Northgate Christian Community

"Show Your Face"



Tom McGreevy  When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge they discovered that they were naked. This lead them to cover themselves and hide. God responded by calling their names (Gen 3). It is the human tendency to hide the things we aren’t proud of. The question to ask is, “should we hide”? Tom offered his honest observations of religion and the culture it creates. Often when we think of what it means to be a Christian we think of our behaviors. If you look, act and behave a certain way, then you are in. Often we put on a smile and that tell others that everything is wonderful to try an live this out. Sadly, this is not always true, yet we regularly hide under a facade of positivity. Faking it with people, especially those of casual acquaintance, is understandable and maybe even appropriate at times. However, Tom believes we need people in our lives to let the real you out. What’s worse is when we take this hiding mentality to our relationship with God. In the story of Job, it is when Job finally gets hon