Coffee Break German

CBG Mag 2.10 | Til Schweiger



In the final episode of this season of the Coffee Break German Magazine, we hear a text about the well-known and successful German actor and director, Til Schweiger. As we hear about his life and international career, we review some important grammar points such as the imperfect irregular tense and scheint zu sein. As always, we hear relevant vocabulary along the way, including: Regisseur/-in, Produzent/-in and Drehbuchautor/-in before challenging you to our final tongue twister of the series!In each episode of this 10-lesson season for intermediate learners you can build your vocabulary, increase your understanding of grammar and learn to use the German language in a more natural way. This series follows on from Seasons 1 and 2 of Coffee Break German.There are a total of 10 episodes in Season 2 of the Coffee Break German Magazine. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, transcripts, vocabulary lists and exercises, you can access the premium version of the Magazine on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget