Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

S03E06: Were Old Testament, Jewish People, Saved?



SHOW NOTES: SUMMARY: It is a common thought to think that Old Testament Jews had a different way to salvation than present-day Christians. Today Robby and Chris talk about what it means to have faith and how that looked in the Old Testament. TIME STAMPS: 2:58 (How Robby thought Jews were saved) 5:07 (Abraham’s faith) 10:34 (How can Moses be looking ahead to Christ?) 15:58 (What does faith look like?) LINKS: Resources for Long Hollow Group Leaders Click here to receive Replicate’s discipleship resources for your home, group, and church If you are a church leader, join our Replicate Network at If you want to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith you can go here:
