What Artists Listen To : An Art & Music Podcast

J. Parker Valentine



Very fortunately I met the artist J.Parker Valentine early on when I moved to LA last year and she was one of the first people I had the opportunity to speak to on the podcast.     J.Parker Valentine, a transplant herself but from New York, shows her work with Germany gallery Max Mayer where she is currently showing her recent body of work Transients In The High Plains.    I sat in the artist's home, drinking citrus tea and listening to her explain why why she chooses to make work that is not Instagram friendly, why she has different music in the studio to the home, and I heard funny stories from the years of road trips she's done across America!   To see J.Parker Valentine's work and learn more about the art podcast project What Artists Listen To go to https://www.whatartistslistento.com, it can also be found on Instagram , Facebook and Twitter.    This podcast was created by the artist Pia Pack, edited with the help of Tony Thaxton and the title music was created by musician Dylan Rippon.