I care about you and your relationship with God! I preach a simple message! The Wages of Sin is Death BUT the Gift of God is Eternal Life. We are chosen by God. He proved that when he gave his son for us. Sin is not worth losing your soul. Simple Godly principles and discipline coupled with Faith and Love will carry us through. There is a lot of Compromising that is taking place in the church today but we have to careful not to stray away from the will of God!I Pastor Jennice Jackson would love to share the ministry that God gave me with you. This ministry is heard around the world. We desire to reach hurting souls. Those that are bound by drug addiction, sexual addiction, affected by homelessness and hunger. Those that have been victimize and transform them through the word of God into Over Comers and Witnesses to Win Souls! We aim to share the unadulterated Word. Compelling Men and Women to Come to Christ. The Lord says come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow though they be as crimson he will make them white as wool. We are a healing and deliverance ministry gifted in evangelism. Join us today and be apart of a Mighty Move of God!
My Gospel Soul Radio pres. Cooking with Mrs. Kuntry
06/08/2014 Duración: 56minMrs. Kuntry shares remedies that will help you conquer High Blood Pressure.Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of
My Gospel Soul Central w/ Pastor J. God that is Always there "Jehovah Shammah"
05/08/2014 Duración: 01h00sBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: My God who is Always there. (Jehovah Shammah) Mt. 28:2; Jn. 20:24; He. 13:5 God is always with you, even unto the end of the world. Be content with such things as ye have for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Amen! At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are u
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J. Week End Review!!!Let it Play Monday
04/08/2014 Duración: 01h27minSpecial Interview with The New Cool...Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet
Busting Loose in Faith on My Gospel Soul Radio
01/08/2014 Duración: 01h01minMessage Title: What Manner of Man is This? Scripture: Mark 5:35-41 Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs,
Let's Cook with Mrs.Kuntry on My Gospel Soul Radio
31/07/2014 Duración: 01h23minMrs. Kuntry Talks about Cornbread Casserole and How to make a Sweet Potato Pie. Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, B
Prophet Come out of Hiding! with Stacy Williams AKA Gospel!
30/07/2014 Duración: 01h30minListen for A blessing and Prophetic Word from the Lord! Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s
God is My Forgiveness of Sin, My Pardon Pastor J. Shares in Prophetic Prayer
29/07/2014 Duración: 01h05minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
28/07/2014 Duración: 01h26minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central pres. Busting Loose in Faith w/ Apostle & Proph.Thibeaux
25/07/2014 Duración: 01h14minMy Gospel Soul; Busting loose in Faith Broadcast with Apostle & Proph. Thibeaux topic: Being Prepared for Spiritual Warfare Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs,
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
24/07/2014 Duración: 58minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
23/07/2014 Duración: 56minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
22/07/2014 Duración: 55minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central pres. Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux
18/07/2014 Duración: 01h00sToday on My Gospel Soul: Is God Apart of Your Plan? Scripture: Luke 12:16-21 Apostle and Prophetess Thibeaux of Seed of Fatih Evangelistic Outreach Ministries Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
17/07/2014 Duración: 01h00sBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
16/07/2014 Duración: 01h03minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central pres. Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux"
11/07/2014 Duración: 59minJoin Apostle and Proph. Thibeaux from Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministries for a Power Pack Hour of the Weord of God. Topic: "Are you Running a Good Race of Faith to Win?" 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
09/07/2014 Duración: 51minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
Today on My Gospel Soul: God is the Answer...And what it means for You!
08/07/2014 Duración: 57minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
07/07/2014 Duración: 46minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to Eagles United Ministries At Eagles United Ministries Ministries we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor Jackson uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entire world to bare witnes
My Gospel Soul Central pres. Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Proph.Thibeaux
04/07/2014 Duración: 59minWelcome to My Gospel Soul Central Busting Loose in Faith by Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministries Apostle and Prophetess Thibeaux Today on Busting Loose in Faith "Has Your Faith been Tested Yet?" James 2:17 Remember My Gospel Soul is Breaking the Yoke of Boundage through the Power of the Word of God! Without Faith it is impossible to Please God. But with God all things are possible!