The Travelers

4: Adventure is for Everyone with The Planet D



Dave and Deb are not only married, but bill themselves as Canada’s Adventure Couple. Since 2008, they have lived their motto that “Adventure is for Everyone,” not just those who’ve spent a lifetime preparing and training. They’ve explored over 80 countries across all 7 continents with adventures like Summitting Kilamanjaro, Everest Base Camp, cycling the length of Africa, driving in the Mongol Rally, and that’s just to name a few. Truly the stuff of legend. You can read about it all, book custom tours, and destination advice at While they enjoyed their work, they weren’t fulfilled by their careers, and the film industry didn't thrill them. They both knew they didn’t want to spend the rest of their lives saving for retirement, just to be happy when their 65. They wanted it now. Explorer Quotes “Travel was never something we pursued to change ourselves. That just came naturally.” “I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life saving for retirement, just to be happy when I’m 65. I wanted it now.” In