Northgate Christian Community

"Relationship: From Precept, to Principal, to the Person of God"



Precept: 1) a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought; 2) law Principle: 1) a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning; 2) a concept Person: 1) a human being regarded as an individual. Jon opened his thoughts by exploring the topic of adoption. Adoption is personal and relational.  Whereas law and principles are often the exact opposite.  To call God Abba, or Dad, is to say that God is relational.  To call Jesus an actual person is to claim God is personal.  To say there is a Trinity means that the force behind everything we see is pulling things into proper relationship with itself.   In 1 Corinthians 15, we read that the power of sin is the law.  The purpose of the Law was to help us to know we need a Savior.  The law was never meant to be the essence of relationship, but a catalyst to bring us into relationship.  We can see this from the beginning.  God creates humans to be in loving, intimate, relation with