
Episode 30: PhotoSpark Half Birthday Check In!



WOW! We can't believe PhotoSpark is 6 months old! It's been a bit of a whirlwind from the first spark of our podcast idea until now, but we are so happy with where we are right now! We have some awesome Facebook followers (shout out to all you guys!) and have made some awesome connections with other photographers & business owners both locally in San Diego and abroad via Skype! This week's episode is a little PhotoSpark half birthday check in from each of us; we're updating you guys on what's changed in our lives, businesses, and more in the last 6 months! First off; did you see the photo above?! We just hit TEN THOUSAND DOWNLOADS! That's soooo rad! We are so excited about how quickly we are growing and how many people have heard our podcast!! This is fantastic & we can't wait to see where we go next!! Julie starts us off by chatting about her rebranding! She hired a legit brand specialist (from England!) and is working really hard on honing in on exactly what she wants her specific brand to be! She'