Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Finding Your Growth Edge



How will you show up when your growth edge presents itself to you? Growth edge is an opportunity that feels dangerous to move forward with but it actually gives you an opportunity to embrace vulnerability. What I see with my clients that create the biggest results and step into their rightful role as breadwinning business owners is that they are willing to go to the growth edge and endure the short- term discomfort it takes to get to the other side.  I don’t want you to be afraid of your growth edge any longer because it’s actually lighting the path for you and telling you - where you can personally grow.  That’s why in today’s episode, I want to share this concept with you because I know if you could just nail this as a practice this year, it will make all the difference for you. Learn …   How growth edge might usually look like and how it will show you EXACTLY what you need to do; The difference between growth edge and your intuition, and how it will put a mirror on everything within your thought process,