts 13:03 - The Long Hollow Revival LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E07: Pouring Water on the Fire
15/03/2021 Duración: 25minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus on the role that pastors have when revival is happening. TIME STAMPS: 03:43 - You don’t have to advertise a fire 08:28 - A pastor’s role 14:58 - After Christmas 22:08 - When we stop praying LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at December 20, 2020 Long Hollow 9am service December 20, 2020 Long Hollow 11am service December 22, 2020 Long Hollow Baptism Service
S04E06: Pressing In for Pressing On
08/03/2021 Duración: 26minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby continue talking about the revival that is going on at Long Hollow. They focus on a very unique baptism story. TIME STAMPS: 02:58 - There was a decision to be made 07:28 - Take a break 10:28 - A special baptism LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at December 20, 2020 9am service December 20, 2020 11am service December 22, 2020 Baptism Service
S04E05: Life Change Births Life Change
01/03/2021 Duración: 27minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby take another episode to talk about the revival that the Lord is doing at Long Hollow. They are focusing on how it all started. TIME STAMPS: 01:58 - Exaggerating numbers 04:56 - Right before the downpour 08:02 - Discipleship structure is not in vain 11:23 - Tuesday before Christmas 16:33 - Going back to Monday 21:38 - Bryan’s story LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E04: Walking In the Water
22/02/2021 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: Chris and Robby take another episode to talk about the revival that the Lord is doing at Long Hollow. They talk about the details of what happened on December 20, 2020. TIME STAMPS: 03:30 - Learning how to pray 06:33 - Prayer during covid 07:54 - Spontaneous baptism 14:08 - The Sunday before Christmas 21:04 - 99 baptisms LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E03: Waiting on the Lord
15/02/2021 Duración: 22minSUMMARY: In this episode Chris and Robby are talking about how important it is to wait on God and let Him lead. TIME STAMPS: 03:28 - Sit with the Lord 04:30 - What was the build up to the day of all the baptisms 07:26 - Do you want to see a move of God? 12:43 - Practice from Ignatious of Loyola LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E02: When The Supernatural Becomes Natural Part 2
08/02/2021 Duración: 22minSUMMARY: In today’s episode Robby and Chris are continuing talking about what the Lord is doing at Long Hollow right now. TIME STAMPS: 01:40 - A fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit 05:07 - Finished with business as usual church 10:48 - Uncharted territory 17:15 - The importance of prayer LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S04E01: When The Supernatural Becomes Natural
01/02/2021 Duración: 20minSUMMARY: In today’s episode Robby and Chris are taking a bit of a break from the study of the Gospels and talking about what the Lord is doing at Long Hollow right now. TIME STAMPS: 02:00 - Intro to what is going on at Long Hollow 04:07 - How did we get here? 11:56 - The prayer for revival LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church Join the Replicate Network: A guide and support system to help your church thrive.
S03E12: Lost and Found
25/01/2021 Duración: 22minSUMMARY: In today’s episode Robby and Chris study in Luke 2 and take a deep dive into the culture of the Jewish Passover as well as a biblical prayer, modeled by Jesus, we can pray over our children. TIME STAMPS: 02:00 - Jesus is a product of His culture 10:40 - Jesus is gets lost 13:20 - Jesus with the priests and the scribes 15:48 - Jesus and His questions 17:40 - Model to pray over your kids LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church Join the Replicate Network: A guide and support system to help your church thrive.
S03E11: Poor Parents and Prophesy
18/01/2021 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: In today’s episode Robby and Chris take a deep dive into who the earthly parents of Jesus were and how though they were poor in wealth, they were rich in the Lord. TIME STAMPS: 05:45 - Recap of last episode about Mary and Joseph 08:49 - The circumcision of Jesus, Luke 2:21-24 16:15 - Poor parents and prophesy, Simeon and Anna 22:55 - Connecting the redemption of Israel with the coming Messiah LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church Join the Replicate Network: A guide and support system to help your church thrive.
S03E10: The Wisest Gifts Ever Given
11/01/2021 Duración: 25minSUMMARY: In today’s episode Robby and Chris talk about the wise men and the gifts that they brought Jesus. TIME STAMPS: 1:40 - Backstory of Bethlehem 12:00 - The gifts the Wise Men gave 17:20 - Mary and Joseph and their donkey 20:58 - Jesus as the new Moses LINKS: If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church Join the Replicate Network: A guide and support system to help your church thrive.
S03E09: A Different Kind of Kingdom
04/01/2021 Duración: 21minSUMMARY:The world has a specific way of operating and it is the same as it was in Jesus’s day. In this episode, Robby and Chris compare Herod’s kingdom to Jesus’s Kingdom and explain how different they are. TIME STAMPS: 3:23 (Herod’s Kingdom) 7:16 (Herod’s getaway) 9:06 (Herodium) 11:20 (Jesus tells the disciples to move a mountain) 12:40 (A clash of Kingdoms) 13:40 (Jesus’s Kingdom) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S03E08: How Discipleship Welcomed The Messiah
28/12/2020 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: Discipleship is a crucial part of every Christians life. In this episode Robby and Chris explain how Daniel’s discipleship of the wise men led them to welcome Christ 490 years later. TIME STAMPS: 2:00 (callbacks to the life of Joseph) 7:05 (wise men) 11:40 (How do the wise men know when to come to Jesus?) 17:40 (What kind of star was it?) 19:00 (Daniel told them when the Messiah would come) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S03E07: Once in a lifetime
21/12/2020 Duración: 23minSUMMARY: This week Robby and Chris talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity in the beginning of Luke. This is the first time God has spoken to his people in 400 years and he’s getting ready to welcome the Messiah. TIME STAMPS: 3:30 (background on Luke) 8:22 (how drawing lots worked) 11:15 (duties of the priesthood) 13:35 (how the tabernacle was set up) 15:05 (why burning incense was an honor) 18:40 (importance of 9am and 3pm) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at
S03E06: Were Old Testament, Jewish People, Saved?
14/12/2020 Duración: 23minSHOW NOTES: SUMMARY: It is a common thought to think that Old Testament Jews had a different way to salvation than present-day Christians. Today Robby and Chris talk about what it means to have faith and how that looked in the Old Testament. TIME STAMPS: 2:58 (How Robby thought Jews were saved) 5:07 (Abraham’s faith) 10:34 (How can Moses be looking ahead to Christ?) 15:58 (What does faith look like?) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at If you want to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith you can go here:
S03E05: Can we be blameless?
07/12/2020 Duración: 22minSUMMARY: In this episode Robby and Chris examine biblical figures who were declared blameless before the Lord. Then they will discuss how each of us can live a blameless life. TIME STAMPS: 3:17 (Who is Theophilus?) 6:08 (Blameless) 11:10 (How we can be Blameless) 13:23 (Kesher) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at If you want to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith you can look here: