I care about you and your relationship with God! I preach a simple message! The Wages of Sin is Death BUT the Gift of God is Eternal Life. We are chosen by God. He proved that when he gave his son for us. Sin is not worth losing your soul. Simple Godly principles and discipline coupled with Faith and Love will carry us through. There is a lot of Compromising that is taking place in the church today but we have to careful not to stray away from the will of God!I Pastor Jennice Jackson would love to share the ministry that God gave me with you. This ministry is heard around the world. We desire to reach hurting souls. Those that are bound by drug addiction, sexual addiction, affected by homelessness and hunger. Those that have been victimize and transform them through the word of God into Over Comers and Witnesses to Win Souls! We aim to share the unadulterated Word. Compelling Men and Women to Come to Christ. The Lord says come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow though they be as crimson he will make them white as wool. We are a healing and deliverance ministry gifted in evangelism. Join us today and be apart of a Mighty Move of God!
Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux
05/09/2014 Duración: 01h02minToday on Busting Loose in Faith What to do when God's timing is not your timing! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are usi
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
04/09/2014 Duración: 54minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag
My Gospel Soul Central's Networking Tuesday
03/09/2014 Duración: 59minSharing Information of Support for our Community. And you can be added to the Community too. Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the W
Destroying the Church From the Inside Out!
02/09/2014 Duración: 50minRev. 3 Pro. 6 Amen Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
29/08/2014 Duración: 58minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
28/08/2014 Duración: 48minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
27/08/2014 Duración: 53minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Let it Play Monday & Weekend Review!!!
25/08/2014 Duración: 57minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Busting loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux What Time Is It Its Time To Pray
22/08/2014 Duración: 01h00sBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: What Time is it? It is Time to Pray! Matthew 6:5-15 At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakth
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
21/08/2014 Duración: 32minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Modest is Holiness! Ain't nobody mad but the devil!
20/08/2014 Duración: 50minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
God's Position in Your Life and what it means for you! Pastor J.
19/08/2014 Duración: 01h00sBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through power of the Word of God! Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the e
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
18/08/2014 Duración: 55minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux
15/08/2014 Duración: 01h15minDo you Know who you are as a believer? Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and Go
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.
14/08/2014 Duración: 57minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J. Presents J-Da-Pitbull
13/08/2014 Duración: 01h00sBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: JdaPitbull pronounced J-Da-Pitbull is A Christian, Father, Veteran, and at last a Hip Hop/Spoken word Artist. Music has always been a big influence on his life every since a child. At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outl
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J. presents Orvis Lilly
12/08/2014 Duración: 01h27minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Let it Play Monday on My Gospel Soul Glory!
11/08/2014 Duración: 54minBreaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messages of Healing and Deliverance are shared. Testimonies of Empowerment, Breakthroughs, and God’s Divine Power are shared for the entir
Busting Loose in Faith w/ Apostle Thibeaux
08/08/2014 Duración: 59minSubject for Friday's broadcast is "Positioning Yourself to be Blessed on Purpose" Scripture reference is John 6:5-13. Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministries
My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J. presents All Things Possible
07/08/2014 Duración: 01h00sWelcome to My Gospel Soul Radio Website: Community, Network, Life Connecting and Sharing So Share your Passion, Awareness Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit