Diana Prince Wonder Woman Podcast

Who is Wonder Woman? (2006-2007)



This episode we look at the first four issues and only annual from the 2006 volume of Wonder Woman, written by film co-screenwriter Allan Heinberg and drawn by Terry & Rachel Dodson. Introducing Agent Diana Prince of the Department of Metahuman Affairs and featuring every Wonger Girl, as well as a slew of other heroes in cameos. For Martin Gray's Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special #1 review, visit TOO DANGEROUS FOR A GIRL!Transcripts:Wonder Woman #1 (August, 2006) Wonder Woman #2 (September, 2006)Wonder Woman #3 (October, 2006)Wonder Woman #4 (February, 2007)Wonder Woman Annual #1 (2007)“Backstory” (2007)Who is Wonder Woman? TPB reviewWe don't have a Magic Sphere, so if you want to communicate with us about the podcast...Tweet host Diabolu Frank directly, or commune with @rolledspine as a group.Email DiaboluIf the main Diana Prince as the New Wonder Woman blog isn't your thing, try the umbrella Rolled Spine Podcasts.
