Create If Writing - Authentic Platform Building For Writers & Bloggers

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 48:48:39
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Create If Writing is a weekly podcast for writers and bloggers dealing with authentic platform growth. Kirsten Oliphant interviews experts to find out how they are building email lists, connecting through Twitter, and using Facebook groups. These practical episodes are balanced out with inspirational interviews from successful writers and bloggers who have made it big and want to share the struggles, the creative process, and tips for reaching your goals whether you are an author publishing books or creating an online presence through blogging.


  • 145 - Social Media Updates in 2018, part 2

    30/11/2018 Duración: 22min

    I missed out on some big platforms and news in the first in this series, so here are more updates you need to know that happened in 2018 and will impact your 2019! When I started this series, it was meant to be one post. Ha! There have already been updates since I posted. That's why it's so stinking hard to keep up with social media updates! My advice from the first post still holds: if you don't want to PERSONALLY keep up, follow other people who will keep up FOR YOU. Choose the few platforms you want to focus on, choose an expert, and subscribe to their email list. Or read something like Social Media Today so you can get more broad updates. I mean, but really, you'll get a lot from me each week in the Quick Fix, my Friday email with news, tools, trends, tips, and updates.   PINTEREST UPDATES I need to apologize to Pinterest. It is my #1 traffic driver on my blogs. And...I don't pin. I don't hang out. I don't keep up. That's the very cool thing about Pinterest: you can kind of autopilot it. Because it's mor

  • 144 - Updates from 2018 YOU Need to Know

    16/11/2018 Duración: 31min

    This post will be part one of a series on social media changes from 2018. This doesn't JUST include social media, but also touches on Amazon and blogging and more.  It can be SO hard to keep up with all of the changes that happen on the internet in a WEEK, much less a year. But I want to go over some of the big news and social media updates that you need to know. Most of these took place in 2018, while some were a little earlier and some are currently rolling out or have been announced, but haven't taken effect! HOW TO KEEP UP WITH SOCIAL MEDIA As a tip to start, if you find yourself overwhelmed trying to keep up, the best thing you can do is follow people and sites that do a good job of keeping you apprised. Here are a few sites or emails that will help you keep up: The Quick Fix - my weekly email with news, tips, resources, and more   The Sell More Books Show - podcast with news related to writing & publishing (especially indie publishing) The Digital Reader - more writing and publishing news, updated

  • 143 - How to Build Your Email List for a Book Launch

    09/11/2018 Duración: 27min

    So far in this series, I've shared a simple book launch formula, how to get other people to share your work, how to utilize paid promotions, and in this post, I'm tackling how to grow your email list. This WILL have applications outside of book launching! If you're new around here, you may have missed that I'm a little nerdy about email lists. I've got under 10,000 people on my combined three lists (for fiction, nonfiction, and my lifestyle blog). Not huge! But size is NOT the only thing that matters when it comes to your list. The goal should be a group of active, interested, and perhaps even RABID fans. First of all, let's talk about a few email basics. When I say "email list," what I mean is the group of people who have actively signed up to receive emails that you send through an email service provider like ConvertKit, MailerLite, Mailchimp, Mad Mimi, or any other trusted provider. I do NOT mean you sending emails to all your contacts in gmail. HOW TO GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST Growing an email list really brea

  • 142- How to Use Paid Promotions to Launch Your Book

    02/11/2018 Duración: 38min

    It's a scary thing to consider spending money when you are just starting out. Or even sometimes in the middle. When you aren't yet making money, it can seem crazy to SPEND money. But investing wisely can lead to greater results. I'm going to share the two main ways that you can invest as you launch your book and some things to consider as you do.  Listen to Episode 142- How to Use Paid Promotion to Launch Your Book    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app! THE TWO MAIN TYPES OF PAID PROMOTION Much of this series focuses on books, but could apply to other launches, but this post will be more specifically geared toward book sales.  The two main options for paid promotions are: paid newsletter promotions (like BookBub or BookSends) paid advertisements (FB & AMS) There are lots of other ways you could advertise, but these are the two main branches that I'm going to talk about today.  PAID NEWSLETTER PROMOS Email outperforms social media for sales, period. (Read some

  • 141 How to Get Other People to Share for You

    26/10/2018 Duración: 31min

    In the last post I shared a simple book launch framework. Now I want to break down some of the specifics related to promotion, because this is where people really struggle. Because this is a huge topic, this post focuses on getting other people to share your work. Having other people share your work? Well, that sounds smarmy. Isn't this the blog and podcast all about NOT being smarmy? Yes. Yes it is. But there is a way to ask others to share your work that is NOT smarmy. I heavily rely on other people sharing my fiction books for Emma St. Clair, and I've built some amazing relationships along the way. I'm going to break this down a bit, but if you want more on how to work well with others in non-smarmy ways, you should really check out Creative Collaborations. Yeah, I'm plugging my book. But literally, that's what the book is about. So if you want more... get it.   It sounds simple to say that you should ask people to share for you. But if you're starting out and aren't sure how to do this, it sounds weird an

  • 140 - A Simple Book Launch Framework

    19/10/2018 Duración: 19min

    Writers all struggle with different parts of the craft. Some struggle with the start, while others get stuck in the middle, and many find editing to be a challenge. But one shared struggle for most writers I talk with is the actual book launch. Book launching brings to mind the idea of marketing and promotion and publishing, whether you are working alongside a traditional publisher or you are an indie author. I'm going to share a simple book launch formula here geared more towards indie authors. But if you are working with a traditional publisher, these principles can still work for you! You simply might have other help or confines to work within.   I'm calling this a framework not a formula or a step-by-step guide because I like the loose structure of a framework. I definitely am a do-what-works-for-you person, so within a larger structural framework, you have freedom to try many different strategies. This is meant  to help you understand the bigger umbrella of a book launch so that you can shift the smalle

  • 139 - Three Reasons You Should Write a Book

    05/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    If you haven't written a book, I want to convince you. And if you have written a book, I want to help you focus your efforts toward getting the most out of it! This post will share three big reasons you should write a book. I'm not trying to take over Honorée Corder's job and tell you that you must write a book (more from her in episode 104!), but I do want to give you three reasons you should write a book and even break those down into some specific WHYs.  (If you're new around here, I'm all about the WHY.) These three reasons you should write a book are partly reasons...but also just as much goals for your books. Books don't just make money. They can accomplish a few different purposes and sometimes people miss that.  THREE REASONS YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK Building Being Known Banking    BUILDING Audience building Empire building   BEING KNOWN Gaining authority Gaining visibility   BANKING Book sales Other product/service sales

  • 138 - Popular Advice You should IGNORE

    28/09/2018 Duración: 34min

    The beauty of the internet is all the knowledge you can find at the touch a button. My husband replaced the starter in our minivan last week after watching a video on YouTube. EPIC! But the downside of the internet is the same--all the "knowledge" you can find at the touch of a button.  I want to break down some really popular advice and why you might want to ignore it OR why you need more information to make it make sense.  POPULAR ADVICE YOU SHOULD IGNORE The money’s in the list If you know me, you know I'm into email. Research also shows that more conversions and sales happen through email than social media platforms. Yes, email has the best conversion rate for sales. But it takes work to get the right kind of email list and to sell the right kind of product in the right kind of way. Not automatic. Lots of work, but pays off. Focus on getting the right subscribers, offering something that meets those subscribers' needs, and then honing in on your sales copy.  If you need more help with email, start with

  • 137 - Six Questions to Ask Before You Spend Money

    21/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    Advice is rampant all over the interweb about where you should invest. Rather than giving you specific advice that may not work, I'm going to give you six questions to ask before you spend any money! I've wasted a lot of money. I've bootstrapped. I've seen how investing early in the long-term can pay off...even if not right now. I want to share with you some of those specifics, but within the confines of six questions you can ask yourself before you invest. Where I spent money may not be where you should! My advice may not work for you!  These questions, however, should really help you with these decisions! SIX QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE YOU SPEND MONEY What do I NEED right now? What will benefit me in the long run if I invest NOW? What can I wait for? What can I get now for less and upgrade later? What's risky, but worth a try? What's the shiny object I need to ignore? Ready to break those down?? Let's do it!  WHAT DO I NEED RIGHT NOW?  I sometimes hear people telling authors that before they launch a book,

  • 136 - How to Make Money with Your Creative Work

    14/09/2018 Duración: 30min

    I'm going to gloss over the conversation about whether or not you should make money with your creative endeavors. I firmly believe that there is a happy place where you can get paid to do what you love. Yes, you can also sell out. I can't tell you where that line is, but I think you know it in your heart when you do it.  Here are some common revenue streams for creative people:  books or ebooks online courses coaching- group or individual  membership sites paid teaching - at a school or workshops online or in person affiliate sales sponsored blog posts or social media posts ads on your site physical products side jobs - editing, freelancing, being a virtual assistant, etc Those aren't all the ways you can make money, but some of the more common ways creative people are making money online. I see a lot of people talking about the ways you can make money with these various revenue streams, but not a lot of people are talking about the COST. I don't mean financially, though that is a factor. I'm going go dive

  • 135 - Pick One Thing

    07/09/2018 Duración: 26min

    In this blog post and podcast episode, I'm sharing about the power of having a single focus. I don't do well with one thing at a time, but I'm telling you to pick one thing and sharing what happened when *I* did! I am a serial starter. I am reading probably eight books right now. I have no less than four half-finished paintings in my house. I am currently working on three books. I DO NOT LIKE TO NARROW DOWN. But I learned something this summer. Even though I don't like doing one thing at a time, there is incredible power when you pick one thing and have a singular focus. Listen or read to learn the whys and hows of narrowing your focus for powerful results. LISTEN TO EPISODE 135 - THE POWER OF A SINGLE FOCUS Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Listen on Stitcher, Google Play, or Spotify WHY HAVING A SINGLE FOCUS IS POWERFUL Everyone works differently, so please take what I say here with that in mind. I am NOT advocating for all people at all times to do just one thing. I'd like to just start with that. Always: do wha

  • 134 - Writing Rules and When to Break Them

    28/05/2018 Duración: 39min

    In this post and podcast episode, we'll be diving into the idea of writing rules and when you can break them. I was honestly surprised with where I landed on this. Keep reading and see if you agree! We've all heard that phrase: "Learn the rules; then you can break them." Or something like it. But how do you know what the rules are? And when can you actually break them?   This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you purchase something by clicking through.  WHY THERE AREN'T REALLY WRITING RULES We live in a time period where things are much more open. Language is changing and has been affected by social media and texting. (Don't feel too upset by this because language is always changing. People were mad at Shakespeare in his day. It's not a new problem!)  There are also different schools of rules. Personally, I adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style for my punctuation and grammar. While others might use the MLA or AP or something else. These don't all agree! (It's a good idea t

  • 133 - Why Writers Need Writing Groups

    14/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    Writers don't write in a vacuum. Or...they SHOULDN'T. Writers need writing groups and communities of other writers to help support, teach, encourage, and promote. We need each other! Keep reading to find the why and the how. Successful writers don't write alone.  Okay, let me qualify that. Successful writers may write alone, but they don't WORK alone. They have writing groups and writing communities, both online and offline that help them to achieve their goals. (This is true of bloggers as well and podcasters and any -ers that you want to toss in here, I'd wager.) We need community. And the depth of community we create determines our success. BOOM.   WHY WRITERS NEED WRITING GROUPS AND COMMUNITIES During the recent #cockygate, I saw a few big takeaways, no matter WHERE you fell on that whole mess. (If you don't know what that is, check out a smart and funny summary and then some legal stuff.) Here are the big things I saw from that.  Writers in Community Get Inspired, But Don't Copy I think the impetus (from

  • 132 - Tips for GDPR Compliance and Why Data Matters

    23/04/2018 Duración: 30min

    If you haven't heard of GDPR, get ready. Like the term "data," you're going to be hearing this buzzword a LOT. I've got several posts on it already and will likely have more to say. In this post and podcast episode I'll share why all this data talk is significant, why we need to think about it to not be smarmy, and tips for GDRP compliance. I'm also running a free workshop this week on Freebies + GDPR you won't want to miss. REGISTER NOW!   WHY DATA MATTERS Did anyone else catch all those memes and silly videos about Congress questioning Zuckerberg? Many of us laughed at that, but here's the thing: were you surprised by anything he said? Like maybe how Facebook might be tracking you on a website that's not Facebook even if you don't USE Facebook? Here's reality: Data has long  been overlooked and it's about to change. People haven't realized how precious data is and the common user of the internet has very little idea what is being tracked and how. These data conversations are really GOOD because they are for

  • 131 - How to Plan a Writer's Retreat on a Budget

    09/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    It's no secret that I go on a lot of writer's retreats. Well. For a mom of five pretty young kids I go on a lot of writing retreats. This post will explain why, how, and how you can DIY a writer's retreat on a budget! You may be familiar with the idea of writer's conferences (and blogger conferences!) as an important part of community and growth for many writers. I am a conference JUNKIE and have attended tons. But I don't think people talk enough about a writer's retreat and how to make one possible for YOU.  I try to take 1-2 writer's retreats per year, completely by myself. As an introvert, this is luxurious. And if that sounds terrifying to you, you can also do a writer's retreat with other people. This post is more geared toward the single-person retreat, but you can apply some of the ideas for a partner or group retreat. But let's take a step back...WHY are writer's retreats a good idea?? Then I'll share some of my tips for planning. BENEFITS OF A WRITER'S RETREAT While conferences have many benefits li

  • 130 - Why You Need to Just START

    02/04/2018 Duración: 13min

    It's time to START. Why you need to stop listening to fear and join the conversation. Evergreen Platform School  $49 through the end of April 2! AFTER April 2, use code podcast to get 30% off.

  • BONUS: A Modern-Day Easter Parable

    02/04/2018 Duración: 14min

    In a departure from the norm, I'm sharing a modern-day Easter parable with you!  music by

  • Update: Where Are New Episodes?

    19/03/2018 Duración: 07min

    Hey, guys! I wanted to share why I've missed a few episodes lately. First: my computer crashed in a most epic way. But it's okay! It's back now...but then I got sick. You can hear it on this episode, but it hurts to talk and I have asthma, so I can't even. But hopefully it will be back. Soon.  For now, know that my platform isn't just about the podcast! It's about the PEOPLE. And that's YOU.  So please connect with me where we can talk like people: 

  • 129 - How to Create Viral Content

    26/02/2018 Duración: 53min

    I've written about how to create binge-worthy content, but today it's all about how to create viral content. You know: the kind that everyone keeps sharing like hotcakes until your blog catches fire? That kind. Let's dive in! Going viral. I'd really love to know what comes to mind when you hear those words. Good thing? Bad thing? Something you've experienced or just hoped for? My question to you today is this: If you knew how to create viral content, would you? The easy answer might be yes. Because who doesn't want a viral post! But today I'm talking with Paula Rollo of Beauty Through Imperfection and Quick Blogging Tips about how to create a viral post, the downside no one talks about, and how to take your viral post into a binge-worthy post. Listen to Episode 128 - How to Create a Viral Post     HOW TO DEFINE VIRAL CONTENT First up, what IS viral content? It depends who you ask. There is full-on viral posts, which are the kinds of posts that take off and go worldwide. That's rarely what we get to see. Vira

  • 128 - State Of Create If

    19/02/2018 Duración: 28min

    This is a new (hopefully) annual feature at Create If Writing. Consider this my State of the Union Address, where I share my goals for the Create If Writing community.  THE STATE OF CREATE IF This episode and post will share with you my heart for Create If Writing this year. I'm going to walk through my goals for Create If Writing, my goals for 2018, and the offers (free & paid) that I'll have for you this year. Watch the video in the Create If Writing group! (You'll have to join first. Then either revisit this link, or look under videos.)  Create If Writing Goals If you've listened to the podcast, you can say this along with me: Create If Writing is for writers, bloggers, and creatives who want to build an online platform without being smarmy.  To break that down... I want to help you connect with the perfect audience, grow that audience, and make more money doing something you love, WITHOUT using smarmy and sleazy tactics.  2018 Goals for Create If Writing I want to help you guys with a few big things t

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