Web Radio Today




HOLIDAY DIET STRATEGY ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research This is a computer generated transcript...and often the computer does not understand we spell Anchor Point with and E TRANSCRIPT Charlotte (00:00): This is the XBHS Radio Network. Skip Orem (00:03): Hi everybody from Nashville. I'm Skip Orm, and this is the Anchor Point podcast. And this is the December 2nd, 2022 episode of the Anchor Point Podcast. This episode today, everybody is not being recorded up at the X BHS Radio studios in Nashville. Instead, I'm here at my home studio and the quaint little Nashville suburban town of Nolansville, Tennessee Nolansville sits right here on the southeast corner of the Music City. Hello again, everybody. I'm Skip or, and I'm so happy that you've pu
