Fade to Zack is an hour long brainstorm to come up with a movie based on a one to two sentence prompt. Host Zack Long, editor-in-chief of Scriptophobic, is joined by a guest each episode to come up with a working outline from a prompt neither has seen. Laughter, deep conversation, and the creative process laid bare make Fade to Zack a fun time.
Episode Seven: The HELLoship of the Ring with Kara Love
24/03/2019 Duración: 54minComic book writer/editor Kara Love joins Zack to come up with an absolutely insane story based on an Andrew Roebuck prompt: What would Lord of the Rings look like if the Fellowship was made up of history's worst monsters? It gets silly beyond belief.
Episode Six: The Monster Fighters with Skinslip
17/03/2019 Duración: 58minTwitch variety streamer Skinslip guests on this week's episode of Fade to Zack, the first to be recorded in front of a live audience, to tell the PG-13 story of a band of kids fighting a new kind of horror monster.
Episode Five: Jogan Paul with Brock Wilbur
10/03/2019 Duración: 55minBrock Wilbur is the guest this week. Brock and Zack weave a tale of techno-horror, paranoia, and the instability of influencer celebrities.
Episode Four: A Nightmare in the Woods with Andrew Roebuck
03/03/2019 Duración: 01h44sAndrew Roebuck, writer/podcast for, is the guest on this week's episode. The topic? Killer animals and a camping trip gone wrong!
Episode Three: Home is Where the Murders Are with Joe Lipsett
24/02/2019 Duración: 01h01minJoe Lipsett joins me on this episode of Fade to Zack to brainstorm a small town murder mystery.
Episode One: A Killer Santa Marxist Trilogy with Paul Farrell
24/02/2019 Duración: 53minPaul Farrell joins host Zack Long on the inaugural episode to come up with a trilogy of Marxist Santa Claus films.
Episode Two: Murder at the Super Bowl with Dan Pullen
24/02/2019 Duración: 57minDan Pullen joins host Zack Long on this episode to brain storm a murder mystery set during the Super Bowl.