Kickass News

CNBC'S Larry Kudlow & Historian Brian Domitrovic on JFK the Tax-Cutter



CNBC's Larry Kudlow and historian Brian Domitrovic talk about their new book JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity.  They dismantle the perception of John F. Kennedy as a Keynesian and make the case that he was the first President to embrace supply-side economics and an inspiration for Reagan's Presidency.  Brian and Larry talk about the popular myth of post-war prosperity in the 1950s, the unusual team of rivals who advised Kennedy on economic policy, and how that policy influenced civil rights.  Plus Larry Kudlow talks about his role as informal economic advisor to Donald Trump. Order JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity on Amazon or download the audio version for free through a special offer for our listeners at Larry Kudlow can frequently be seen on CNBC and you can read his articles at National Review Online. His radio show The Larry Kudlow Show airs on Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET on WABC Radio a